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Sign on car: What if the car in question ...
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Sign on car: What if the car in question ...
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Posted by Ernest__CT on 6/10/06 3:31pm
Msg #125146

Sign on car: What if the car in question ...

... is ... umm ... less than spectacular? My car is a 1995 Geo Prism, with some faded paint. To boot, there's a 18-wheel track spring permanently (yes, permanently!) embedded in the front. The car has been a workhorse, with 200,000+ miles on it so far.

I've considered signs, but worry about people having a low opinion of the services offered based on the perceived worth of the car to which the signs are attached. Thoughts, please? (Buying a pristine car is not an option now.)

Reply by Stamper_WI on 6/10/06 3:34pm
Msg #125148

Ok I'll bite

How did the sping get there?

Reply by Stamper_WI on 6/10/06 3:34pm
Msg #125149

Re: Ok I'll bite


Reply by Ernest__CT on 6/10/06 3:42pm
Msg #125150

The source of the spring (a saga).

Years ago, when I was driving on the turnpike at ~65 mph, the car ahead of us drove over some debris on the road. The car flipped up the truck spring. Because there was a car too close behind us, I could not jam on my brakes. Because there was a car to our right, I could not change lanes. Because we were on a bridge, I could not move to the left shoulder. The best I could do was slow down so that the spring would not come through the windshield, decapitating both my son and me. The offending car's passenger turned around and saw the spring hit our car, but the driver actually sped up! I didn't get the license plate number.

When various people have tried to remove the spring, one end pivots toward the radiator. Rather than poke a hole in the radiator, or pay to have the radiator (etc.) then the spring removed, I've left it in place and endured the comments.

Reply by Stamper_WI on 6/10/06 3:45pm
Msg #125151

Re: The source of the spring (a saga).

That was a heads up! Good quick thinking and a family history story! Glad you and your son were ok!

Reply by Stamper_WI on 6/10/06 3:47pm
Msg #125152

If you got a sign stressing "mobile"

..I think they'd believe you!

Reply by Ernest__CT on 6/10/06 3:47pm
Msg #125153

Thank you.

Would you have an opinion of a sign on my car, or even thoughts to share?

Reply by PAW on 6/10/06 3:53pm
Msg #125154

Re: Thank you.

You're in CT. New England business folks quite often drive Road Beaters. I did for years. Oh, there may be some who would try to associate shoddy workmanship with the looks of a Road Beater, but I suggest, most folks would write down (or remember) the sign better since it was on a "distinctive" vehicle. And they would need your service, not a ride. Smile

Reply by Ernest__CT on 6/10/06 4:03pm
Msg #125158

Good points! Thanks!

"Distinctive" is the most positive thing the car has been called. You're right; a taxi service I'm not.

Reply by Missy_Lulu on 6/10/06 8:44pm
Msg #125182

Re: Thank you.

Is the option of a static sign available opposed to a bumper sticker or magnetic?

Reply by PAW on 6/10/06 8:52pm
Msg #125185

Re: Thank you.

If you mean a "static cling" sign for attachment to the inside of a window, no, that isn't an option. There are only two options: magnetic and adhesive backed. These are laser cut from laminate material, not printed or silk screened, so it doesn't make for good static cling material.

Also, I don't recommend using the adhesive signs on any painted surface, including bumpers (since they are painted on most cars). Adhesive works fine on the glass and chrome bumpers though. If you ever need to remove them, some adhesive may remain. Spray with WD-40 to remove the adhesive residue.

Reply by Missy_Lulu on 6/10/06 9:23pm
Msg #125186

Re: Thank you.

Thanks Paul

Reply by CaliNotary on 6/10/06 11:51pm
Msg #125202

Well well, look who showed her face again

Lets see if she has the balls to address what her real agenda is for being here. My guess is that she's just going to play dumb and conveniently ignore everything that shows what she really is.

Reply by AngelinaAZ on 6/11/06 1:37am
Msg #125210

Gee I don't know...

Maybe she's looking for a great design on car signs so she can duplicate it and then sell it as if it were her own.

Reply by Stamper_WI on 6/10/06 3:53pm
Msg #125155

Re: Thank you.

I have been debating what to put on mine for a long time. I drive a little Jetta. I would prefer the signs mounted on the back to give the folks something to read while waiting to get through all the road construction around here. I like "Mobile Notary Public" then the Phone #

You could mount an old impression seal on your spring! LOL

Reply by Erin C. Wall Signature Services on 6/10/06 4:06pm
Msg #125159

Springing To Action.......great gimmick!! LOL!! Look on...

the bright side:your car is not on the Most Likely to be Stolen List and you must not owe any car payments! I have an 85 Town Car I swear by, not the prettiest or fastest, but my keys never leave the ignition. (Never lose my keys) Love older cars, keep on truckin'............Smile

Reply by Ernest__CT on 6/10/06 4:09pm
Msg #125161

(ROFL!) See what happens when we solicit ideas?r n/m

Reply by Ernest__CT on 6/10/06 4:07pm
Msg #125160

Aha! There's a great idea!

Welding an old-style impression seal to the truck spring would certainly get attention.

I agree; just "Mobile Notary Public" plus the phone number would be best. Nothing else is needed.

Reply by janCA on 6/10/06 6:36pm
Msg #125171

Nothing else is needed except....

a big smile when you know someone is reading and writing down the phone number. Okay, where are the darn smilies???

Reply by NCLisa on 6/10/06 9:40pm
Msg #125187

I've got signs on the car I'm driving, 1988 Toyota Camry that is missing some paint, has 219,000 miles, and generally looks very old. It is the car that I drive to 90% of my closings, drive carpool with in the mornings, etc. I also have a sign on my 2001 Ford F150, that I only drive if I'm taking out garbage to the dump, or hauling horses somewhere. I've noticed that with the price of gas, there are a lot of old beaters on the road like my camry, people with trucks and suv's can't afford the gas. I've gotten 2 calls off my car signs in the last 6 weeks.

Reply by tysmom on 6/11/06 10:20am
Msg #125237

Thanks PAW, I just got my sign, looks great on my Ford Escape. I hope it helps since business is so slow here in Northern CA, guess it can't hurt.

Reply by BrendaTx on 6/11/06 10:50am
Msg #125242

Re: Sign on car: People who drive 88 beaters are usually

very confident in their abilities, do not have to make a "statement," have good credit, do not owe much to anyone, and do not have their egos dependent on a "look" or a car payment.

I have a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am which only has 49,000 miles on it. I used it for school two years and drove it 16 miles five days per week I needed to or not. Studying is busy business.

I plan on driving it another three to five years.

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 6/11/06 3:06pm
Msg #125271

Re: Sign on car: People who drive 88 beaters are usually

"very confident in their abilities, do not have to make a "statement," have good credit, do not owe much to anyone, and do not have their egos dependent on a "look" or a car payment. "

Well, TEXRENDA I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one your above statement is not necessarily so. An acquaintance of mine recently made that same statement.
You mean to say a person can't have a car of their choosing that happens to be popular on the roadway, have good credit, owe little to all most no one, have no ego issues, and care less what others think but merely enjoy a car of their liking, that when it passes by it makes you go WOW?

Reply by BrendaTx on 6/11/06 3:23pm
Msg #125273

Re: Sign on car: People who drive 88 beaters are usually

Oh dear...LkA, you apparently have never had a thing for a sexy brain (geek) in a beater, or a cattleman in a ten year old truck. As usual, these comments are "all about me" and a story I could tell but won't.

As to Texrenda, that'll work later, but for this post I prefer "Jezebel"

Reply by LkArrowhd/CA on 6/11/06 6:01pm
Msg #125294

Re: Sign on car: People who drive 88 beaters are usually

I married a guy that didn't have a car, I drove him around.....dates were with my car......Hell I've had a date on a tractor-try that on for size.....

Reply by BrendaTx on 6/11/06 6:26pm
Msg #125297

Tractor dating? Hmmm. Not like today's "speed dates"

I'll bet. Never been picked up on a tractor...never drove a tractor. I'll bet you have.

I must look into that.

Reply by Erin C. Wall Signature Services on 6/11/06 7:22pm
Msg #125301

<likes tractors, old cars, dudes in old cars, no ego here...

thats like a waffle isn't it??? LOL!!!!!

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