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help refilling HP 1320TN toner
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help refilling HP 1320TN toner
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Posted by yani_fl on 1/21/07 10:54am
Msg #171938

help refilling HP 1320TN toner

I tried opening the hole with the tool and I think I went to far. The plastic little piece didn't just come out. I had to pull it out with pliers but it seemed like I melted further than I was supposed to. I'm afraid to refill and have toner go everywhere. Any ideas. TIA

Reply by Dave_CA on 1/21/07 11:11am
Msg #171941

I've had this happen and, assuming you did not go more than 1/2" or so, you should be fine.
I suggest refilling over a trash bag laid out on the counter as there always seems to be some toner that escapes.
You also want to ensure that the hole is taped securely so that toner does not leak.
I have refilled 4 cartridges 2 or 3 times each with no problem and only a little mess but I have started using Cartridge World as I like having the chip replaced so the printer is not constantly nagging me about toner.

Reply by Regal/NC on 1/21/07 7:35pm
Msg #171975

Place cellophane tape over contact to extinguish light n/m

Reply by Leon_CO on 1/21/07 11:15am
Msg #171942

Duct tape. Smile

I'm only half joking. I own the 1320, and have done the same thing.

I used the small flashlight that came with the toner refill kit to see where there might be leaks in the cartridge. I used the aluminum tape that comes with the kit to seal any leaks. I kept peering through the cartridge with the flashlight and adding small bits of tape until I was satisfied I had sealed the cartridge completely. It worked just fine.

Good luck.

Reply by Brad_CA on 1/21/07 11:12pm
Msg #171993 Q5949A for the 1320tn is $44.95 or less.

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