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Posted by Ava Williams on 5/7/07 3:17pm
Msg #189241


I am a new notary to this system. I have a client who want to know if i do inspections. What do they mean by that. Am i signing saying that they inspection has been done ore do i do the actual inspection. Truely confused. Help !

Reply by Lee/AR on 5/7/07 3:27pm
Msg #189245

You do the actual inspection. Generally, you need to upload photos & stuff like that. I hope you get a reply from someone who actually does them. I have found them to be too cheap/too far away to bother with... but, that's just me in podunk junction, here. Some people do really well, I guess.

Reply by ck_KY on 5/7/07 3:36pm
Msg #189250

I do various types of inspections, along with my loan closings. Generally, they pay between $15-$60 depending on the type of inspections such as drive-by, address verifications, contract verifications etc. The pay is low, but normally you have a 10 day turnaround time. I usually have 3 or 4 in one county that I cover, and do them all at once. It really wouldn't pay to drive 30 miles to an inspection, and 30 miles back for a fee of $25.00. But when you have 3 or 4 on the same day, it makes it worth it. To me, it really fills in the down times when closings are slow. Tomorrow, I have a closing in a county where I also have an inspection 4 miles down the road. Easy money if you ask me! PM me if you have any other questions.

Reply by CopperheadVA on 5/7/07 3:45pm
Msg #189251

I have done a few for a company that pays $15. You have to take at least three photos (they specify what they want the photos to be of, such as address verification, front of house, and street view) and type in a brief property description. For $15, it has to be really close, like within 3 miles or I won't accept it. Sometimes they'll pay more if no one accepts the job within the first couple days. They send you a notification by e-mail and you can choose to accept it or ignore it.

Reply by ZeeCA on 5/7/07 3:45pm
Msg #189252

the NNA is now pushing for notaries to go into this field as

they say the field has become such that alterntives to make $ most be explored. they are stating that you can make MUCHO $$$$ doing this....

i can see it now.. classes three times a week in every area training to be inspectors just like they do three a week for notaries.................

just my 2c

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/7/07 6:58pm
Msg #189286

Zee, you've got to be kidding. n/m

Reply by ZeeCA on 5/7/07 7:03pm
Msg #189288

Nope the latest magazine had a whole article (3 pages) about

that and inspections was at the top of their list.......... along w/ about 4-5 more suggestons..

Reply by ME/NJ on 5/7/07 3:52pm
Msg #189254

I do about 30 a year, they don't pay well so I base it on 1/2 hour of total time before I take them. (Travel, shots, upload) the avg pay is 15-25 dollars.

Every now and then I get lucky and have 3-4 in one day.

Reply by rengel/CA on 5/7/07 4:37pm
Msg #189268

I made an extra $1600 last year from drive-by inspections for just one company! I've done as many as 37 in two days and then have had a month or two without any. I do this for several companies. It's good fill-in $$, especially if you can string several together in one outing.
My .02

Reply by Michelle/AL on 5/7/07 6:47pm
Msg #189283

Ava, I'm not sure if you've already done this or not...

....if you have you can ignore the rest of my posting. There is quite a bit of information on inspections already posted here on Notary Rotary. If you use the orange search button and type "inspections"; not only will you get helpful information, you will also see the names of notaries who are involved in the inspection business. This will allow you to contact some of us/them directly with your questions. Good luck.

Reply by claudine osborne on 5/7/07 9:14pm
Msg #189300

Re: Ava, I'm not sure if you've already done this or not...

For more info you can check this out

Reply by Heather Templin on 5/8/07 9:15am
Msg #189319

Where do you find these companies? I did a google search and only came across one. I would be interested in doing this, however, not sure where to start.

Reply by Charles_Ca on 5/8/07 10:21am
Msg #189326

Did you try searching here, I know of at least two people

who offered lists of inspection compaies to anyone who wanted it. Sometimes the information is just lying at your feet, all you have to do is bend over and pick it up (in this case use the site search button)

Reply by Heather Templin on 5/10/07 11:54am
Msg #189689

Re: Did you try searching here, I know of at least two people

As a matter of fact I did try searching ( I seem to remember from previous readings that is everyones response when a question is asked).

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