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Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc
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Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc
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Posted by grapebed on 12/22/12 3:16pm
Msg #447547

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I am going to see the the President of this particular title company on Friday Dec.28th. I would like to ring his neck, but I won't.
He cost me a bundle. He's a nice guy. VERY LEGITIMATE. But he really did me wrong.

Please take a look at message 447436

I would appreciate it.

Reply by Shoshana/AZ on 12/22/12 3:35pm
Msg #447550

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

In my opinion, this is the nature of our business sometimes. I wouldn't waste my breath talking to this guy because he won't get it. i would just let it go and be the wiser for it.

Reply by ananotary on 12/22/12 3:36pm
Msg #447551

Agree n/m

Reply by BrendaTx on 12/22/12 3:36pm
Msg #447552

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I think that we all hit these kinds of learning experiences that cost us and we learn lessons. I'm sorry that you had this happen, but now you know who you are dealing with. He won't get another shot.

The most I would do is to very calmly explain to him in a friendly manner that it cost you several assignments.

I suspect that is the last thing that he considered. But, who knows.

Reply by 101livescan on 12/22/12 4:57pm
Msg #447566

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I agree. Experience is what you get when you don't get paid.

Call it a day on this one. They are all wrapped in their "business as usual" routine.

Reply by Frank/NC on 12/22/12 6:57pm
Msg #447579

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I think the best thing to do in this situation is not even show up for the meeting if perhaps a meeting is scheduled. This guy is beginning to play you like a violin if you allow him to. I also disagree in that he is a nice guy or very legitimate. He'll take advantage of you every chance he gets if you allow him to.

Reply by DaveCA/CA on 12/22/12 9:58pm
Msg #447591

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

You still have a shot at receiving lots of orders. I have been turning down lots of work. Since this isn't one of your better clients, I would stop by on the days that they were going to use you to see if someone else is doing the signings. I mean, maybe they found someone for $50. At least make sure you are going to get those "January" signings.

Reply by grapebed on 12/23/12 8:33am
Msg #447612

Many thanks to all

thanks so much to all for your thoughtful cool headed comments. I appreciate it.

I will be very professional, keep my kewl and be sure to offer my services for those closings pushed out to January.

I will kill'em with kindness. There will be an opportunity to subtly get my message across.

Thanks again.

Reply by 101livescan on 12/23/12 9:11am
Msg #447618

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I was invited to sit at a title company and do everything that day for $70 each file, apparently it was a hectic busy day. I had to turn it down because I had other clients already scheduled at $125 to $150 per file.

It's not a bad gig if you're not already busy. No edocs or travel required between borrowers homes/offices or other title companies.

I look at it this way. We should be paid for every notarization document, per signature. If there are eight, that is $80 or if their are 20 that is $200. If you're sitting in one spot, the TC is dictating your hours, and fixing rate of pay, isn't that kind of sort of negating your IC status?

Whatever your business model is, this is the basis for earning fees in our business. Maybe this guy did you a huge favor. I've only had a couple of loans with only two notariations, Union Bank Deed of Trust and USBank.

Reply by Ali/IL on 12/23/12 10:00am
Msg #447625

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I have been in situations where I was so angry and, just wanted to do something about it.

But, I see it this comes with the territory.

Sometimes I have turned down jobs that paid better then had some of the ones I had scheduled that paid less cancel.

How about those that when you get there there is already someone else there?

Reply by 101livescan on 12/23/12 11:23am
Msg #447627

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

Some times I feel we need to wear an armadillo suit. I've been in situations where I was at the table and another notary showed up. I've never shown up and a notary was already there, but I've had people tell me, we already have a notary, and I just shine it on. I don't even bother to call the scheduler to tell them what happened. I just MOVE FORWARD.

Don't sweat the small stuff they say!

Reply by PegiT_MN on 12/23/12 11:29am
Msg #447628

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc


You mentioned that this guy cost you a bundle. The only bundle he cost you is the time and energy you have spent asking for more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc. on how to handle this loser. He may be a nice guy as you have said.....but nice doesn't pay the bills. You can't really say this guy cost you a bundle because you didn't do any work for him. It would be different if you had done the signings for him and he didn't pay you for your work. It is kind of like counting your chickens before they are hatched. Loan signing appointments fall through all the time.

I know you felt like you had a good opportunity with this guy, but anyone who is going to promise you the work and then not follow through is a loser and I wouldn't even consider doing business with him in the future. Do your Christmas eve signing for him as you have already committed to it, get paid, and go on with your life. I promise you that he is not worth it. Walk away while you can.....with your head held high I might add. If this guy did this to you once......I can guarantee he will do it to you again.

There are plenty of other title companies out there that will respect the good work you do. You do not need to spend your time and energy with this one. My hope is that you will be able to fill the spots you had blocked off for him with other signings to make up for the income you were counting on. If that doesn't happen, take that time to market yourself to some of the really great companies here on Notary Rotary. I promise you that in a few months you are going to be looking in the rear view mirror at this guy as you leave him in the dust for bigger and better things.

Good luck to you.

Your Notary Friend,

Pegi Taylor

Reply by 101livescan on 12/23/12 11:36am
Msg #447630

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

ABSOLUTELY! Great mentoring, Peg. I would not waste a nanosecond on what could have been, but what might become!

There are many more opportunities out there for you. Look forward, Grapebed, not back!

Reply by Shoshana/AZ on 12/23/12 11:40am
Msg #447631

Five Star ***** post Pegi!

We can't cry over what might have been!

Reply by BrendaTx on 12/23/12 1:49pm
Msg #447644

LOL...Grapebed moved along 3 hrs earlier

(Than this post...) He/she checked out and said thanks at 8:30 am.

Reply by Pam/NM on 12/26/12 1:46pm
Msg #447797

Re: LOL...Grapebed moved along 3 hrs earlier

I'm on facebook way too much---I just looked for the "like" button for YOUR post, Brenda! Tee hee

Reply by CinOH on 12/23/12 12:34pm
Msg #447638

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

Sorry this happened to you. Either he does not know or he does not care that you lost out on a lot of work because of him.

Always get agreements in writing and negotiate the terms of cancellation (ie. early cancellation fee) to cover yourself.

All you can do is explain to him how you've been affected and ask him to allow you to come in and close all of the moved closings to make up for the loss. If he's a decent person he'll agree to that. Otherwise you'll have to eat the loss and move on. Either way, learn from this experience, as I'm sure you have.

ALWAYS CYOA. No matter how nice the person is. You're running a business and need to protect your bottom line. That's certainly what he did by pulling this switcheroo on you.

Good luck! I hope it works out.

Reply by LKT/CA on 12/23/12 6:29pm
Msg #447671

Re: Message 447436 Need more advice, thoughts, counsel, etc

I don't believe you should have this meeting with the TC President - if the meeting is to complain about him canceling his in-house signing offer. It's unfortunate that you turned down other signings for this opportunity that didn't happen.

Next time, if a business offer requests that you block off THAT much time from you schedule, you should require a NON-refundable retainer. It's one thing when ONE signing gets canceled. That's still a loss but not as catastrophic as 3 days of loss of other work that you turned down - like you experienced. If they are unwilling to pay the retainer (which they probably will be), then don't block off that much time. Just explain that you have other clientele.

The entire point of requiring the retainer is to send a message - that your loan signing services are in command and that you will not deny your other established clientele the opportunity the serve them without adequate compensation from this TC President.

If you go to this meeting and complain to the TC President that he caused you a lot of loss of business, he may think you thought it was deliberate when that may not have been his intention at all. Consequently, he may never approach you with an opportunity like this again....and possibly blackball you to others he knows in the industry. Going forward, never again block off that much time in your schedule without a NON-refundable retainer. No one will pay the retainer, and this way your schedule stays open and you won't turn down other loan signing clients.

Reply by MistarellaFL on 12/23/12 7:25pm
Msg #447672

One last thought grapebed

You may want to alert your clients that your scheduled has been freed up on those days you expected to do in-house work.
You don't want to miss any other opportunities that may present themselves for those days.

Reply by Bear900/CA on 12/24/12 2:54am
Msg #447681

Re: One last thought grapebed

I have a gut feel they have a regular in-house signer who thought they needed to cancel for the Holiday week, or was ill, then decided they could make it. If that were the case, then they were loyal to their original signer, which could have been you.

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