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Notary Rotary Fee
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Posted by Neecy/CA on 5/28/07 10:53am
Msg #192352

Notary Rotary Fee

As a new loan signer, can anyone advise what the benefits of becoming a premier member vs. a basic member of Notary Rotary?

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 5/28/07 11:10am
Msg #192354

You are in CA which is saturated with SA's, Premiere membership gets you listed ahead of basic members - as a SS when I am looking for a SA I try calling the premier members first. You can also buy supplies at a good discount. I think on the Home Page there is a link to a comparison between the membership options.

Reply by ZeeCA on 5/28/07 11:11am
Msg #192355

actually from the questions you asked below, I THINK it would better serve you to study your CA notary materials and get a firm understanding of the CALIF requirements, laws, and etc before you start signing.


Reply by Neecy/CA on 5/28/07 11:49am
Msg #192363

Zee, I THINK the question was regarding the membership fees and not the CALIF requirements, laws and etc. but thanks for your reply.

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 5/28/07 2:02pm
Msg #192383

You are correct that your question was about the difference in membership.
However, Zee is correct on the fact that you need to make sure you know the Calif. requirements, laws etc first. The fact that you seemed to think an inkjet printer would suffice for document printing shouts out your inexperience, and the companies that pay the good fees are looking for experience.
It would be remiss not to point this out to you.

Reply by Neecy/CA on 5/28/07 3:23pm
Msg #192412

Correct me if I am wrong, but does the laws, requirements specify in detail the specific question that was asked? I am sure there are some things that are just not available in the California requirements, law etc. i.e. advantages of membership as asked.

As a professional in my full time job, I would not dare take a job without doing the proper research before accepting a loan signing. That's just who I am. I have been reading and learning a lot on Notary Rotary and I must say some of the replies from experienced notaries/signers are unprofessional and out of line and some of the replies do not even address the questions asked. As in the case of Zee's reply.

I really do appreciate the dialog as I feel that it is learning tool. As a seasoned real estate investor, I am quite aware of how documents are to be signed. However, as a new notary/certified loan signer, I just want to make sure I have all I need before I start soliciting for business.

Correct me if I am wrong. But is Notary Rotary not a place for BRAND new members to ask questions and get feedback on questions that they do not know?

Thank you so much for your reply.

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 5/28/07 3:55pm
Msg #192416

Notary laws do not address the question..

While Zee's reply did not answer the question of basic versus premier membership ( as mine did you notice), her comment was on the nail.
In a previous post you mentioned you have a really good inkjet printer but sounds like you should invest in a laser printer. In that thread you had asked how to sign up to receive edocs.

Had someone just responded to the question asked, how to sign up to receive edocs, then it could be assumed from your post later that you would have used your really good inkjet printer to print the docs. You did not ask if you could use your inkjet printer.

Sometimes responding to a question with other info other than what was asked is beneficial.
Thank the experienced for giving more info than you asked for. It was to your benefit.

NotaryRotary is as it says on the Welcome page dedicated to the professional notary public. The message board is for "general discussion" Although we are all willing to help the new loan signing agent, Notary Rotary is not a training guide for them.

Reply by JanetK_CA on 5/28/07 3:59pm
Msg #192417

"Correct me if I am wrong. But is Notary Rotary not a place for BRAND new members to ask questions and get feedback on questions that they do not know?"

NO, it isn't!!!!! If you look at the top of the page, it says this is "The Premier Site for PROFESSIONAL Notaries". Most people would agree that a professional is someone who makes a living at something and knows what they are doing. I applaud you for reading and studying up here, but please keep in mind that no one owes any information to anyone else. What is available here is way more than you will find in most businesses and you should think of it as a valuable gift.

For the last several years, this website has been bombarded by people (our would-be competition) coming here, asking the most basic of questions and then getting angry when it wasn't immediately forthcoming. That got old so long ago it isn't even funny... Sylvia is not only one of the most experienced, knowledgeable people on this board, she also runs a well respected signing service. You should be grateful for any advice she gives you and take it to heart. And Zee didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

And I hate to tell you, but being a seasoned real estate investor may help, but it's only a start and it doesn't mean you know all you need to know to be a notary and a signing agent - two different things. I haven't read all of your posts, but in this one, you've come across with more than a little bit of attitude, and as they said, your inexperience shows. When you manage to begin getting assignments, you'll find out that there is more to this - as with anything else - than meets the eye. If you tick off the people whose help you may want down the road, you may find your journey harder than it might have otherwise been. (BTW, the other people who just recently started their businesses will be more than happy to share what they think they know.) jmho...

Reply by Rickwoca on 5/28/07 4:18pm
Msg #192422

Well put by the most professional signing agents.

Reply by PCasey/CO on 5/28/07 4:04pm
Msg #192418

Hi, I have to say that I agree with you Neecy, there's an old addage "If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything". You are asking questions to try and learn and it is unprofessional for "experienced professionals" to pounce on another party. You were asking valid questions about the use of Inkjet - vs - Laser and the experience of your fellow board members would have been much better put to use by sharing their experience with laser printers and suggesting options of what would be the best purchase. It should suffice to just say use the search function or look up post number XXX instead of lecturing about how many times something has been discussed on the board.

I haven't purchased a premiere membership yet but I have to say that I get a lot of calls from my Notary Rotary profile so I am definitely considering it but I am a little dissapointed at how EXPENSIVE it is. I also get a lot of calls from the free boards I have a profile on as well as my listing on the site I am certified through which both cost a LOT less than the Notary Rotary fees.

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 5/28/07 4:21pm
Msg #192423

"You were asking valid questions about the use of Inkjet - vs - Laser and the experience of your fellow board members would have been much better put to use by sharing their experience with laser printers and suggesting options of what would be the best purchase. "

I know my eyes are getting old (as is the rest of me), but I am danged if I can find anywhere on the board where Neecy was asking questions about the use of inkjet vs laser. I find the message where she asked how she could sign up for edocs, and she mentioned in another post she had that she had a really good HP inkjet. But nowhere do I find her asking about the use of inkjet vs laserjet. And nowhere in this thread do I see a lecture on how many times it has been discussed on the board.
As for getting a lot of calls from your profile on NotaryRotary as a basic member, you are in CO, Neecy is in CA and CA is a state that is saturated with signing agents, so there may be a difference in the volume of calls.

And neither I nor Zee "pounced" on Neecy (if that was the impression I gave I will apologise to Neecy for her thinking I pounced on her) but gave her some good advice.

Reply by ZeeCA on 5/28/07 4:32pm
Msg #192427

Sylvia you have been nothing but the professional you are

and I felt you were extremely generous in your time and explanations to her which did not seem to be appreciated.

I always learn from your posts and appreciate them

thanks all for your kind words!

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/28/07 5:31pm
Msg #192437

Re: Notary Rotary Fee - You are correct, Sylvia...

Patricia seems confused sometimes about what's been posted.

Reply by Neecy/CA on 5/28/07 4:43pm
Msg #192431

PCasey, Your reply could not have been more precise in addressing the issue. I think the fee is a little pricey and that is the reason for my question. I have checked others and the fee is a not as expensive.

As I stated, I read the post a lot and and I must admit I have read post from a lot of new notaries/signers that ask questions and get replies from what appears to be very nice people willing to share information. I guess it just depends on the day and time of your post. I am a firm believer in what is for you is for you.

I must admit that my replies have been taken the wrong way and the negative comments were not necessary. Everyone in this business did not start as a professional. Correct?? Did someone perhaps give you advice when you first started? Or did you know every single thing you needed to know when you became a notary/certified loan signer? Perhaps I took reply in the wrong way when the response was read your "Calif laws and requirements". I am starting new and I appreciate the replies that addressed the questions asked and any other information that is/was helpful.

In any event, I will continue to learn the business before I accept any jobs for loan signing. I have had bad experiences in the past from very "experienced people" and would not even think of creating a horrible experience for someone else.

To all with experience, you had to start somewhere. RIGHT?

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 5/28/07 5:56pm
Msg #192440

"In any event, I will continue to learn the business before I accept any jobs for loan signing. I have had bad experiences in the past from very "experienced people" and would not even think of creating a horrible experience for someone else."

That is a very good idea! Learn everything you can first! I suggest the Signing Registry training guide which is available in the supplies section here.

"To all with experience, you had to start somewhere. RIGHT?"

Right! But I was an experienced notary public before I ever heard of loan signings, so I was very familiar with the notary laws. I think experience as a notary public should precede doing loan signings.
When I stumbled across loan signings by accident, I learned all I could about doing loan signings before I did my first one, which it sounds like you are trying to do. Maybe when you ask a question you should stress that you are wanting to know the answer before you accept any loan signings. And if someone gives you more info than you asked for consider it a bonusSmile

Reply by Marlene/USNA on 5/29/07 2:08pm
Msg #192558

>I think the fee is a little pricey and that is the reason for my question. I have checked others and the fee is a not as expensive.<

I would suggest, Ms. Neecy, that you register with those other sites, ask your questions there, and see if you get your money's worth. You can always come back to Notary Rotary as a last resort.

Reply by MelissaCT on 5/29/07 3:38pm
Msg #192575

I was hoping you wouldn't go there, but you did

No, we all didn't start knowing everything. Many learned through old fashioned trial and error or are blessed with common sense (which isn't so common). This board is still a child and you'd do better to listen first and open mouth later.

Many of those who are considered to be professionals and/or experts -- or whatever you'd call them -- did not have the advantage of coming onto a message board and receiving such answers at the click of a mouse.

Everyone who does provide answers to these questions does so in order to save newbies from huge mistakes and does not owe anyone any answers.

Granted, sometimes the answers received are not what one wants to hear, but the truth resonates. The answers provided are typically based on fact and experience. To dismiss the answers that are not likeable is to throw away true gems.

Please re-think your approach and sense of entitlement that is being conveyed through your keyboard. You'll get much more out of your experience.

Reply by Lisa Prestegard on 5/28/07 6:00pm
Msg #192443

Neecy/CA: My .02, for what it's worth...

I can only tell you that from my experience, the Notary Rotary Premier Membership has paid for itself many times over in the past two years.
That being said, have you searched the messages using the orange search button and read the invaluable message #33325? It contains a wealth of information for the new loan signer.

Reply by Neecy/CA on 5/28/07 6:18pm
Msg #192445

Re: Neecy/CA: My .02, for what it's worth...

Thanks to all. I have learned a lot today. ALL comments are most appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Reply by claudine osborne on 5/29/07 10:59am
Msg #192513

Neecy, please email me..

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