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Google Chrome vs. IE
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Google Chrome vs. IE
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Posted by MistarellaFL on 10/13/12 3:40pm
Msg #438451

Google Chrome vs. IE

I got into a little trouble last month with some malware, and I removed my Google Chrome and returned to using IE 8.
What a big difference. IE 8 most times seems to hang and hang....showing me that hourglass icon.
Today I got sick of it, and reinstalled Chrome. It's faster than lightning, and certainly faster than ole IE.
Anyone else notice that?
Opinions, if you have one.

Reply by BrendaTx on 10/13/12 4:49pm
Msg #438457

If I never see FF or IE on my computer again, I will be fine. HATE THEM BOTH.

Google Chrome pains my arse because it constantly whines about plug-ins.

I will keep Chrome.

Reply by LarryTN on 10/14/12 3:31pm
Msg #438543

Only problem with Google Chrome is that lots of websites will not work with it. I really like GC

Reply by Clem/CA on 10/14/12 10:22am
Msg #438504

malware removal tools shoud be run weekly I rund 3 checks and all find different things

Spybot search and distroy. besure to imunize also here Free

Malware bytes Don't install the ask tool bar when prompted, uncheck those boxes then continue. Free

Housecall get the right version 32 bit or 64 bit Free

Reply by Barb25 on 10/14/12 10:55am
Msg #438511

I use IE9 but

and don't seem to have any serious problems. Every now and then it "quits" Nothing outrageous. What is "better" about Google Chrome... seriously. I have no loyalty to IE .. Just would like to know what is better about it. Would gladly change with reason. Anbody?

Reply by sueharke on 10/14/12 12:41pm
Msg #438524

Re: I use IE9 but

IE has a way of having security issues that "invite" viruses/trojan horses/malware/other security issues." I only use it when the website I want to use says "we accept IE ONLY", as in some government websites. No web browser is secure.

If you want to use another persons computer (personal or work), I suggest looking at "" as whatever you do on the other computer leaves no trace of ever happening. If is great for free wi-fi or any type on a PC (not sure if it works on Apple) (coffee shop, library, airport, etc).

Reply by MistarellaFL on 10/14/12 12:42pm
Msg #438525

Chrome is much faster than my IE

That's my biggest like.

Reply by Barb25 on 10/14/12 2:02pm
Msg #438532

Re: Chrome is much faster than my IE

Well I will give it a try. Like I said I have IE9.. The usual "not responding" occasionally but... wtheck I will give Chrome a try. It is forever showing up on my computer because I forget to "uncheck" everytime I download updates or something and I keep uninstalling it. So I will try it. I know that IE is much faster since I decided to connect my main computer through an ethernet connection instead of using my wireless network. I didn't think there would be so much of a difference. And there was really no reason for me to be wireless except "who likes wires."

Reply by Barb25 on 10/14/12 2:04pm
Msg #438533

All of this just made me think

Remember life when we just had dial-up and we thought ... Isn't this great? And then came Broadband... and now... nothing is fast enough... Smile

Reply by MistarellaFL on 10/15/12 7:59am
Msg #438590

We've become spoiled rotten internet junkies :) n/m

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