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Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide? n/m
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Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide? n/m
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Posted by Sharon Mayes on 5/4/07 7:11pm
Msg #188903

Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide? n/m

Reply by ZeeCA on 5/4/07 7:13pm
Msg #188905

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

are you taking about the ss? or the loans?

Reply by Sharon Mayes on 5/4/07 7:20pm
Msg #188909

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

Being paid and waiting a long time for the docs

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 5/4/07 7:23pm
Msg #188912

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

I did one a couple weeks ago through LandAm - was supposed to be paid off the HUD - if they didn't rescind (which I don't think they did) it disbursed on 4/25/07 - gonna give it a few more days then start making some calls.

Reply by NVnotary on 5/4/07 7:28pm
Msg #188916

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

I foolishly took a midnight loan from a district manager at Countrywide back in 10/06. I am still pursuing payment. I have gone up the chain of command with no luck. It has become a mission with me so I still pursue it. Good luck, they are tough to deal with.

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 5/4/07 7:46pm
Msg #188923

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

I'd like to think that since I'm on the HUD I'll be paid timely - we shall see.

Reply by Michelle_KY on 5/4/07 7:53pm
Msg #188925

Waiting on docs

Yes to your 'waiting on docs" question. My CW docs are almost always late. (With every other commercial advertising CW loans, I just keep telling myself that they are very, very busy and cranking out the docs as fast as they possibly can.)

Reply by aatatusko on 5/4/07 7:41pm
Msg #188920

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

I had a Countrywide loan via EFS, the borrower was an underwriter, I thought, this is going to be a piece of cake. Turns out, it was my worst nightmare. Not because she was an underwiter, because of all the problems with the HUD. The borrower (rightly so) challenged ever line. Still got it out same night, Kinkos takes fedex up until 7pm.

Reply by kbowie/WA on 5/4/07 11:31pm
Msg #188949

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

Late Docs, Yes. Had a loan through EFS. Started receiving docs at 3:45 (appt. at 4 an hour away), received final HUD at 4:30. Loan did sign.

Reply by Tess/ME on 5/5/07 8:08am
Msg #188962

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide? YES

The first, and only closing I did which came direct from Countrywide was a very large pak and it came from one of their Texas offices. I invoiced, waited a couple of months, past due invoice, fax, phone calls, etc. Finally a return call "I'm sorry but we send all of our invoices to our CA branch and you'll be paid from there". Well, to make a long, long story short, it took almost 6 months and speaking with a lot of nasty people before I received a check. Also had to resend W-9, invoice etc. I won't work directly for Countrywide again.
Working through a SS on a Countrywide isn't too bad but they do tend to keep you on your toes up to the very last minute awaiting docs. In fact, night before last I was printing them at 7:20 for an 8:00 closing. But I made it there and the loan signed.

Reply by GF_CA on 5/5/07 8:09am
Msg #188963

Re: Has anyone ever had a problem with Countrywide?

I did a signing for CW last month, I had to call the processor of the loan to bepaid after 3 weeks. Sound thatthe Title Company "forgot" to send my check.

Reply by MelissaCT on 5/7/07 1:23pm
Msg #189216

I see a recurring theme...still waiting on pmt myself

from a CW-direct (through ServiceLink) signing. For those who did finally get paid, do you have a contact name or # that finally produced results for you?

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