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Posted by Dawn Smith on 5/9/07 5:54pm
Msg #189583


Yesterday I rec'd my 2nd call from SOX (Sign on the X)...The 1st call was a few months ago and OF COURSE I turned them down.

Yesterday, when they called me I said, "It's a pretty slow day and I have LOTS of availablility....but you guys don't pay and I refuse to work for a company that doesn't pay."

I also informed the person that they are on several notary signing agent websites as pretty much the WORST company to work for!

Thank you Notary Rotary

Reply by LJ on 5/9/07 7:25pm
Msg #189592

Kudos to you but be very careful of what and how you say it. They can find your slanders on any forum.

Reply by BrendaTx on 5/9/07 7:42pm
Msg #189595

Re: SOX---LJ...slander? LOL n/m

Reply by Charles_Ca on 5/9/07 8:34pm
Msg #189600

If its true, it ain't slander. It's all been said before! n/m

Reply by Gary_CA on 5/10/07 3:23am
Msg #189626

ain't slander if it's an expression of opinion either. n/m

Reply by pan/nd on 5/9/07 8:35pm
Msg #189601



Oh come on!

You can't slander anyone or any organization by telling the truth.

23 years in the journalism business tells me SOX wouldn't have a case. But of course they could sue. Everybody has that right.

Reply by Loretta Reed on 5/9/07 8:55pm
Msg #189604

You work for SOX, LJ?

Reply by LJ on 5/10/07 10:58am
Msg #189676

No Loretta I don't work for SOX. Been there, done that. Had to file a bbb complaint like a million others. I agree 1000 percent with everything that is said about them. I just got freaked out the other night. I watched this program on TV about absolutely everything you ever say on the internet anywhere is traceable by someone, even every e-mail ever written and sent. The program was really about sites like MySpace etc. All these kids are putting profiles and posting pictures and saying all this stuff about the things they do on the week-ends etc. Companies are looking on these sites for potential hirees. They can make or break a job opportunity for these kids. The internet is a wonderful tool in so many ways, but it can come back to haunt you down the road. I for one, am going to be more careful about what I say and about whom. Workers have also been fired from their jobs because of the sites they search on the net and the e-mails they thought were deleted. Nothing is 100% deleted. Sorry if I offened anyone. Not the intention. I agree with absolutely everything said about SOX. They are the worst no doubt.

Reply by Charles_Ca on 5/10/07 11:33am
Msg #189680

LJ its funny that you say that, I used to own a company

called Action Mechatronics, Inc in Oakland. I still get requests for quotation from people who have found the company on the internet and then ran me down. I sold that company to Sikorsky Helicopter div of Textron for the intellectual property rights and they just shut down the company, that was 11 years ago.

Reply by Susan Fischer on 5/10/07 12:35pm
Msg #189697

Just reminded of old adage: "An ounce of keep your mouth

shut is worth a pound of I wish I hadn't said that."

There was an item in the Oregonian this week about cyberbullying in schools via the net. Schools are looking at policies to address the targeting of students in cyberspace. Some of these uncomprehending posters may find that in the not-so-distant future, their college applications are tossed into the reject pile, employers are doing the same with job applications, and even potential mates may revisie opinions about their suitability as desirable life partners. I wonder how many parents are supervising the submissions their children make?


Reply by LJ on 5/10/07 2:18pm
Msg #189717

Re: Just reminded of old adage: "An ounce of keep your mouth

I have a son in college and I am definetly going to talk to him about this. He's a pretty good kid, but they all do stupid things (like we did lol) and don't realize the consequences later on. Sure is a different world than when we were young. Even us oldies but goodies need to watch what we say and do on the net.

Reply by Susan Fischer on 5/10/07 4:06pm
Msg #189733

Good for you! Yup, sure is a different world today. n/m

Reply by MikeC/NY on 5/10/07 7:08pm
Msg #189797

RThe Internet has no half-life...

I have googled myself, and found things I posted 15 years ago when I was still involved in BBS systems (what we had before we had the Internet). Anyone want a great recipe for rye bread? Mine is still available if you know where to look...

It's amazing - the words you say remain long after the place where you said them is gone.

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