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FIRMA SIGNING SOLUTIONS and I wish I had read here first
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FIRMA SIGNING SOLUTIONS and I wish I had read here first
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Posted by mtnotary on 3/5/11 8:46am
Msg #375194

FIRMA SIGNING SOLUTIONS and I wish I had read here first

I took a job from Firma Signing Solutions out of Murrieta Ca in December as I was driving to the next appointment and did not have an opportunity to read here first.
Wish I had turned the job back in and not gone on old information that they had paid me well and in a timely manner.

I sent them a 30 day payment reminder and got a wierd email back stating that I can't turn the job back in. I called them up and said that email made no sense to me. A gentleman named Lake said oh that was meant for another Notary and he went to ask Accounting how my payment was coming along. He came back and stated that Escrow had told them that there was a problem with the job. Well I thought that sounded kind of strange as it was a sellers package. I called the gentleman that I had done business with and he informed me that no his brother had moved into the house in January and that there was no problem.
I called Lake back and he said him well let me get with my Manager (Steve) and get back to you.
Another week has gone by I called Lake back and now they say that Escrow didn't pay yet. I said well that's to bad but that isn't my problem as I did the job already and expected to be paid for it.
I called up Escrow and lo and behold they had sent Firma a check in January.
I called Lake and Steve back and made it very clear that I did not appreciate being paid nor lied to.
I also informed them that if I wasn't paid by March 4th I would notify all of the Notaries in NW Montana that they were a bad company to work for.
A lot of good that will do but at least hopefully other Notaries will not be burnt.
My next move is to send the Secretary of State for California and perhaps the Attorney General of California a copy of my letter to Firma as in the State of Montana there actions are considered Fraud.

Any one know who the Registered Agent for Firma is? I tried to look it up on line but they don't seem to be registered as Firma.

Lesson learned the hard way. I should have turned it back in. However I now look very closely at this board and if I have accepted a job I will not be afraid to turn it back in if the company comes with a warning.

Any suggestions on how to make Firma Signing Solutions life miserable as I doubt I will ever be paid.

Reply by mtnotary on 3/5/11 8:52am
Msg #375195

This is the same company as the one that SC has

This is the same company as the one that SC has as in Oceanside.

Reply by jba/fl on 3/5/11 8:53am
Msg #375197

Well, like Jan Mondragon, keep their name on top,

write, call, email the TC and anyone else associated with them; comment in SC, and if you have already, you can update it.

Also, Link your post. Make it easy for the rest of us to deny them the priviledge of ripping us off.

Reply by jba/fl on 3/5/11 8:59am
Msg #375201

Re: Well, like Jan Mondragon, keep their name on top,

See, I can't link my experience or post - she is a notary who doesn't pay for a listing even. She just comes to pick and choose who to plunder next and since there is scant knowledge of her, she makes it sound like the notary has worked for her before when in fact she is cherry picking the membership to do her dirty deeds.

Yeah, I'm angry.

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 3/5/11 10:41am
Msg #375213

Wheels are moving very slowly behind the scenes

I have a couple issues pending that have yet to be addressed - one is a company I added 4 days ago and it's not showing up yet; one is a notary listing that's really an SS but still showing up in notary listings;

I know a a few weeks ago Traci told me they're slammed but IMO these company issues - not mine personally...the companies listed as notaries that we can't rate - need to be addressed...

Not a slam against NotRot - just a truthful observation...

Reply by mtnotary on 3/5/11 9:07am
Msg #375202

there address 29910 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd. Suite G is

There address 29910 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd., Suite G Murrieta according to Google is a Postal Annex. Amazing what you can find when you dig deep.

Reply by upnorth/AK on 3/5/11 9:10am
Msg #375203

I had posted on this company a few weeks ago. I had turned a job back as they wouldn't pay me up front after I told them about all the bad reviews for nonpayment. As a followup to that, I received this email from Lake explaining everything:

"We do pay our notaries. We do hundreds of signings per month. As many signings as we do there are bound to be some disagreements. The only time a notary goes on the boards to post something it is a complaint. No-one ever goes on to post a good comment. I’m sure you realize that there are notaries that do a poor job and make mistakes that cause redraws or other issues and depending on the circumstances they may not be paid if we had to send another notary out to redo the job or something. We have paid notaries via paypal in the past when this comes up and asked them to post a positive comment and it looks like they never did."

Makes you wonder how all of the other companies on this site have 4 and 5 star ratings since nobody ever posts good comments, doesn't it?

Reply by Sue Walters on 3/6/11 9:37am
Msg #375277

I did a signing for them several years ago and never did get paid. That seems to be the norm for them.

Reply by Elizabeth Little on 5/10/11 4:05pm
Msg #382791

I completed a job (loan modification) for them last November in the early evening and still have not been paid. The fee is so little but the fact they haven't paid me makes me mad. I am going to report the company that hired them as I always keep certian information just for this reason.

Reply by Dianna Hanson on 3/19/12 3:38pm
Msg #415401


I just experienced something that I strongly believe is wrong and a company trying to take advantage of the notary already there plus be a babysitter. I accepted an assignment with the understanding it was just one signing, one set of docs with the husband and wife together. Made the courtesy call and the husband asked if I was aware that I would sign with him at 7:45 am or earlier, wait for the spouse to come home and then sign with her. They also have children, to be watched while waiting for the wife to come home. That is one place, one printing but still a second signing and filling out the notarial certificates to reflect they signed separately as it will be recorded in my journal. The service and title company came back with "no, and just sign the acknowledgements and jurats once, no need for separate certificates. And no extra fee for the extra time." In my opinion, it is 2 separate signings. Job paid $75.00 and I requested an additional $50 to cover my time and do the loose certificates if the docs are not prepared for them to sign separately so it is done right. When the service called me back with that, I cancelled out and restated it was two signings and $75 was taking advantage of me. Was I wrong? I told the company, "Sorry, no can do!" Even if the certs are just acknowledgments, the time and notation of the couple signing separately would be notated in my journal.

I decided to write the NNA hotline regarding the company as I very positive that that is where the service linked on to me. I am looking forward to the NNA's reply on the issue of billable hours and the certificates.

I would have gone forward with the assignment if compensated and full disclosure of the situation had been given.

I really like the guys on a personal level. They they always made payments as agreed on, but are sometimes slow. But they do not like adjusting fees to cover anything like scanning and faxing back documents, extra time for waiting and resigning with the second signer when it was not disclosed until confirming or closing out the job, etc. And they will state business reasons. Well, I'm sorry I am self employed and running a full-time business, too!

If the borrower had not said anything during the courtesy call, I would have overbooked or ran late to the next job that I had accepted based on the general fact of one signing, one print, one location---but that isn't the case. The second person has to come home after the other goes to work. And furthermore, my job description does not include babysitting alone while waiting for a second signer.

It is billable hours and services.

If the above situation was a Home Equity Loan where I had to book it at a title or attorney's office and pay a fee I would be billed for using the room for a second signing and in some cases by the hour. It is business!

And what bothers me the most is for one them to state it is just one signing and no need to fill out separate notarial certificates even though each borrower is signing separately and not with the other party. The fact would be noted in my state journal. It really blew me away this morning.

I really don't believe the situation was right and have no regrets telling them it taking advantage of me and "Sorry No can Do!"

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