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And I beg, please...
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And I beg, please...
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Posted by Ndwa on 3/30/07 8:04pm
Msg #183058

And I beg, please...

keep the phone on, with you and answer when it rings, otherwise don't bother calling me back.

Reply by JanetLA on 3/30/07 8:22pm
Msg #183060

Hmmm. Well I turn my phone off during signings or I would not ever complete one. To whom do you direct your telephone ettiquette?

Reply by Linda Juenger on 3/30/07 8:57pm
Msg #183066

I never ever turn my phone off. We go into strangers homes. I want to be able to use it instantly if I should ever need to. However, I turn it on vibrate and keep it in my pocket. When it vibrates during a signing, I politely check the number and decide if I take it or not. I also have my husband call me once in a while when I'm not in a very good area. When I do have to take a call, I apologize to the borrowers and they are always gracious. They answer theirs while I'm there. I also don't want to lose a signing.

Reply by CaliNotary on 3/30/07 10:10pm
Msg #183074

Etiquette, schmetiquette

It is customary for any business to take phone calls during the course of operations, we're no different.

If you're willing to lose a bunch of business just on the basis of politeness, more power to ya. For me, running a successful business takes priority over being successful at etiquette. The borrower will live if I take a 30 second phone call during their signing, I'm not gonna give up a hundred bucks or so just on the off chance that they might be offended. Especially since in my 4 years of doing this, I've never had one borrower who looked remotely bothered by me answering a brief business call.

Reply by pan/nd on 3/30/07 8:55pm
Msg #183064

OK Andy,

I hear you.

My cell's on all the time 24/7/365.

During signings, it's on...when I'm driving in a snowstorm, it's on..when I'm sleeping, it's on...

when I'm chewing dinner, it's get the picture.

I tell folks if it rings during a signing it's because I'm in demand because lenders know I have a history of not making mistakes on borrowers' docs.

Reply by SvetSFBay on 3/30/07 9:26pm
Msg #183069

Re: And I beg, please...A little long

People who are successful in this business, know: you HAVE to keep your phone on at all times, rain or shine. If you want to get a spare one so battery won't die on you, so be it, but phone should be on always - whether you're taking a shower or on the exercise ball at the gym(happened to me yesterday!lol), or having dinner, or anything else you can think of; put in on vibrate, keep conversations short and sweet, but keep the phone on! I've been part-timer for many years, and have found that Bluetooth gadget works wonders and keeps distractions at the office to the minimum.

Andy had mentioned a notary who didn't have time to check his messages while at the office - having 'other' job isn't an excuse. If you've completed a signing and know that there might be questions for you, or for any other reasons, take a second, step outside an office door and check your messages, even if you had to do it in the bathroom stall!

If you've missed a call, know that when you call, 99% of the time it'll be a goner. Importance of this have been beaten to death on this and other boards, but I guess it's important to repeat it every once in a while, just like telling newbies to use search button first,lol

However, one thing irritates me, and I am not sure whether others observed the same thing: you get a call, for whatever reason you miss it and when you listen to your VM a minute later, there's a very detailed message, describing the signing and for you to call back. When you do call back another minute late, that closing is already gone. This is understandable, but why in the world someone takes time to describe the signing and requirements and whatnot and immediately after hanging up goes on to another notary?

Reply by JanetLA on 3/30/07 10:11pm
Msg #183075

Everyone has a different way to succeed in the business

I always turn my phone of (or on silent) during signings. It rings so often that I would never accomplish a professional signing if I looked at it each time or answered it each time it rings. I do find that some of the signings are taken when I return the calls, but I get the next one.. I keep very busy and it works for me. To each his own, and to each his own form of success. I am very successful; and have just graduated from lawschool (paying my way with mortgage signings and other notarial acts) is not that you have to do things a certain way. I am happy with my results and happy that others find the way that works for them. But it is unfair to say that the only way to be successful is to leave the phone on... Have a good weekend

Reply by KJ/IA on 3/30/07 11:08pm
Msg #183093

Re: Everyone has a different way to succeed in the business

very true... I respect.... to each his/her own, however, I believe in the agressive way, of answer all calls, get as much income as possible. I have never had a borrower having a problem with me answering my cell phone during a closing.

Reply by MikeC/NY on 3/30/07 11:49pm
Msg #183103

JanetLA - didn't want to let this slip by...

<<I am very successful; and have just graduated from lawschool (paying my way with mortgage signings and other notarial acts).>>

You said it as almost an afterthought... Good for you, and congratulations!

Reply by Ndwa on 3/31/07 1:46am
Msg #183124

Re: JanetLA - didn't want to let this slip by...

I doubt Janet would re-evaluate her "success" had she been at this full-time.

Reply by christiSocal on 3/31/07 2:39am
Msg #183126

reiterating, one more time

As several others have said, I also have NEVER had a borrower upset with me for answering my phone! I generally mention it "could" be regarding their loan, so I need to check. I do keep it brief and let personal calls go to voicemail though.

Reply by lenelle/FL on 3/31/07 3:40pm
Msg #183185

Same here, Christi.

I totally agree with Christi and always answer my phone unless it shows as a personal call. Again, no one has been upset with me for doing this. How many times do we have the Borrowers getting up for a drink, to answer the phone, etc., so I really do not think that they really care if you are conducting your business. Most likely you were in the same position when it came time to schedule thier appointment.

Reply by JanetK_CA on 4/1/07 5:04pm
Msg #183264

Yep! It's all in HOW you handle it. n/m

Reply by Ernest__CT on 3/31/07 7:03am
Msg #183134

Congratulations, JanetLA! Or should we say "JanetLA, Esq."? n/m

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