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Just got called for a VIP signing. I asked what that meant
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Just got called for a VIP signing. I asked what that meant
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Posted by Linda Juenger on 10/17/12 8:32am
Msg #438862

Just got called for a VIP signing. I asked what that meant

and was told he was a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON. I told her that I treat EVERY borrower as a VIP. Every borrower is yours and my paychecks. She agreed. He will get the same signing experience that all my borrowers get. The only thing I may do a little different but not much is wear my business suit. I normally just dress business casual. We're pretty layed back around here. What diff does it make what the borrowers do for a living or their status in life? Makes no diff to me. A loan is a loan is a loan.

Reply by Gregory/CA on 10/17/12 8:38am
Msg #438864

I agree. n/m

Reply by Shoshana/AZ on 10/17/12 8:49am
Msg #438866

I agree with you Linda. I have been told that on occasion too and responded the same way. I don't have a business suit, but I do dress nicely.

Reply by ToniK on 10/17/12 8:56am
Msg #438868

Ive been told that as well. But its usually some CEO of a company with alot of money as a downpayment. Last "VIP" I had he brought $65K of his own money.

Reply by Calnotary on 10/17/12 9:08am
Msg #438871

Last time I signed a VIP he was putting down 381K on a purchase and he wired the funds before I got there and to the wrong account number. I didn't know what happened later but the escrow officer was trying to trace the wire.

He got the wire instructions from the escrow papers from weeks ago. I had different wiring instructions. He almost had a heart attack.

Reply by ToniK on 10/17/12 9:18am
Msg #438875

Thats crazy!!!!

Reply by snowflake/PA on 10/17/12 9:23am
Msg #438876

You're right. All Bos are important. But I did have an $800,000 cash deal several months back. In and out in 15 minutes!

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 10/17/12 9:59am
Msg #438884

I wonder if this term is loosely meant? I don't know. When I heard it, I was thinking, like an estate closing for some prominent citizen/govt or CIA type around here. Turns out, it was NOTHING like that - or what everyone is describing here with the funds. No big deal at all.
Good thing, too (it was in Aug and I arrived nearly "melted" sweating like a pig).

I still don't know why it was a VIP signing; I was just wondering if the main client - Title or whatever - just wanted their boss's cousin, golf partner, white-house intern, whatever - treated with extra special care!

Reply by HisHughness on 10/17/12 9:58am
Msg #438883

At all my signings, I think there are two VIPs present.

One is the borrower.

The other is me.

Reply by VT_Syrup on 10/17/12 10:06am
Msg #438885

The think for notaries to keep in mind about VIPs...

... is that seeing a VIP thousands of times on TV doesn't count for purposes of personal knowledge of identity. Of course, California notaries don't care about personal knowledge unless the VIP is serving as a credible witness.

Reply by Clem/CA on 10/17/12 10:30am
Msg #438893

Last VIP signing I had the guy showed up in flip flops shorts and a hawaiian shirt.

Reply by PegiT_MN on 10/17/12 10:52am
Msg #438895

In My Experience Regarding A VIP Client....

.....the lender (typically their personal banker within the banking institution) is the one that has determined that they are a VIP client for whatever the reason may be. I had one that was classified as a VIP that the guy was the owner of a large corporation and we did the signing in his office. His personal banker had dealt with him for years and was facilitating his refinance transaction as well. I had one that was classified as a VIP client and come to find out the personal banker who was taking care of her refinance was her neighbor down the street. Neither of these transactions were originated by the servicing departments with a mass mailing or a solicitation call, but rather a personal banker from within the bank. Come to think of it.....they were both the same lender too.

And yes......all borrowers should be treated as VIP's......but these special requests are coming from the banks to the title companies to send out their best notaries for the signing. So if you ever get a call for a VIP signing like Linda should feel complimented that the title company chose you to go out and represent them for the banks "VIP" client.

Reply by Donna McDaniel on 10/17/12 11:22am
Msg #438905

Re: In My Experience Regarding A VIP Client....

or it could mean "we really messed this one up so please don't send out someone who is going to make it worse."

Reply by jba/fl on 10/17/12 1:13pm
Msg #438919

ROFL! n/m

Reply by Barb25 on 10/17/12 11:25am
Msg #438906

Oh yes, the VIP client...

When I was in NY... I got a signing throught the "personal banker." The signing was on LI's north shore in Mill Neck.. very very upscale. Big gate, long driveway, deliveries in back. I parked in front. The maid showed me in. The lady of the house seated me and we waited for the A/H husband to join us. It was for a vacation property in Aspen, CO I thnk. I said we will sign in blue. He used his black pen. Of course. He sat with his legs over his comfortable chair and as his wife delivered the papers to him he signed and flipped them onto the floor. I wasn't about to pick them up. They laid they and after his wife realized I wasn't picking them up she dutifully stated to gather them as they were flying all over the place. I finally said I hope we don't lose any of these or we are going to have to get back together tomorrow and do this all over again. That was the closest we got to control in that room. He left after we signed and he missed a few initials and his wife conjured him at the bottom of the stairs. When all was done she asked about what I did... the notary signing and said, if you can imagine: "I bet this is something I could do." I remember looking at her in disbelief but I am not sure what I said. Hopefully I said something nice. Because anyone who had to like with that SOB deserved to have something nice said to her.

The VIP client... yes.

Reply by SharonMN on 10/17/12 12:46pm
Msg #438916

I've gotten "VIP" signings before that meant "this poor person has had their loan screwed up a couple of times already so please do a decent job." !

Reply by Luckydog on 10/17/12 3:29pm
Msg #438941

My only "special" VIP was a pro golfer. Big deal, but I guess they think they are more important than their regulars. lol

Reply by bfnotary on 10/17/12 5:09pm
Msg #438958

I wear my business suits quite frequently. Once in a while I do the business casual. But I am the same way, they are all VIP to me.

Reply by anotaryinva on 10/17/12 7:41pm
Msg #438975

This is so funny, we were told we were VIP, white glove and red carpet borrowers by the notary that came to our house. She was a little nervous. The previous notary, the day before, who could barely speak English and was having problems with his printer had his wife keep calling us to sign at 10pm after the 5pm arranged time. This was before I was a signing agent and back when we had a mortgage.

I did have one VIP, after getting the confirmation and a follow up call they asked me if I knew who I knew who the borrower I didn't, turned out it was our NFL coach. He arrived after practice in shorts and a tee, I went business dressy against my husband's advise to wear my jersey. At the time we were season ticket holders.

Size does matter, the bigger the loan the easier, that one was less than 40 minutes. Five minutes was getting him to drop the Mont Blanc felt marker and ten minutes was answering his questions about the local schools/colleges.

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