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LIA Signings
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LIA Signings
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Posted by Robin Vogel on 5/29/07 1:17pm
Msg #192541

LIA Signings

Has anyone worked with this company? Do they pay on time? I have a signing to do tomorrow for these people. Please help!

Reply by DellaCa on 5/29/07 1:27pm
Msg #192543

There is a lot of information on them in doing a search.

Reply by Robin Vogel on 5/29/07 1:40pm
Msg #192548

Thanks, I have done that search, and I will propbably be declining this signing, due to their financial history with other notaries. Thanks for all your halp out there!!!

Reply by bfd110_IN on 5/29/07 1:30pm
Msg #192544

Funny you should mention them... Finished deaing with an issue today on them. Check promised 3 weeks ago ( which at the time was 60 days). Their accounting is great cause I then got a check that afternoon and they didnt realize it. Got a check last week ( overpayment now). I emailed them and let them know and also let them know my mother was almost 60 days and could I cash and just send her the money. They said no and to send the check back to them cause they don't void checks and then they gave me a date that mothers check was going in the mail (which is day 60). I made sure that they forwarded that response by email so I could forward to my mom for her records.

The best part at the end of the email was that they are a 30/ 45 day payer..
My suggestion is to do at own risk... Won't happen again here in southern Indiana.

Reply by Mary_CT on 5/29/07 1:35pm
Msg #192545

Re: LIA Paid me on time - no problem, no question :-) n/m

Reply by Heather Templin on 5/29/07 1:39pm
Msg #192547

Re: LIA Paid me on time - no problem, no question :-)

You must be a lucky one....I am the same problem, the same old "you checks in the mail, I can't believe you haven't received it".

Reply by LJ on 5/29/07 1:42pm
Msg #192551

Re: LIA Paid me on time - no problem, no question :-)

Did one 2/22 Paid on 4/23. A little slow, but they pay. No other problems.

Reply by Gina/OPNot on 5/29/07 6:22pm
Msg #192617

Re: LIA Paid me on time - no problem, no question :-)

What is on on time for you - 60+ days?

Reply by Heather Templin on 5/29/07 7:57pm
Msg #192627

Re: LIA Paid me on time - no problem, no question :-)

It was 60+ days for me!!

Reply by SGardTX on 5/29/07 1:42pm
Msg #192550

I took 60 days for them to pay me. I also never got a response to my emails and messages I left.

Reply by Mary_CT on 5/29/07 2:43pm
Msg #192562 was a NON -SIGN yet they pd my full fee timely

So, maybe they are trying to turn the corner on payments.

It might have been a little over 30 days, but not by much.

Reply by MelissaCT on 5/29/07 3:03pm
Msg #192568

I have worked for them a few times and have been paid at about the 45 day mark.

Reply by bigdog on 5/29/07 3:28pm
Msg #192572

Yes they are a little slow on the pay, but they always do pay. At least they have for me.

Reply by LC/AZ on 5/29/07 4:09pm
Msg #192579

I, too, have always been paid.

Reply by bfd110_IN on 5/29/07 4:30pm
Msg #192585

I dont think it is a payment issue, for the majority of us that like to be paid in 30 dayd, I think it is a " Are you willing to wait 60 days?"

Reply by Gina/OPNot on 5/29/07 6:26pm
Msg #192618

I agree with you in Indiana When a signing company goes from 30 days to 45 days, then 60 days, it indicates a cash flow problem. Yes, I have always been paid, but it cost my time and efforts to get a check out of them. I will going to LSI to complain and I have severed my relationship with LIA signing. Pretty soon it will okay if they pay in 90 days - as long as they pay. I am not sure I understand the reasoning or logic to waiting 60+ days to receive payment.

Reply by Heather Templin on 5/29/07 8:01pm
Msg #192628

Gina....I have to agree with you. I can tolerate the 30-45 day, even the 60 day mark if they are being honest. When I receive a check dated 4/2 for a signing done in February on May 2nd, that's a little long!!! I emailed LIA everyday after the mail came.

Reply by Gina/OPNot on 5/29/07 6:20pm
Msg #192616

They are extremely slow payers and do not respond to any emails regarding payment. With my invoices, there are 60+ days to pay. When they do call you, they will tell you they pay in 45 days - NOT TRUE. They are another one of those signings services who we will no longer work for. Take their assignments at your own risk.

Reply by Antoinette Czajkowski on 5/29/07 9:01pm
Msg #192632

I have worke dor them. They are good.... No complaints here.....Toni

Reply by DebbieT on 5/29/07 11:12pm
Msg #192648

I have always been paid for signings that I do for them. It does take time but they have never not paid me and they have always met my fee. I would rather be paid within two months than not be paid at all. You just have to decide what works best for you. Personally I do not mind waiting for payment because I know that I WILL be paid. Something is better than nothing.

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