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Confused Siging Agent In Texas
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Confused Siging Agent In Texas
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Posted by Abel Treviso on 5/31/07 5:04pm
Msg #193022

Confused Siging Agent In Texas

Can someone explain why I am not receiving any signing appointments? I have many years of experience, and I have signed up with many companies, but no responses. Just don't understand.

Very Confused!

Reply by EastTxNotary on 5/31/07 5:16pm
Msg #193024

What area do you serve? If you'd link to your profile, we could take a look and see if there are any ideas we can offer you. In the meantime, continue marketing!

Reply by Paul_IL on 5/31/07 6:00pm
Msg #193032

How can you be an experienced signing agent when you have never done a signing?

Reply by Abel Treviso on 6/1/07 2:45am
Msg #193096

Paul I have alot of experience in the Industry, and have been doing closings since 2000 for other companies to answer your question. Plus I have alot of mortage experience aswell.

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/31/07 7:27pm
Msg #193051

Abel, You are in a very saturated area. There are 165 notaries within 30 miles of you listed with

Just out of curiosity I did a search on the middle of Austin to draw a comparison. There are 33 notaries listed within 30 miles of the downtown Austin zip code.

I also did a search on 30 miles out of the middle of Houston...120 notaries listed within that you can see you are fighting quite a battle of saturation.

The refi business is about dead, except for adjustable rate mortgages. I looked at your profile and you do have good experience but it's a little late to be getting into the game because unless you have a way to do HELOCs (inside a title co, law office, or lender branch) it makes for slim pickins' in a saturated area.

Wish I had better news for you, but that's pretty much the truth of it.

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