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Embarassing Signing Moments
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Embarassing Signing Moments
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Posted by WINotaryGal on 6/25/05 9:30am
Msg #47685

Embarassing Signing Moments

I called to confirm appt. with borrower and referred to the Mrs. as Mr. The truly bad thing is, it wasn't a mistake. She has a deep voice and I thought I was talking with the Mr. I get to meet them today........good thing is I probably won't mistake her for him again.

Reply by janCA on 6/25/05 9:45am
Msg #47689

I know what you mean. I called to confirm one time, talked with the "Mr." and asked if his wife was also going to be signing. There is hesitation in his voice and then this "Nooooo". Just told him I wanted to make sure as both were to have ID's. Well, turns out, when I get there, "Whoops", he's gay and his parter was there, and was not signing. I felt so stupid, but they had the greatest house. It was decorated to the hilt and he is an artist and had done all this welding art in his yard. Also turned out that he was a "hair stylist" in town. The loan had to be re-signed, inaccuracies in the note, so the next signing took place at his salon. He is now my hair stylist and the best I've ever had.

Reply by Rick_In_NY on 6/26/05 4:24pm
Msg #47975

There are a lot of variations with respect to who may be in title on a house besides husband and wife. Probably the better question would be: "Is there anyone else who is either on title with you or who will also be signing the promissory note? Anyone signing papers will need to prove their identity with a gov't issued photo i.d. and provide a copy of that i.d. for the file."

Notwithstanding the many gay couples and unmarried hetero couples, what about the brother and sister who inherited from or were given a house by their parents? How awkward to ask if they are married, except in W. Virginia? [I'm joking, so sue me.]

At least the important thing is you got a good hair stylist out of the deal.

Reply by Jimmy_FL on 6/25/05 11:32am
Msg #47713

Hey don't feel bad. I did a loan signing last night. I was told that the borrower was a single man. I called to confirm the appointment and he told me that he was married. I felt like a fool. You gotta love SS's. I got the doc's later and called the SS to ask why they had'nt told me that he was married and they said really, we did'nt know that he was married. You gotta love the great communication between title companies and SS's.

Reply by DonnanorthernCA on 6/25/05 1:02pm
Msg #47729

I always ask if there is a spouse or coborrower.

Reply by Jimmy_FL on 6/25/05 1:40pm
Msg #47746

I did ask if the borrower was married and they told me no!! Boy was I surprised.. They said that they were sorry, but it was a misunderstanding. I should have been told that he was married. It was my signing ever. The loan was a chase loan and the loan officer lied badly to the borrowers. They spent 45 minutes on the phone with the rep..Live and learn...

Reply by christi_soca on 6/25/05 2:03pm
Msg #47749

I had a signing a couple days ago, I had talked to the lady borrower and she mentioned she was watching her grandkids, then when I got there the 2 borrowers were there but the man looked much younger than the woman so I assumed mom and son. With son (and his kids) living with mom. WRONG. married couple. I was so glad had kept my mouth shut!

Reply by Ted_MI on 6/25/05 6:23pm
Msg #47798


I had a similar situation but in reverse. I walked into a house of this married couple. In the living room were an older gentleman, an older woman, and a younger woman. I thought that the younger woman was the daughter, but it turned out she was his wife. and I guess she was older than she looked. Never did actually find out exactly who the older woman was. Luckily I kept my mouth shut.

My most embarrassing moments came on the phone when I inquired of two gentlemen (on separate occasions) if they were married. It turns out that their respective wives had both died within the past several months. What are you going to do? I had to ask the question.

Reply by christi/socal on 6/25/05 6:54pm
Msg #47810

it's getting so I afraid to say anything! :-)

Reply by Rick_In_NY on 6/26/05 4:29pm
Msg #47979

It's true, Ted, you had to ask and I am sure that while it might have been painful for the borrower to answer, it wasn't the first time nor will it be the last time they will have to discuss such matters. Sometimes they need to provide copies of the death certificate, too. It would be worse not to ask and then have to adjourn the signing for lack of the d/c at that moment.

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