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The Final Step
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The Final Step
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Posted by hp/MD on 1/14/08 6:23am
Msg #230457

The Final Step

Gary, you have the gust to come on this forum after you have stiffed so many notaries. How can you sleep at night?. Is this real? Look up the Msg #230454.

Reply by Nancy M. Misenar on 1/14/08 10:47am
Msg #230478

Gary reads the forums on a daily basis. will he pay you guys, probably not, but hey there is always hope.
He feels he is justified by lying and not answering your calls or emails. He has no integerity, and has created big time karma for himself. No this does help you getting paid, but he thinks by ignoring you that you will go away. Do not let up on getting your money, harass is fanny as much as possible.
I called him a scum sucking leach in a post and I offended him bigtime. But and I say But, he can steal and lie and that is okay....please...........

Reply by Darthvdr/MD on 1/14/08 2:02pm
Msg #230522

It's my understanding that he's declared bankrupcy. There are several civil suits filed against him. Nobody may not get anything, I don't know.

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