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Posted by Cheryl_NV on 7/31/06 6:16pm
Msg #136351

AMR Notary

Is anyone else out there getting emails from them asking for donations?

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 7/31/06 6:18pm
Msg #136352

Re: AMR Notary-Well it was a lengthy e-mail filled with more

then asking for a one dollar donation but yes I did also.

Reply by Brenda/CA on 7/31/06 6:32pm
Msg #136359

Re: AMR Notary-Well it was a lengthy e-mail filled with more

It was apparently a test e-mail to update thneir database. Then as you scrolled down through it, they asked for a $1.00 donation for a couple with two children to buy a house (which seemed kind of tacky)!

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 7/31/06 7:31pm
Msg #136381

Re: AMR Notary-I agree Brenda CA n/m

Reply by BarbaraL_CA on 7/31/06 9:45pm
Msg #136416

Re: AMR Notary- went to my spam box, it is...

different than the one she sent out last month, but as Brenda says, a plea at the end.

Reply by Jason on 7/31/06 7:03pm
Msg #136369

SS or TC?

Just got email from AMR.

Is AMR SS or TC?


Reply by Sylvia_FL on 7/31/06 7:08pm
Msg #136374

Re: SS or TC? - AMR is a SS n/m

Reply by MichiganAl on 7/31/06 7:56pm
Msg #136387

Is this the same company we were talking about last month?

Or is this another tacky company asking for us to pay for someone we don't know so that they can buy a house?

Reply by DogmongerCA on 7/31/06 9:15pm
Msg #136410

Since they are still doing it

and someone has outed them, and since I recieved the e-mail this time. I confirm, same tacky offer, from the same company. I edited their names, but since they are still sending it out, I guess all bets are off.

Reply by Becca_FL on 7/31/06 10:52pm
Msg #136426

Wow, Dog...

I can't believe this. I like Monica a lot and know her heart is always in the right place, but the email that you posted last month was a little much. I don't believe that she would refuse work to those that did not contribute, but the request was, in my opinion, out of line.

I too have had a hard life, but did not solicit my friends and colleagues for a dollar so I could buy a house. Hell, it has been a bit slow this summer, anyone want to send a dollar towards my mortgage?

I still believe in working hard and setting goals to get to where you want to be. AND, if you can't afford kids, don't get pregnant.

Reply by BrendaTx on 7/31/06 11:31pm
Msg #136428

Re: Wow, Dog...

I agree Becca. Monica's heart is in the right place. While it may intimidate some who do not know her about the contribution, I agree she will not withhold work from those who do not contribute. I will make a small contribution to this cause...and I did not even get the email. Had no idea. Thank you for letting me know about this. I love this forum.

I do believe that if Monica is asking it is on her heart and she believes it is a good cause. I do not disagree with ANYONE about the possibility of seeming tacky. However, I'd rather send this girl a check than to give it to a situation where it gets watered down in administrative, salaries and apportionments.

It's a personal decision to make but I truly believe as good as my business has been the last month I can surely spare a little bit for a purpose when someone puts their professional reputation on the line to ask for it. Tacky? Maybe. Gutsy and meant with the heart in the right place? Definitely.

Reply by christiSocal on 8/1/06 1:18am
Msg #136430


I love the way you have with words. And agree with what you said.

Reply by Brenda/CA on 8/1/06 5:16pm
Msg #136537

Re: Wow, Dog...

I do not personally know Monica, and I do believe she may have her heart in the right place. I do not mean tacky as an inflamatory insult to Monica directly, but to what the request for the donations was for. I have and will continue to donate to things that have to do with, medical expense, hardships, non profit organizations, or any other worthy cause. If the family involved in this request were a homeless or destitute family, or just don on their luck, or were somehow displaced from a home that would be different. However, the message read they are a family wanting to buy their first home. In my opinion the purchase of a home is something that people work hard, and save money for. Maybe I am dating myself, but I have always instilled in my children that you have to work for the things you want in life. And, they are in turn instilling these same values in my grandchildren. This post is not meant to argue or disagree with anyone else, as we all have our differences of opinion. This is JMHO.

Reply by AMR SERVICES, INC. Roberts on 8/1/06 5:17pm
Msg #136538

Hello....From the horse's mouth.
I am doing my yearly Data Base Maintenance right now. If I ferret out bad email address's it helps me to either update or delete bad information. Then when we are making calls to fill appointments quickly, we are not calling people who are not available. There is nothing new in that.
Nothing new about my spelling a grammer skills. They have not improved...Spell check does not correct your grammer unfortunatly.
The first email I sent out in regards to Robyn was sent out late one night and somewhat of a whim because of my desire to find the best thing I could do for her in regards to her upcoming baby. It was only sent to about 500 People. I was nervous about doing it so it was not well written. I used to adhere to the "when in doubt, don't" method. But I've gotten a little more gutsy after 40.
Every email I send has this tag for Robyn on it and there is information regarding the $1.00 drive posted on my website along with the results etc. I send emails to all kinds of people....and I consider you my peers not my subs. Although...technically you are sub-contractors.
My orginal thought was anonymous donations.
People from other groups that I work in other areas get emails with the link, friends get emails with the link, family get's emails with the link, clients get the emails with the link.
I am sorry that some people are offended by this and NO I would not descriminate against anyone. I expected anyone that wanted to "participate" to just pop a buck in the mail and send it without names. But I would never descriminate against anyone for any reason except for their attitude and skills.
With me attitude is everything...
We appreciate the cards and participation we have already had and would appreciate it not being a issue but opportunity to join in and watch the progress or abstain from participation and judgement.
Monica Roberts

Reply by Brenda/CA on 8/1/06 6:01pm
Msg #136547

Hi Monica,
Thank you for taking the time to post a message from the "horse's mouth". I don't know you and I am not standing in judgement of you. Everyone has the right to their opinions and beliefs, which is what makes us all different. I just associate donations with worthy causes, and this just did not seem to fit into that category (not meant as an insult to your cause or reasons). JMHO!

Reply by AMR SERVICES, INC. Roberts on 8/1/06 11:48pm
Msg #136631

I can understand that and I cannot post the reasons that I find her a worthy cause for a "hand up" or a "hand out". People that know me....know that is not my regular thing...I don't ask people for money....I don't raise money. This is a one time deal. I do not even raise money for MS and I have MS.
Rewards should be for the people who work hard...not people who want charity or to show themselves a worthy cause. She would not consider herself a worthy cause. But I do.
Thanks you guys for not slaying me completey and for the the cards and dollar bills we have been getting. What has surprised me is the people who sent $25 and $35 dollar checks. I have some updating to do but I believe we have collected over $100. Not nearly enough but every little bit get's her one day closer to her first home.
For those of you who let me into your own hearts and lives by sharing other things with me...If $100 and the three people whom I have been able to connect and help and be helped...then that is 5 people who benefited from this experience so far. I consider it a win already.
CHeers and get ready....I think August is going to be HOT and have a very busy EOM!

Reply by SarahBeth_CA on 8/2/06 12:13am
Msg #136635

Give her a raise

If she is a hard worker and deserves it. Reach in to your own pocket, you know from the percentage that you keep from each signing. If you give her 3 dollars from each signing and you had 1000 signings per month you could reach your goal in just a few months. This cause my be in your heart but it really isn't a worthy cause. It's extremely tacky to send out emails regarding this. And how did you think that sending it to only 500 people that the goal would be met. My gosh I would be mortified if I were her. I hope nobody at AMR reads the boards. I'd be looking for another job, one where the boss doesn't announce my personal needs to others.

Reply by CaliNotary on 8/2/06 4:17am
Msg #136644

Amen SarahBeth

I'm really surprised at the timidity of the responses in this thread, especially compared to the last one on this same sujbect.

I don't care if Monica's heart is in the right place, it is BEYOND unprofessional for her to be sending out solicitations for money for ANY reason. And that this solicitation is for somebody to buy a freaking house makes it even more appalling.

Monica, pull your head out of your butt and stop this nonsense. I can guarantee that you've offended more people than you know, and that you've only collected a measly $100 shows that almost nobody but you cares about this employee's desire (not need) to purchase a house. Inappropriate doesn't even begin to describe what you're doing.

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