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To Any L.A. County, CA Notary
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To Any L.A. County, CA Notary
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Posted by Susan/CA on 5/30/07 3:01pm
Msg #192730

To Any L.A. County, CA Notary

I know this may seem like a silly question, however, is anyone out there familiar with the zip code 90059. The location would be off of Avalon st. I am a little concerned about the safety of this area. I am considering denying the appt. It is set for 7:00pm today. Any advice would be "greatly" appreciated!!
Thank you,

Reply by Calnotary on 5/30/07 3:07pm
Msg #192731

I am in Riverside Co but I have been in that area and it is a very high crime area. I was there 2 months ago and
I did not feel very safe. Good luck!

Reply by Susan Tusing on 5/30/07 3:12pm
Msg #192735

You are right . .I am going to call and see if I can arrange to meet at another location, otherwise I am cancelling. I stopped going to this area some time ago. I knew I had made it out lucky (alive) they randomly shoot anyone . . you never know.

Thanks so much CANotary for you quick response!!


Reply by ZeeCA on 5/30/07 3:11pm
Msg #192733

Is there anywhere you can meet in a safer area? a denny's or? If you do not feel safe it is not worth any amt of $$$$


Reply by Susan/CA on 5/30/07 3:13pm
Msg #192736

Thanks Zee!! I am going to call and find out otherwise I am cancelling!!

Reply by Joe Ewing on 5/30/07 5:20pm
Msg #192765

UH-Oh! Lets see what "Brainy Zip" dot com has to say.

General Characteristics

Total population 38,123
Male 17,907 47.0%
Female 20,216 53.0%
Median Age 23.2
Under 5 years 4,183 11.0%
18 years and over 22,416 58.8%
65 years and over 2,485 6.5%

One race 36,893 96.8%
White 5,245 13.8%
Black or African American 17,402 45.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native 285 0.7%
Asian 109 0.3%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 57 0.1%
Some other race 13,795 36.2%
Two or more races 1,230 3.2%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 20,044 52.6%
Average Household Size 4.04
Average family size 4.38
Total housing units 10,112

Occupied housing units 9,328 92.2%
Owner-occupied housing units 4,051 43.4%
Renter-occupied housing units 5,277 56.6%
Vacant housing units 784 7.8%

Social Characteristics
Population 25 years and over 17,993
High school graduate or higher 7,986 44.4%
Bachelor's degree or higher 905 5.0%
Civilian veterans 1,107 4.9%
Disability status (population 21 to 64 years) 5,758 32.6%
Foreign born 11,323 29.8 11.1%
Now married (population 15 years and over) 9,575 39.1%
Speak a language other than English at home (5 years and over) 17,100 50.6%

Economic Charactoristics.
In labor force (population 16 years and over) 11,303 47.5%
Mean travel time to work in minutes (population 16 years and older) 33.9
Median household income (dollars) 22,151
Median family income (dollars) 23,310
Per capita income (dollars) 8,327
Families below poverty level 3,021
Individuals below poverty level 15,637

Housing Characteristics

Single-family owner-occupied homes 3,860
Median value (dollars) 130,500
Median of selected monthly owner costs
With a Mortgage 1,160
Not mortgaged 269

Welcome to LA!
Stats look like a typical east Los Angeles neighborhood to me. Am I missing something?

Reply by jba/fl on 5/30/07 5:41pm
Msg #192769

What a cool site/tool. Thanks. n/m

Reply by Susan Tusing on 5/30/07 5:48pm
Msg #192771

Unfortunately, this survey doesn't mention crime statistics or murder rate per year. It is near (or in) a particular city (within L.A. county) that has the one of the highest crime/murder rates in the country.

There was a list posted once on that had the worst cities in the country listed in order . . I am not sure where this one was but it was near the top. Alot of random murders (including shootings of children-- sometimes tots) occur here. Chances are good that nothing would ever happen but why take that chance? When I go here I see a police officer driving down every corner every few minutes. I have never seen so many police on the streets in any other city . . and I have seen this every time I go there. Anyway . . chances are probably the same as it would be to get in a car accident on the way to a ritzy area as they would be getting shot in this particular area, but why raise the odds?

Anyway . . Joe, I guess you would have to take a drive through here to get the drift. The streets are namely called 100st- 138th st.

Long story short . . I gave this assignment away . . but I picked up another 2 in areas I feel more comfortable with . . one only 22 pgs., 200.00!! Smile Now . . I hope I don't jinx myself and get in a car accident on the way to the ritzy areas!! LOL!! Smile


Reply by Joe Ewing on 5/30/07 6:08pm
Msg #192773

I haven't been up in that area in about 15 years. That's when I stopped going to Laker games. I had a friend of mine who was the president of the BSA (Black Surfing Association) that lived on one of those 100th streets. Once I drove up from San Diego to a party at his house and the place had a 12' razor wire topped fence around it.

I have many years of experience taking assignments in "bad" areas so here is my advice. If you are concerned about your safety you should talk frankly to the signer. They have to live there and they know and understand the risk. You will be protected if you decide to go there. Of course don't run out of gas on the way in or out.

Reply by Calnotary on 5/30/07 6:50pm
Msg #192782

A couple of months ago I was in Moreno Valley, CA for a 8PM signing. When I finished my signing my borrower told me: "Be careful out there" and he waited for me till I got in my car, but I was like 3 houses from him, when I got in to my car, there was a guy in front of his house and told me that if ever park my car again in front of his house he will shoot me! I just told him "NO PROBLEM! I WILL NEVER PARK HERE! got in to my car and left!!

I could have told him to stick it, but it is better to just leave, I have family waiting for me at home.

Reply by CaliNotary on 5/30/07 7:10pm
Msg #192785

Yeah, that's basically the Compton/Watts area. I've never had any problems down there but I can certainly see why you'd be uncomfortable traveling there. On the plus side, there are lot of Louisiana Fried Chicken places in the area, pretty tasty stuff if you ever get the opportunity to try it.

Reply by Joan Bergstrom on 5/30/07 11:04pm
Msg #192809

Don't leave your purse in your car or trunk in a bad neighborhood. I have been in every bad neighborhood in the Inland Empire. I was in one last week that was so bad that when I told some police friends where I was, they were incredulous.

In bad neighborhoods, the borrwer usually walks you to your car. Have your keys ready and lock the doors immediately and get out of Dodge immediately. As Joe said kept your car gassed!
I will go anywhere, but I am always looking around. 14 years of owning a 7-11 Store and working more graveyard shifts than I care to remember has either made me very much aware of danger or nothing scares me anymore!

Reply by Pamela on 5/30/07 11:13pm
Msg #192810


90059 is one of my service areas.
I know the area very well. . .


Reply by Pamela on 5/30/07 11:15pm
Msg #192811

Susan Cont'd

Also, my advice is, if you do not feel comfortable in a certain area,
do not accept the assignment. I already know which locations I
will or will not work in. So when the assignment comes, I either
say yea or nay.


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