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Mortgage Scams, Finally CON ARTISTS exposed on ABCNews
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Mortgage Scams, Finally CON ARTISTS exposed on ABCNews
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Posted by 101livescan on 8/13/09 8:27am
Msg #299699

Mortgage Scams, Finally CON ARTISTS exposed on ABCNews

Predators exposed on ABCNews this morning. Check this out, spread the word, email this to any one who hasn't seen it.

Instead of modifying with these crooks, call 888.995.hope.

other contacts:;

GET A HUD COUNSELOR; don't take NO from lender who may tell you you DON'T QUALIFY. You have to tell them YOU DO QUALIFY!

Make affordable

Reply by 101livescan on 8/13/09 8:29am
Msg #299700



Yahoo, go Gerry!

Reply by Calnotary on 8/13/09 8:43am
Msg #299703

Why you keep on saying Gerry if it is Jerry Brown?

I have seen several post of you with the same Gerry thing, why?

Reply by Shoshana Roller on 8/13/09 8:54am
Msg #299704

Why does it matter how she spells his name?

The important part is the content of the email!

Reply by CaliNotary on 8/13/09 12:21pm
Msg #299761

You're right Shoeshine, it's not important at all. n/m

Reply by 101livescan on 8/13/09 9:30am
Msg #299713

Re: Why you keep on saying Gerry if it is Jerry Brown?

Stand corrected! Beat me, whip me, made typo(s)....I'm sure I'm not the first~

Reply by MW/VA on 8/13/09 8:56am
Msg #299706

Thanks so much for all your posts that keep the rest of us informed of developments in the industry.
You rock!

Reply by CH2inCA on 8/13/09 9:33am
Msg #299716

Thanks for the timely post Livescan! I appreciate the links you've provided! I so need this today.

All of this makes for an interesting read; in our profession. BUT this morning I'm wondering if ALL of the scam artists are being identified. This will be TMI for this forum but I'm feeling that the lenders themselves are also pushing the homeowners into the hands of the con artists. The lenders are pocketing months and months fees along with whatever the government has already passed their way. Con artists?

As you may have read in another post, last year I fought (and think I won) a battle with cancer; my daughter was diagnosed with stinosis of the cartoid artery into her brain. So needless to say, I fell a bit behind with the mortgage. Call CW up and ask if they can just skip ONE payment and tack it on to the end of the loan...
Even though after my husband died and I refi'ed, picked myself up and kept a steller payment schedule... the answer was NO.
So, I apply for a modification. In November 2008.

EVERYSINGLE DAY I get collection calls. (I'm not being dramatic, every single day) For eight months EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN day I call to check on the progress on my application. I'm told by now BOA, 'Don't worry, it takes a little time." "Oh I see your account has gone from red to blue, everything is progressing, it takes time." "I see it's been assigned to a negotiator, call us back next week." "Should send you a packet by the end of the week, watch out for it." "It's in processing, we are working out the best deal for you." on and on and on.

I checked online yesterday, before my daily call. My application has been cancelled. Reason? I did not provide documentation requested. BULL SH@#!!! I provided what they asked for back in November! AND they've not asked for a single thing since!

Ok, enough weeping. Enough whining, venting. Back to square one.

Is it ironic to anyone else that I happen to have the mommy of all summer coldsand after the day job today my only signing is a 'loan modification'?

The Supreme being has a very odd sense of humor. :0(

Reply by 101livescan on 8/13/09 9:41am
Msg #299717

You are truly a warrior, trooper, angel to others, and God is truly watching over you and yours! Get ahold of HUD, the fight's just beginning! You've got a job, you can prove your ability to pay your mortgage, just need help modifying the loan interest rate until you get on your feet and defer all past due amounts to the back of the loan, if this is what you want to do.

I'm with you, I think this was a master plan to be the biggest bad bank on the planet and get rid of the competition by imploding them....I'd love to know who the real master mind behind this was besides the 25 big contributors on the front of Time magazine a few months ago!

All the best! You are truly amazing.

Reply by MW/VA on 8/13/09 9:43am
Msg #299718

Sorry to hear about your experience. My guess is that loan mods are not popular with the banks because they are time-consuming & not extremely profitable for the bank. I, like you, have had some hard times in my life. It is amazing that most human beings will just stand back & watch you go under, rather than help. It's not a great lesson in humanity.

Reply by Shoshana Roller on 8/13/09 9:51am
Msg #299721

Beware if your app was cancelled for real!

This could be the prelude to a foreclaosure and you may hear about it till it's too late. That happened to somebody I just met yesterday. That's another scam! I think you should talk to a HUD counselor at the very least.

Reply by MW/VA on 8/13/09 10:14am
Msg #299725

Here are some contact #s (from previous posts)
Report foreclosure rescue & mtg. mod. scams: or call 877-382-4357
Homeowners HOPE Hotline 888-995-4673

Reply by Seeker/GA on 8/13/09 12:49pm
Msg #299771

Thank you for posting this. This is excellent information.

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