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Maybe we should raise our e-doc fee...........
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Maybe we should raise our e-doc fee...........
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Posted by Mung/CA on 9/12/08 2:04am
Msg #264025

Maybe we should raise our e-doc fee...........

I left for 2 back to back signings today at around noon. About an hour later I get a call that there were a few docs for the 2nd signing that were revised and were just sent to my e-mail. I had to go to Fedex Kinkos to print out the docs. For 6 legal and 32 letter copies it was $19. I couldn't believe it. Almost $20. Are you serious? Makes you wonder how much it really costs to print out an FHA package that's 140 pages.

Reply by Ilene C. Seidel on 9/12/08 6:34am
Msg #264028

I'm surprised you didn't tell them you want another $$ for the addl work. Why not you spent $20 plus you time, car etc. You probably paid them to close this loan. You should go back now and ask for more.

Reply by sue_pa on 9/12/08 8:22am
Msg #264034

Why do you say "we"?

My fee is already where it should be. If yours isn't sufficient, look to yourself, not 'we'.

Reply by MW/VA on 9/12/08 8:30am
Msg #264035

If I choose to print docs at an outside location, that is my choice & my expense.
My fee includes a fee for edocs, of course, but unusual situations do occur. Some notaries carry a laptop, printer, etc. and are able to accomodate last minute changes. Fedex Kinkos charges must have increased a lot--I have paid that amount for a complete package. It's about the cost of doing business, and there are a lot of things you have to factor into your fee structure.

Reply by 101livescan on 9/12/08 9:49am
Msg #264050

Hi, Mung, I carry around a zip drive and download files onto it, then give to Kinko's to print out, then it is only $.08 cents a copy and not $.49 cents. It's faster than sending it to their printer, if they aren't too busy in the store, you can get it pretty readily.

Reply by LKT/CA on 9/12/08 10:35am
Msg #264066

<<<About an hour later I get a call that there were a few docs for the 2nd signing that were revised and were just sent to my e-mail.>>>

I've had that a call while en route to the appointment.....except the TC informed me that they already called the borrower and were emailing it to them. I've learned to carry two reams of paper (one letter, one legal) in my car at all times. That worked out since the borrower had the proper equipment. Back then, I didn't have a laptop or portable printer. I do now.

Reply by CF on 9/12/08 11:20am
Msg #264078

It seems nice to carry around extra supplies, be willing to go to Kinko's, carry around a zip drive (which means that you had your lap top too- that you download the docs from after logging on and getting them) but all of this does not seem like the Signing Agents problem! If the TC forgets documents and I am en route- then you know- you will have to pay me another trip fee. I think that a lot of agents have confused good customer service with being too accommodating? My point is- it would have to be a good customer of mine to do any of the above mentioned things. If they forget or make revisions- then they need to compensate me for those changes- and all of them do- you just need to ask! If the lender makes a mistake on the docs and the TC has to redraw- the TC does charge a redraw fee.....standard business practice does not include freebies!!!!!!!!! Stop selling yourselves short- and thinking that you have a crystal ball for all the what-if's in this business. Why would any of that be the fault of Signing Agent that has been squeezed the most out of the process?

Reply by JulieD/KS on 9/12/08 2:33pm
Msg #264103

I was so glad to read CF of Michigan's reply. It seems that too many people think that whatever the request, it's our job to accomodate. Kinko's, flashdrives, portable copiers, laptops, digital cameras...and the list keeps expanding. In the meantime, your profit goes Down Down Down.

If a title company has last-minute revisions, I will be happy to DRIVE back to my office and print the docs. IF I HAVE TIME..but it's going to cost them an extra fees. Yes, I have a laptop and a flash drive, but I am not taking them along, nor will I pack around a ream of letter and a ream of legal paper in case revised docs have to go to the borrower at the last minute.

Ours is a business of convenience TO THE BORROWER, not for the convenience of the lender/title company to be changing/adding things at the last minute. If they err, I'm happy to help fix it....but I'm not buying hundreds of dollars of equipment just so I can say YES to their every request. I have a well-equipped office and this is where I do my printing.

Reply by CaliNotary on 9/12/08 4:36pm
Msg #264110

I agree with you 100% Julie

I see a lot of complaints on this board about the ridiculous amounts of hoops that some companies expect us to jump through when we work for them, and I'm sure part of the reason they get this way is because they've gotten spoiled by people who have gone 20 miles above and beyond the call of duty for them occasionally, so now they expect it from everyone. At no additional cost, of course.

In 5+ years of doing signings, I have yet to encounter a situation where it was a problem that I didn't have a laptop or copier in my car. I've never taken a digital photo of an ID. I once got some legal paper out of my car to print out revised docs at a borrower's house, but that was only because I just hadn't happened to unload it all from when I bought it a few days prior. And that signing still didn't end up happening, I had to come back that night anyway. I've never printed docs at Kinko's. And yet, the companies that use me regularly continue to use me regularly.

There is no need for us to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on equipment to make things easier for the lenders and/or title companies to not have to do their job properly in the first place. They can spend the money for my services to fix their screwups, it's not going to be the other way around.

Reply by Karen/OK on 9/12/08 5:37pm
Msg #264116

My feelings exactly, Julie! n/m

Reply by Lee/AR on 9/12/08 7:35pm
Msg #264127

I'm with Julie, Cali & Karen on this....

When I started this business, all that was needed was a landline & the ability to fax ONE page. Now... sheesh... it has gotten utterly ridiculous and totally unnecessary. Sometimes the best thing we can do for OUR business is simply to say "No".

Reply by MistarellaFL on 9/12/08 11:55am
Msg #264082

No need for me to raise e-doc fees

My fee is all inclusive, and incoporates any of these potential issues.
I also take my laptop with me, should I have to download any docs, free at many places, and a minimal $2.95 at most McDonalds, should the brws not have internet access.
I also carry my small, backup laser printer, and should I need, I can print additonal docs at the location of the signing appt.
Max out of pocket cost for me is $2.95.....***IF*** I have to download at Mickey D's.

Reply by Hugh Nations Signing Agents of Austin on 9/12/08 12:17pm
Msg #264086

Re: No need for me to raise e-doc fees

Never considered McDonald's for remote downloads. Thanks for the tip. Sure will make things easier thank looking for a coffeehouse.

Reply by MistarellaFL on 9/12/08 12:28pm
Msg #264087

Participating Subway's internet access is free

And it is "on" 24/7 (at least around here).
I can download right from the parking lot.

Reply by RickG/CA on 9/12/08 2:16pm
Msg #264102

I like the idea of Mc-WiFi n/m

Reply by Derrick/MT on 9/12/08 3:47pm
Msg #264107

Re: No need for me to raise e-doc fees

Also, A lot of hotels have WiFi and most cases you can go into the lobby and download right there.

Reply by aatatusko on 9/13/08 7:19am
Msg #264149

Link to find wi-fi

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