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Getting paid thru paypal
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Getting paid thru paypal
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Posted by Luckydog on 11/14/12 12:52pm
Msg #443363

Getting paid thru paypal

Have a question...Just accepted a closing from a 2.5 star closing, then turned it back for non payment reviews after accepting. They said they would be glad to pay thru paypal same day. My question is, do I withhold dropping the package until I see the money in in my account?

Reply by PegiT_MN on 11/14/12 12:57pm
Msg #443364

If they have that bad of a rating for non payment issues......I would not even take a closing from them.....period! I'm sick of these companies that don't pay their notaries and then this one is so desperate to get someone to go out and do their work form them they have to pay you through Paypal because no one else will work for them. Let 'em sink!

Reply by jba/fl on 11/14/12 1:08pm
Msg #443367

You can not hold a package for ransom. Dawg, you have seen

these type comments before - you have been here long enough and read enough to know better.

If they can put it in, they can take it out. All during the few days it takes to do this entire financial transaction.

Reply by Luckydog on 11/14/12 1:29pm
Msg #443374

Re: You can not hold a package for ransom. Dawg, you have seen

Well, the good part is, they are a local title company and I can knock at the door. Title is paying me directly. I really do not think they will pull out for $1xx.00 and make a scene. I will transfer out right away besides.
This whole nonsense about making a direct deposit and they can take back out of your account is bogus. Not sure about paypal account, but a direct bank deposits cannot. I checked with my bank (wells fargo), and they need to log onto your account and have passwords to even get onto that page to do that. If it were a fraud they need to file a complaint to get their money back. I know this for a fact, as I had rental properties and all my rents paid that way, and the bank safeguarded that only deposits can be made, no withdrawals. As far as paypal, I have bought hundreds and hundreds of items through ebay, and sold a few and no one has ever withdrawn their money. Pretty confident if they go thru paypal, it's a done deal.

Reply by HSH/WA on 11/14/12 3:21pm
Msg #443393

Re: You can not hold a package for ransom. Dawg, you have seen

They can take it out of PayPal and if you withdraw the money then PayPal pays them and you have a negative balance in your PayPal acct. I checked into PayPal as a way to get paid up front when dealing with less than 3 stars. Direct deposit is safe as far as not being able to withdraw the money once they deposit it to you - I set up an acct for this type of transaction so as not to give out acct info on an acct with any money in it. So far, no one has wanted to pay in advance. I would not do same day as I don't want to hold the BOs loan hostage due to payment dispute.

Reply by Luckydog on 11/14/12 1:29pm
Msg #443376

Re: You can not hold a package for ransom. Dawg, you have seen

Well, the good part is, they are a local title company and I can knock at the door. Title is paying me directly. I really do not think they will pull out for $1xx.00 and make a scene. I will transfer out right away besides.
This whole nonsense about making a direct deposit and they can take back out of your account is bogus. Not sure about paypal account, but a direct bank deposits cannot. I checked with my bank (wells fargo), and they need to log onto your account and have passwords to even get onto that page to do that. If it were a fraud they need to file a complaint to get their money back. I know this for a fact, as I had rental properties and all my rents paid that way, and the bank safeguarded that only deposits can be made, no withdrawals. As far as paypal, I have bought hundreds and hundreds of items through ebay, and sold a few and no one has ever withdrawn their money. Pretty confident if they go thru paypal, it's a done deal.

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 11/14/12 1:26pm
Msg #443369

Answer is none of the above

You were right the first time in turning back the job. Why do you want to help keep these guys in business? Why do you want to make it easy on them? And why would you compound the situation by even thinking of holding docs hostage? Sorts takes you down to their level.

Reply by CinOH on 11/14/12 1:29pm
Msg #443375

Under this arrangement you shouldn't do the work until you receive the money in your PayPal account. Holding docs can get you in trouble. Don't do it.

Reply by Luckydog on 11/14/12 1:37pm
Msg #443377

I did turn it down, but work has been slow, and I need the money as a single mom, only income. If they insist they will pay the same day on paypal, they met my price, I am taking the chance. Never worked with them before, so we will see what happens. If they do not pay, I will drive to the office and sit to collect a check. lol They (both the SS and law office)are within 10 miles of here, so that also helped in making my decision. Maybe I will call them after the closing and deliver the package and just collect my check in person....hmmm. That's a thought. 2nd thought, I think that is what I will do. When the package comes in, I will give them both a call and make a personal trip.

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 11/14/12 8:36pm
Msg #443443

In person

<<Maybe I will call them after the closing and deliver the package and just collect my check in person....hmmm. That's a thought>>

oops, sounds like such a good idea, I'd think I'd thought of it myself Smile

Reply by C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 11/14/12 1:48pm
Msg #443379

I use this method for getting paid various services I offer

and once I see the money in the account, then I do the work. You can choose to withdraw the money from your account via cash station or transfer to your checking account.

I've not had a problem with getting paid this fact, I prefer it.

I just turned down a similar company with a low rating, because of unreliable payment issues, and since she couldn't pre-pay, so I had to refuse.

Reply by HSH/WA on 11/14/12 3:29pm
Msg #443394

Re:A lot of established busy notaries who are already booked

don't understand why some of us would want to open up this avenue of payments. The less than 3 stars could be a source of business for those of us needing more signings. We want a way to guarantee payment for work done. I think direct deposit to a low balance acct set up for this is the best way to go. But, as mentioned earlier, no one has wanted to pay up front yet. I will not involve the BO's loan as hostage, so pay me in advance or find another notary. PayPal doesn't work because they can draw the funds back out even if you have transfered them - you end up with a negative balance in your acct.

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 11/14/12 5:16pm
Msg #443410

I'm confused, single mom . . .

couldn't you just drive the completed package to the Title co. (since 10 mi) and accept the check in person?

AND, you're to be admired for what you do; you're doing what you feel you HAVE TO - and that's OK!! If you speak to the SS again, please tell them why you're having to jump through all these hoops to earn a living - because of the bad business reputation they've earned. If they have any business sense at all, you'd think they'd want to lift their standing. NotRot is like the BBB of signing companies!!

p.s. And I sure hope you have an established local business account that can be used in future for this purpose. If you can't make it to them, tell them to "put it in the bank"!

Reply by dgd/CA on 11/14/12 5:42pm
Msg #443418

"Like" sorry, couldn't find the button lol ... n/m

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 11/14/12 7:39pm
Msg #443436

Re: I'm confused, single mom . . .

Looks like a lot of people have spent a lot of time figuring out how Luckydog can be assured of payment while willingly working for this deadbeat SS. Indeed, Luckydog has already spent an inordinate amount of time and effort figuring out how she will get paid and she hadn’t even left for the signing yet. What's wrong with the original suggestion to put this SS in the rear view mirror so, hopefully, they will go out of business if they can't get any more saps to work for them.

For OP to actually consider “to drive to the office and sit to collect the check” is pathetic. Instead of cooling your heels in an office waiting for a check, why not spend that time and effort networking and marketing to a better clientele, ones that will actually pay you instead of the primary goal of ripping you off?

As for “work has been slow, and I need the money,” guess what? We all need the money, we all need to eat, we all have kids, we all have bills, we all have slow times. That doesn’t mean we should launch a scorched-earth campaign to assure we will get paid for a lousy signing with a known ripoff agency before we've even left the house!

If all the head-spnning, unhelpful ideas to get paid weren't so sad, they'd almost be comical: OK, here's Plan A, but if that doesn't work, then look to Plan B, but if the money is deposited but taken out, then try Plan C, but just in case, the bank said Plan D will work because they can't take it out, and under Plan E hold docs hostage if the PayPal timing isn't just right, and then there's still Plan Z to sit in the office like a dufus and wait for them to cut a check and on and on.

Just don’t work for the bums. Don’t help them stay in business. Hang up. Don't look back. Use your time wisely and productively getting work with hiring agencies that actually pay. There are plenty of them out there. Don’t degrade yourself with this conduct. Just a suggestion.

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 11/14/12 8:27pm
Msg #443442

Re: I'm confused, single mom . . .

The lack of compassion/reasonable is astounding; poster volunteered a tragic circumstance (single parent, one income, need money) and someone "with bills" advises to "network and market to a better clientele." Is this the best she - or any one of us - can do during difficult times? Isn't this Understood??

It's NOT about letting the deadbeat company "sink;" it's about achieving a necessary result: Surviving. No one here is offering suggestions on How To Circumvent Crummy Companies For Pay. We'd all like to see them out of business.

Waiting for a check in an office may seem a bit desperate; but Better to do something "desperate" but Honest, than lose one's Dignity - waiting in a public assistance office. Only a "dufus" wouldn't understand that.

Reply by LKT/CA on 11/14/12 9:39pm
Msg #443457

I disagree, NVLSlady/VA

<<<The lack of compassion/reasonable is astounding; poster volunteered a tragic circumstance (single parent, one income, need money) and someone "with bills" advises to "network and market to a better clientele." Is this the best she - or any one of us - can do during difficult times? Isn't this Understood??>>>

I agree with Goldgirl. Every minute spent <wasted> strategizing on how one can avoid being shafted by a bum company is just as unproductive and ineffective as time wasted on collections. To be profitable, business owners should make wise *business* decisions....not unwise emotional decisions. And if one has to ask for counsel on whether to accept work from crooks....then, I think they already know the answer.

<<<It's NOT about letting the deadbeat company "sink;" it's about achieving a necessary result: Surviving.>>>

IMO, it IS about letting the deadbeat company "sink". The only one "surviving" is the bum entity while the notary works for free. Every order filled by a notary is one more day the deadbeat breathes to stiff someone else. One way deadbeats can disappear is if they cannot get their orders filled.

Yes, times are difficult, money's tight and many are struggling....I get that. Difficult times can be an opportunity to uncover hidden talents and become successful in other ways. But colluding with a criminal enterprise isn't the answer.

<<<How To Circumvent Crummy Companies For Pay.>>>

Personally, I'd NEVER endorse this.

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 11/14/12 11:10pm
Msg #443462

Re: I'm confused, single mom . . .

<<Waiting for a check in an office may seem a bit desperate; but Better to do something "desperate" but Honest, than lose one's Dignity - waiting in a public assistance office. >>

I find this remark truly offensive and stunningly insensitive. For you to write that only a person with no dignity and no honesty would wait in a public assistance office is sickening. I know nothing about Luckydog beyond what she has posted here, but using her situation as a model - a single mom- if that woman cannot make ends meet running a business and is presumably getting no child support or any other support then the smart thing to do, the right thing to do until she can get back on her feet and have her business running profitably is to seek public assistance. This is one of the things that makes America great, that we look out for each other when times are tough, that there is a place where someone can get help instead of becoming homeless and out on the street, that there is a place where people can get assistance to feed their children while they work to become independent again. There is no disgrace in that. What's disgraceful is that you disparage them as dishonest and contemptible. That some people take advantage of this does not give you the right to paint everybody with the same brush.

Reply by jba/fl on 11/15/12 6:37am
Msg #443472

Thumbs up! n/m

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 11/15/12 8:19am
Msg #443480

"disparage them as dishonest and contemptible"

REALLY?? Isn't that how those accepting lowball fees are routinely "painted" on the forum?

CLEAN your "brush" and your upgrade your reading comprehension skills; I'm in agreement with what you said (primarily) - except that run-on, incontinent post about using a single mom as a model to disparage ??? (Huh)

I HOPE no One else (in full control of their mental faculties) thought that ANY offense or attempt to degrade honest, hardworking folks was intended. 'Cause that ISN'T what I SAID AT ALL.

Reply by jba/fl on 11/14/12 9:37pm
Msg #443456

Hey, GG - you and I are preaching to the choir - the choir

of very few it seems. Everyone wants permission to go out and clear $100 week doing 5 signings a day at $60-75 each with low rated companies since they have kids, etc. instead of doing some heavy duty marketing or getting another job to fill in the blanks.

They started a new business without any research, without enough capital, without the experience of running a prior business, without reserves, without marketing, no book learning and no mentor. How do I know? because they come here stating: I got my notary, now what do I do? Can someone give me contacts, instructions on what to do next, ad nauseum. And please, I don't want anything but smiles, agreement with me in toto, or I will wilt, or go postal. Be nice - everyone was new at one time.

Heaven forbid someone who really knows their way around give advice - castration and ridicule await in the form of snarky remarks about 'know it alls' or 'even I know what some drug is and I don't even use it" implying stupidity. Don't tell them to use the Orange Search button: that invites its own set of criticism as we are implying that they actually work for what they need to know and heaven forbid that occur. "Leave it for Linda" who really does know her law....Hand everything to the newbies - they will be newbies forever; they will never graduate to a higher level, except to be force fed perhaps.

The past few days, and weeks, I have seen so much misinformation on this forum by those who think they know everything now that they have been doing this for 6 mos. (or less)....people who do things by rote, not knowledge; people who know they read it somewhere and attempt to pass it on but can't quite get it right. I know I don't much care to make corrections, and others feel much the same. Let them wallow in their own misinformation and not getting the true meaning of what they are doing and soon enough they will be leaving the field they had no business getting into.

It bears repeating (with a nod to Goldgirl/CA): "Just don’t work for the bums. Don’t help them stay in business. Hang up. Don't look back. Use your time wisely and productively getting work with hiring agencies that actually pay. There are plenty of them out there. Don’t degrade yourself with this conduct. Just a suggestion."

Reply by MistarellaFL on 11/14/12 9:41pm
Msg #443459

And the choir says: Amen, Jules! n/m

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 11/15/12 5:26am
Msg #443468

Thumbs up Jules and GG n/m

Reply by Luckydog on 11/15/12 6:36am
Msg #443471

Re: Thumbs up Jules and GG

Thanks for all the advice good and not so much. I have been in business for 8+years and survived the good times and the bad times. South Florida closings are not what they used to be, and instead of getting the steady $700-900.00 per week average income it dropped to around $400.00 if lucky, and being honest with you. While in some places in the country this is good wage for how much time we actually do work, those who live down here know it is difficult to live off of that alone. The SS called, 1st time, and I did decline. They assured me they do pay and will pay the same day paypal if I so chose that route, or another option so choosing. Do I give them a shot, if I have no other closings? To me, if I am not busy and is a local closing, sometimes better to give them a try, than to be stubborn and just sit on my ass waiting for the phone to ring. If it were back to the good ole days, I would say hell no, but this is bad times now, and sometimes we have to do things we wouldn't do a year ago. Has someone actually had paypal funds really withdrawn from their account, or are they just posting this could happen? The title company is actually a law firm, so I highly doubt they would stoop that low. If I was back in Orlando, this would be a non issue, as busy all the time there, but down here, foreclosures dried up a long time ago and work cut in 1/2. Sometimes you have to make some exceptions. They met my fee, and if it works out, perhaps they are trying to get back on track to a better review. Who knows. Thanks for your posts.

Reply by jba/fl on 11/15/12 7:15am
Msg #443475

Re: Thumbs up Jules and GG

Re: Paypal
This has happened to people.

Re: Banks
Never heard of it with banks. I have heard of people getting deducted for mtg pmt, for example, twice in month. This is rare, and perhaps more so now than in past. I don't know - haven't had the problem.

Re: Orlando business
Don't be thinking that the grass is greener on the other side of the state. Since appraisals won't be what people expect anymore, refis are down. My business may be a hobby now - I don't know. Since I am old & on SS, have another income stream, I am not in the same position as some. But, having a strong accounting/finance background, I do know and understand P&L statements and how to do them by job, or daily if several jobs in one day. If I have to factor in chasing my money, now my profit is diluted (lessened) as I am expending more time on a file.

Re: single mom, slow business
I have done many things for little in the past in order to get food on the table and gas in the car so that I could keep going. I applaud you and understand. I do think that some (not pointing fingers so please don't take this personally) could save the gas for the day and sit at the computer and do marketing - contacting, contacting, contacting - which costs nothing but time. I still have the single mom mentality: cheapest way possible with the best possible products; one day of errands only to conserve that gas and on a day when I am out making money already. is my favorite place, followed by craig's list; bartering and trading when I can. Reduce, repurpose, recycle is a mantra along with "make do". It's a grim business tightening the belt, but it can be done, and done again. Imagination is key.

PS: I love law firms, esp. local ones, for that local business and GNW. But, some are the slowest payers I have.

Reply by MistarellaFL on 11/15/12 8:12am
Msg #443479

One last thing...

It is hard in my area of FL, too.
That being said, I know how tough it can be.
It's been a loooong time since I have seen a refi, but not because they aren't here, it's because I'm not going to do them for what little is being offered, and who is doing the offering.
Someone here is doing them, and probably more than one someone.
I'm not going to take any work from any company offering to pay via paypal same day, who has a history of no-pay, slow pay or anything like that, because even if they DO pay me well today, doesn't mean they've changed their MO.
They're doing it only so they can keep ABC Title happy today, and continue reaping the benefits of ABC Title's closings. They aren't going to pay me well tomorrow, when their go-to $75 NSA comes back from vacation or gets over the flu.
GG and Julie are giving you FREE sage advice.
Spend your day sitting on your ass, waiting for the phone to ring in a productive manner, gathering information, sending information, and getting better companies to call you.
What about those great companies that used to call you in Orlando?
They probably have a go-to NSA in S. FL. But someday that person will go on vacation, get the flu, or be so overburdened with work, etc. that they will need additional coverage.
Another piece of FREE sage advice from Mistarella: IF you've kept good records, get busy re-marketing those companies with whom you've had a great relationship in Orlando.
Email or call your contacts at those companies. This is the most important thing in bringing your success to your new area.
There are many NSAs who've moved, and have continued to be successful in their new areas.
But not by accepting work from 2.5 star companies.

Reply by CentralNY on 11/15/12 7:27am
Msg #443476

Snarky comments go both ways....

your comment was pretty negative and snarky also (or are you that simple that you have never heard of xanax). my point was there are a lot of know it alls on here that jump all over someone over nothing but an opinion or an experience and I consider them high school hall monitors. and the length of some of these posts, my................ snarkiness goes both ways.

Reply by janCA on 11/15/12 8:22am
Msg #443482

Go directly to hiring entity

If this is an SS that is low-balling and has a bad rep, go directly to the lawfirm or the title company, if they are in your immediate vicinity. Market to them and let them know how valuable you can be to them. You can pick up docs and deliver within hours. Be available at a moment's notice. Just a thought!

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 11/15/12 8:29am
Msg #443483

What Jan said was "too easy"

All she did was ANSWER the OP's question. This is the kind of Practical advice I believed the post warranted - at THIS particular moment.

Whooo Hooo, there is Sanity on the West coast Smile

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 11/15/12 8:46am
Msg #443485

One of my Favorite things as a kid . . .

Aesop's Fables!!

Remember "The Man, his son and the Donkey"?

~Please all, and you will please none~

(I'm reminded of it often; now is one of those times)

Reply by Luckydog on 11/15/12 10:33am
Msg #443490

Re: Snarky comments go both ways....

Amazing on how one simple message is asked and at the end it has a totally different meaning Reminds me of playing telephone as a kid, you start out with one message and 30 people later is off the original message. Many of you are way off track and assuming things you needn't be. Agree with CentralNY, a lot of people who think they know it all, are snarky and brag on how their EOM has 15 closings per day and still not busy enough for them, and they are so good, they demand what they want, and get their prices, even if double the norm because they are the bomb of notary closers. These people also find the time in their day of 15 closing+ to let everyone know about it on here. They all must be super-people with incredible powers and skills to have all that time to do so. We all know who these people are on here.
I appreciate all of the advice about paypal, and accepting work from a local company who met my fee and says will pay the same day. I have been doing this 8+ years, I have my clientele base, but always room for more, especially when you live in an area with highs and lows. I just never accepted a paypal closing, and that was my question. Has anyone ever had money withdrawn once deposited? Not "if"they could, but did it actually happen? My guess is no.

Reply by CentralNY on 11/15/12 11:06am
Msg #443497


i have no experience with the paypal thing but i remember way back on this site, some guy did reverse the fee from someones account. try to look back in the archives, i believe it can happen. and girl just keep on keepin on.

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