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2 appointments, same docs, what's your fee??
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2 appointments, same docs, what's your fee??
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Posted by pjc on 5/1/07 10:02pm
Msg #188359

2 appointments, same docs, what's your fee??

LO called and asked if I could reschedule signing for tonight. Borrower lives nearby and asked if she could come to my home. I agreed. After one hour and a lengthy telephone call between borrower and LO, she was reluctant to sign until she got more questions answered. We all agreed that we would meet again tomoroow evening and attempt this signing again.

Isn't that 2 appointments and wouldn't you charge 2 fees? Opinion???

Reply by jac_il on 5/1/07 10:10pm
Msg #188361

Yes I would charge 2 fees.

Reply by pjc on 5/1/07 10:30pm
Msg #188369

Thanks, jac, that's my thinking too

Reply by MikeC/NY on 5/1/07 10:45pm
Msg #188371

That depends - what's your hourly rate?

I don't think it's as simple as 2 appointments, 2 fees. Borrower came to you, so there's no trip fee. Print fee depends on whether you printed the docs and whether they have to be redrawn and printed again. What you're left with after that is how much time you actually spend on the assignment.

If the hiring entity offers to pay a double fee, go for it. Otherwise, be willing to negotiate something that pays you fairly for the time you're investing.

Reply by Larry/Ca on 5/1/07 10:54pm
Msg #188372

I think you have to take the good with the bad in this business. I have made two trips and not been paid extra. Your decision to charge extra may depend on how good of client this is. Some may completely understand and others may balk at two signing fees. The fee I quote covers the signing if it takes 1/2hr or 2 1/2hrs. The print fee is the same for 50 pages or 250 pages. The borrower came to you, this is not two trip fees. Obviously you make the rules for your business but I personally would not charge two signing fees here.

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