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SoCal Signings: SMH. Shorted a print fee; spoke to Lisa 2
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SoCal Signings: SMH. Shorted a print fee; spoke to Lisa 2
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Posted by HrdwrkrVA on 11/8/12 6:12pm
Msg #442681

SoCal Signings: SMH. Shorted a print fee; spoke to Lisa 2

mths ago, sent her emails (which she ignored);. Finally called her one Sun eve (time on my hands); must have woke her up, 'cause she forgot to screen the call. That was 2 mths & no check.

I think she thinks it's ok to skim 'a little off the top': $5 here, $10 there - multiply that by a couple of dozen (or hundred) notaries & you have some nice pocket change (for vactions?).

I'm going to call the title co & the borrowers & show them the complaints on non/ short payments & oh yeah : Mortgage fraud is a felony investigated by the FBI!

Who the h3!! does she think she is???? Anyone ever withdraw $100 from the bank & overlook the fact that they only got $90 or $95?

Also, she's so GLIB - like Urkel: "Oh, did I do that?" Verrrry unprofessional! The market's hot now, but when things dry up, no one will work for her, 'cause no matter how slow it gets, no one wants to work for free!

Enjoy it now...maybe invest in some yoga classes, so she can bend over & kiss her a_ _ (& her business) GOODBYE!

According to her complaints, she has a history of this.
Good riddance to bad rubbish - I'm done w/ this scum!

Everyone ... BEWARE!

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 11/8/12 6:17pm
Msg #442683

I'm so sorry you worked for her and for what you're going through, but I gotta ask, why'd you take the job given all the lousy posts about her? I realize there's this Lisa fan club on NR who always comes to her defense after posts like this, but there are plenty more who she completely stiffed (among them me). Be sure to post in SC your experience.

Unfortunately, Lisa' s like a cockroach, she'll never go away cos she always manages to get people to work for her.

Reply by HrdwrkrVA on 11/8/12 8:17pm
Msg #442697

I know I shouldn't have worked for her based on what others

had to deal with. I gave her a chance a couple of yrs ago. She said the non-pays were a misunderstanding, blah blah , blah. A couple of hiccups were straightened out. It burns how casual some SS's can be about paying their notaries. If they're late no big deal, but the notaries better cross their i's & dot their t's by golly or you'll be docked 16 ways & hung by your toenails. Her attitude last time I spoke to her about this shortage was sooo blase'.
...and then they keep calling ME to do more work! Kinda like SOX.

Luckily, she only skimmed me for a few dollars, but it's the principle - I hope it bites her in the ...well, you know!

Remember SOX, DucuServ & beware people...BEWARE!

Reply by sueharke on 11/9/12 10:30am
Msg #442754

This is NOT a direct comment about SoCal Signings, but people in general. Most people have a short memory for issues that happen. The experience is not shared or put in a place where he or she may read to understand what happened in the past. I believe the quote "he who does not study history is doomed to repeat it."

Reply by MikeC/TX on 11/9/12 6:53pm
Msg #442826

<<I believe the quote "he who does not study history is doomed to repeat it." >>

Well said, Sue, and we see it happen so many times here.

Even when the history is shared, there are people who think, "well, maybe it will be different this time and I should give it a shot." And these are the same people who come back a month or two later, complaining about being screwed by a company that has a documented history of screwing notaries.

The only thing that comes to my mind in these cases is: we told you, we warned you, the red flags were flying and yet you decided to ignore all that and go for it anyway. So what would you like us to do now - give you a hug and hope that the situation will magically correct itself? It won't.

Good companies sometimes become bad companies, but bad companies rarely - if ever- become good companies. Keep that in mind, and you've probably covered about 90% of what you need to know to make a profit...

Reply by BP/WV on 11/16/12 1:05pm
Msg #443644

I don't think their right hand knows what their left hand is doing.

I just had to deal with this company who KEN boldly lied to say "yes I have docs now" when in fact, he didn't. that is not how we so things here in WV and I made sure they knew my feelings. I left several voicemails since they don't seem to answer their phones.

Reply by ca/fl on 4/27/13 1:13pm
Msg #467428

She hasn't changed a bit!!! Owes me for print fee and won't pay..........GOOD people just don't work like that!!!!!! I'm done,,,,,,,,,

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