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Truth In Lending Statements
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Truth In Lending Statements
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Posted by TomNY on 3/17/07 11:29am
Msg #180350

Truth In Lending Statements

Can someone tell me what is the name of the loan that excludes the Truth In Lending Statement? If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it very much!!

Reply by CaliNotary on 3/17/07 12:41pm
Msg #180358

Test question I take it? n/m

Reply by Ernest__CT on 3/17/07 7:28pm
Msg #180382

Do not ask us to help you cheat.

Exams are to test YOUR knowledge, not ours.

Reply by Larry/Ca on 3/17/07 9:17pm
Msg #180412

Fair question.....

Who here can say they learned this through anything but experience? The answer they are looking for is not even called a loan, more like an agreement. And there is more than one answer. The only answer that would cover all would be, "a loan that is not covered by RESPA".

Reply by Susan Fischer on 3/17/07 9:36pm
Msg #180414

*****1/2 n/m

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