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JR, SR and name changes
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JR, SR and name changes
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Posted by ZeeCA on 5/22/07 5:28pm
Msg #191393

JR, SR and name changes

Okay, my 2c on the name discussion. I changed my name when I was still a young child. When I was in my teens I made an appointment with our corp lawyer to find out what I had to do “legally” to change my name. He told me that I did not have to spend the $ to change anything unless I wanted to that the law would allow me to change my name and be xxxx AS LONG AS I RECOGNIZED AND ANSWERED TO MY PREVIOUS NAME FOR ANY LEGAL REASON. My DL, passport and anything else all have my new legal name. The only paper I own that has my birth name on it is my birth cert and I have NEVER had any probs.

Now interestingly I have a male relative and a female who married an uncle with similar names and we all have different MI and very different ages. I have had to go to court to prove I was not either of them to keep from losing my dl not once but twice. Go figure.

and I have seen so many similar stories on the net as the one h/she was try to feed us below....

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/22/07 6:02pm
Msg #191401

Re: JR, SR and name Zee, do you think

it was a fabricated story?

I am not saying it couldn't happen but it's not just because of the Jr./III thing.

The story seemed an attempt at making a point. Hopefully jag will tell us why I am wrong.

Reply by ZeeCA on 5/22/07 6:16pm
Msg #191403

hmmm swiss cheese comes to mind... also its prob on snopes n/m

Reply by jag/wa on 5/22/07 7:33pm
Msg #191431

Re: JR, SR and name Zee, do you think

You have got to be kidding Brenda.
Are you always like this?

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/22/07 7:47pm
Msg #191440

Re: JR, SR and name Zee, do you think

**You have got to be kidding Brenda.
Are you always like this?**

Like what? Not believing a story just because someone tells it when I don't know c'mere from sic'em about that person?

It's not personal, it's just my opinion about the information I read. It did not sound credible.

Reply by jag/wa on 5/22/07 8:09pm
Msg #191452

Re: JR, SR and name Zee, do you think

it was a fabricated story?

I am not saying it couldn't happen but it's not just because of the Jr./III thing.

The story seemed an attempt at making a point. Hopefully jag will tell us why I am wrong.

Like I said you have got to be kidding.
Of course I don't know you and you don't know me.
So your point is..................
Don't know what to say if you did not like the anwers that I gave you.

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/22/07 8:19pm
Msg #191457

Re: JR, SR and name Zee, do you think

My point is nothing except that I questioned the facts of your post.

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/22/07 9:52pm
Msg #191484

More on my passport application done today

Just a little trivia...

My birth certficate states my dad's name correctly having been amended when I was ten years old. Mom didn't think to add the Jr. to his name when I was born but Dad did so later so my birth certficate has a page stapled to it which says that.

When I filled out my passport application I didn't add the Jr. to my father's name because it didn't ask for a suffix in the application form online. However, the gal at the post office penned it in on the application after looking at my birth certificate and noticing the amendment.

I asked her what would have happened if she hadn't caught it--did she save me from having a problem? She said that the passport office might have noticed and filled it in. No big deal.

There's no point to this story but it all happened today which I found interesting since we have been discussing this Jr./Sr. thing.

Reply by LauriecPA on 5/22/07 10:14pm
Msg #191492

Re: In the previous posts, I was curious about the fact

that "III" wasn't on the son's ID if the parents later said he was the "3rd".

Reply by jag/wa on 5/23/07 12:37am
Msg #191508

Re: In the previous posts, I was curious about the fact

No his id John Q Doe.
He had a newly reissued dl.
His dad informed me he was a III
For some reason dot will drop it if it is requested
(I’m not opening an argument here, they just will. They will drop but not add with out proof.) A lot men hate the Jr so as soon as they get the chance they drop it. It is only a problem for most if they signed legally/vested at some point as a Jr.

Reply by Gerry_VT on 5/22/07 10:58pm
Msg #191499

Junior on birth certificates

We know that birth certificates are a state matter, and they could be different in every state. What I didn't know was that the federal Centers for Disease Control ( recommends a standard birth certificate that they urge all the states to use. The version from 1989 does not have any place to put a suffix in the CHILD'S NAME field, but the latest version, from 2003, does. We've seen some notaries post on this board that some birth certificates do have Jr. on them, and it sounds like these people must have been born before 1989, so it sounds like either the states are not exactly following the federal suggestion, or perhaps the parents are putting Jr. in even though the directions don't say to.

Perhaps you are wondering why the Centers for Disease Control, of all agencies, are putting out standards for birth certificates? Apparently they have an extensive program of gathering information about the health of newborn infants. When we hear, for example, that mothers who smoke tend to have low birth weight babies, apparently this program provides the data to make conclusions like that.

Reply by christiSocal on 5/23/07 2:09am
Msg #191513

Here's another "kink"

My oldest son is a II. The first birth cert I got for him was fine, the II was on it. I later got another certified copy, I recently noticed they didn't put the II on that one. I'm kind of surprised something like that could happen. Another interesting thing, Same son had one of those credit check companies run a credit check and fico score for him. He gace them HIS ss and name with the II. When he got the paperwork, it was all his fathers info, even the ss number! Wonder if the info pullers for that co. had background checks run. hehehe. Wink
P.S. Mothers give your children their own names, same names are such a pain!!!!!

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/23/07 5:51am
Msg #191517

Re: Here's another "kink" - Christi, I like the II

better than Jr.

Probably comes as a result of hearing my 6'2" father called "Junior" all his life. Ugh.

I am always amused when people call II, Deuce and III, Trey.

Reply by christiSocal on 5/24/07 12:51am
Msg #191701

Re: Here's another "kink" - Christi, I like the II

My husband never liked Jr. either. That was a good thing, cause our son grew like your dad "Texas tall". Wink He is now 6'3" and about 340lbs!

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