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DHL - never again!
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DHL - never again!
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Posted by CarolynCO on 5/17/05 10:56pm
Msg #38522

DHL - never again!

If I ever get another signing where DHL is the return shipper, I will refuse the signing, or pay my own money and ship it FedEx. Long story short -- I did signing last Friday night. Saturday morning I signed onto DHL's site and entered my address and zip to find a shipping location that had Saturday pickup -- because many don't offer Saturday service. There is an OfficeMax a little over a mile from me with a drop box and also *authorized shipper* -- i.e., real live people. I had no DHL supplies (and will NEVER have any DHL supplies) so I opted to deal with *real people* -- I specifically asked about the Saturday pickup and was told it was noon on Saturday. I said the docs had to arrive on Monday. Imagine my surprise today (Tuesday) when I get a call at noon from SS advising that docs were shipped Ground and would arrive on Friday. Investigating further and tracking the shipment on DHL's site, the docs were not picked up until last night -- not from the OfficeMax where I left the package, but from a drop box in west Denver.

I spent over 2 hours tonight with the Manager of OfficeMax. She has involved 2 district managers and called the associate who helped me Saturday to come to the store tonight. I just got finished faxing the SS OfficeMax's documenation of what happened on their end Saturday.

Funding for the loan is supposed to occur tomorrow, but since they are literally on a slow truck ...

Reply by Nancy in Florida on 5/17/05 11:16pm
Msg #38527

Me too, never again, I had a 4 Pm closing at a builder's office and the onsite LO who normally would not be printing docs or preparing return labels was the only one available. He did a good job on the docs but when I asked about fedex (this builder always supplies a completed fedex airbill) and said I would complete it if he could give me the account number he said he would just give me a DHL envelope because he has an account with DHL. I have never used them before (fedex and UPS are my two carriers) and asked if he knew of a drop box, he did but he lead me on a wild goose chase because every other carrier had a box at this location except DHL. It was now close to 5:30 and I still had this package. I called DHL and all of their drop box locations are picked up by 5:00 or some even 4:30! They had one with a 5:45 pickup but is was too far for me to make it.

I called the Title co and explained it to them and she gave me her fedex account number. I just had enough time to get to the box and get supplies and get out the package. Never again will I go to any closing without return paks. I didn't take any with me because it has always been prepared and ready for me at this builder's office.

Reply by Mike/NJ on 5/17/05 11:18pm
Msg #38528

I sent a DHL package once I could not track it online called them and they could not find it either. When I called the TC they had the package.. DHL called a day later and still could not find it.. Way to Go DHL..

Reply by MissyNV on 5/17/05 11:33pm
Msg #38535

Did you know that DHL has the worst on time delivery record. UPS has the most on time, then of course FED EX. They are very hard to track. So, what you all have experienced is the norm for them not an exception. Why do you think the NNA gives us a discount.

My DHL guy in my area couldn't find his way out of a paper bag. I think the bright yellow trucks throws their sense of direction off.

Reply by ERNA_CA on 5/18/05 1:07am
Msg #38556

OMG you guys are all scaring me i sent one DHL saturday morning. No call yet but now im worried lol.

Reply by CarolynCO on 5/17/05 11:40pm
Msg #38538

I don't know how this will end, the major reason I wanted everything documented from the time the package left my hand. Unfortuntely, the young lady associate who helped me on Saturday morning is scared to death -- she's lucky I had 5 hours to calm down *some* before she had to come back to the store tonight. (While she was typing her story, she told me that herself, she uses FedEx!) The other reason I spent so much time getting it all documented was that the SS insisted that I send them the documentation -- whatever good that is going to do.

The only other experience I have had with DHL was last December. Dell has begun using DHL instead of FedEx. That time DHL left my new computer with DELL written all over the box (in a driveway) without obtaining a signature (although Dell had requested one) the next street over. As with you, DHL had not entered any shipping/tracking info into the computer. Fortunately, the computer was still there when the man got home and he was honest enough that he delivered it to me. To this day, if you enter Dell's shipping info into DHL's online tracker, my computer still shows that it is in transit.

Reply by DellaCa on 5/17/05 11:51pm
Msg #38542

Re: DHL - never again! I hear ya!

My story Saturday delivery and signing same day.I have my packages delivered to a mail center as I can not get early delivery at my home ( very late) and it is safe and secure.
Went to pick up package ( thought it was FEDEx or UPS) no package. Can not get a hold of borrower , kept looking for package at a later delivery time NO package.( my day gone)
Called ss ask what delivery service it was because no delivery it was DHL ,ss called and they said they could not find the place because it was in a gated comunity and they could not get in to have it signed for.WHAT?? It is a business in a shopping center! They will redeliver on Monday,resheudle on Monday with borrower ,HE IS NOT happy. When it was delivered the girl had to call to get directions is She for real???

Reply by Bill/ CA on 5/17/05 11:44pm
Msg #38539

Many times you will find out after you take the job the return is DHL. Do yourselves a favor, order supplies from all of them. Fedex is the only one that requires you to open an account to get supplies delivered. I have supplies for all of them.

I live in a remote area. DHL is 60 miles to the closest location. If I do a singing on friday, none of the services pick it up until monday. If the title companies chose to use DHL, they know what type of service they give. I just call them for a pick up at my door.

Reply by CarolynCO on 5/17/05 11:50pm
Msg #38541

Signing for 1-1/2 years now, this is the first (and last) signing I've ever had to ship DLH. I'm not about to order any supplies from them. I have a FedEx corporate office just a few miles from me -- put the package right in their hand and wam bam it's on the truck to the airport.

Reply by Bill/CA on 5/17/05 11:52pm
Msg #38543

That's fine if you want to pay for it. Some companies do not have an account with fedex.

Reply by CarolynCO on 5/17/05 11:58pm
Msg #38545

Re: And look what happens to the shipments for companies ...

that have DHL accounts. If you've never had any problems with them, that's great. I've had two problems now -- burn me once, shame on you -- burn me twice, shame on me. There won't be a third time.

Reply by Bill/CA on 5/18/05 10:09am
Msg #38607

Re: And look what happens to the shipments for companies ...

I never said I didn't have problems with them. It is just that when they are the only account a title company may have, what are you going to do?

Like I said I live in a remote area, there have been times they have not delivered documents because they just didn't drive here because they didn't have any other drop offs. Same thing with picking them up. I've done signings on friday, they didn't pick up until tuesday.

Just didn;t want you to lose business because of not wanting to use them. Many times after I've printed docs, I've found out it was DHL that the title company was using.

Reply by CarolynCO on 5/18/05 8:12pm
Msg #38866

Re: the signing is not worth DHL headache and stress

*Just didn;t want you to lose business because of not wanting to use them. Many times after I've printed docs, I've found out it was DHL that the title company was using.*

I may be wrong, but I believe that every SS I work through lists the account number and shipping address on my confirmations -- so I know in advance. Again, like I said, this is only the first time that DHL has been the shipper. The TC still hasn't received the loan docs, which were supposed to fund today. Who knows what the the fallout will end up being?

It's not just me -- DHL doesn't have a very big acceptance here. FedEx and UPS are too big and too strong. As for losing business by not accepting DHL shipments, for me, after this one snafu, I've already eaten my signing fee plus more (if I even get paid at all AND the borrowers don't decide to take action if they lose their lock-in rate), because of all my time spent on the phone with the SS, my time and added expense of faxing numerous documentation over and over to the SS, the 2+ hours I spent with the Manager and Associate of OfficeMax last night, and used cell minutes spent with the SS because of the shipment problem -- which are eating up new assignment call mintues. I've spent twice as much time on this signing outside the signing than it took to do the signing.

No thanks, I don't need this headache from DHL. When I worked with the Government we had a saying "If it definitely has to get there, don't send it by mail" -- I think it fits DHL. My husband will attest to the fact that I pick and choose who I do biz with -- once a business does me wrong, I won't use them again -- won't shop there -- won't buy gas from them -- won't use them to ship -- that's just how I am.

Reply by Reggie on 5/18/05 12:00am
Msg #38547

You are absolutely right about DHL they are undoubtly the worst.

I have an accout with both UPS and FedEx that way if I get a package Friday night I can go to the UPS store and ship it.


Reply by Mike/NJ on 5/18/05 12:17am
Msg #38551

Saturday drop offs - UPS Store by 1pm for Monday and Kinko's by 4pm for FedEx for Monday. I'm also lucky I have a large Fed Ex and UPS terminal 5 miles from me. 7:45pm pickups on weeknights.

Reply by Susan Axelrod on 5/18/05 12:06am
Msg #38548

Re: DHL - never again!Thanks for the tip!

Reply by calipat/ca on 5/18/05 1:41am
Msg #38561

Re: DHL...How about this one

Last week I was waiting for some docs. I had a note in bright pink paper on my door stating if I was unavailable to please leave docs behind screen door. FedEx came and left some docs behind my screen door as note said. UPS came and left something that my son had ordered online. When I got back home from one of my signings at 11am, I looked through all the docs and could not find the one that was scheduled to sign at 12pm as she was leaving out of town for a week the following day. I called SS who later called lender. Lender called and said it was shippied DHL. He said he would call back and see what the problem was because they were supposed to arrive by 10:30am. Lender calls me back and says, " DHL could not deliver because he could not get passed the gates." I said, " What gates?" Lender says, " You live in a gated community don't you." I said, " Unless they put up gates last night no I don't." He says, "Let me call you back again." He calls within 5 mins and has the dispatcher to DHL on the phone, she proceeds to tell me the same thing..." gated community". I said, "Nope not gated." She says, "Hold on a bit", (lender is also on the phone it is a 3 way conversation). Anyhow she says , "They did not know if DHL could come back and deliver that day so possibly tomorrow. I just laguhed and said, "Well tell him all fences, gates, brick walls,etc came down already." She laughed. I laughed, lender sighed. We ended up signing at 4:30pm. Dhl came to my door at 3:30. I met him at the door and remarked, "I hope you were able to get through the gates w/o a problem" He just smiled.
I just hope he was the same guy that had said I lived in a gated community if not he probably thought I was looney.

Reply by DellaCa on 5/18/05 10:55am
Msg #38627

Re: DHL...How about this one

We must live behind the same GATES Smiley

Reply by CaliNotary on 5/18/05 12:58pm
Msg #38660

Re: DHL...How about this one

What is it with these shipping companies and gates?

My apartment building is gated, yet the door that leads from the street to my apt pushes right open, doesn't lock. I've had way too many instances of something not being delivered because they "couldn't get into the building". It just boggles my mind that I have had to give instructions on how to open an unlocked door so I can get my packages delivered.

Reply by Nicole_NCali on 5/18/05 1:29pm
Msg #38679

Re: DHL...How about this one

This one will give you a kick. I have permission from my apt manager to post by the mail box, the stairs and on my apartment door instructions for delivering. I clearly state, please knock hard, if negative answer, leave package with manager. (Do not leave package on door stoop) Manager's office is open Mon-Saturday 8am to 7pm.

DHL drivers obviously do not read. My packages are left at the door all the time. Thank God, my husband works nights and is able to retrieve the packages.

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