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Title Companies
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Title Companies
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Posted by OLRAM on 10/10/12 6:00pm
Msg #437985

Title Companies

Have any notaries done signing directly with Title companies and if so. Can you give any tips on any reasonable fees we as notary public can charge?

Reply by Mobile Notary Services on 10/10/12 6:12pm
Msg #437987

They usually pay the full $200, but if you give them a discounted rate they may use you more ($150-$175) is reasonable..

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 10/10/12 6:30pm
Msg #437988

"the full $200"?

What is *the* full $200? There is no standard fee. The fee YOU charge is based on your individual area and business needs or practices (expenses, profit margin, etc.) There is no industry standard. DO NOT let anyone let you think otherwise. The average fee charged can be different from community to community within the same county.

When I work directly with a title company I get a whole lot more than $150-$175. That's what I usually charge a signing service. No, I'm not kidding. NOW.... the disclaimer here is that my fees are high because I am in a remote rural area that requires a lot of travel, sometimes involving overnight stays. I do not apologize this... I offer a needed service and I'm expensive, but I get it done. NOt too many notaries would drive to Death Valley in the middle of July to handle a split signing. I did, happily...and was well paid for it. I have a car with A/C, AAA and plenty of water. I wasn't worried. Smile

My situation is a little more unusual than, say, the typical suburban or city mobile notary with more competition and fewer expenses.

Reply by PegiT_MN on 10/10/12 7:26pm
Msg #437995

I am at the total opposite end of the spectrum as Marian is. I live in the southern suburbs of Minneapolis/St. Paul which is comprised of very high density housing around me consisting of single family homes, townhomes, and condos. My area is saturated with other notaries doing the exact same thing I do......and we are all making a living at it I might add. My average driving time to a closing is 9-16 minutes, I am able to do 5-6 closings per day, and I am able to accept as low as $75.00 per closing and still make a profit. I like to try and get as many $100.00 closings as I can, but I do many $75-$90 closings as well. In the three years I have been doing this, I would say that I could count about 30 closings that were within a six block radius from me........which I could have easily walked to.

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 10/10/12 8:00pm
Msg #438000

That's exactly what I mean. Every situation is different. I would love to do 5-6 signings a day if I could, but where I am, that's just impossible because of the time travel time involved. So, I end up making that up in other ways to cover those expenses and get more creative.

When I lived in the SFV area of Los Angeles I was able to charge much less and travel just a few blocks (15 min radius by car) and have enough work to keep me busy days on end with far fewer expenses.

And don't even get me started on my fuel expenses right now. Frown

Reply by LKT/CA on 10/10/12 8:37pm
Msg #438006

<<<I have a car with A/C, AAA and plenty of water.>>>

You forgot the baby wipes, fruit, and trail mix...<heehee!!>>

Reply by BrotherOwner on 10/10/12 9:24pm
Msg #438016

You're NOT supposed to have the baby in the car! << HEE HEE!! >>

Reply by PegiT_MN on 10/10/12 9:29pm
Msg #438017

.....or 10.5 cases of paper either. Thanks for your post BrotherOwner. I emptied out my car that evening.

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 10/10/12 9:41pm
Msg #438018


Actually, being that this is earthquake country and emergency preparedness has been drilled into my head since I was born, I have an entire 72-hour bug out bag in the trunk when I travel... plus as part of my mobile office setup, I have an case extra clothing or things that I might need if I can't get home.

It has come in handy more times than I want to admit. I'm actually very close to getting myself a Jeep for some of my trips. I actually turned down a job the other day where they wanted to meet me at a campsite that would have required me to meet them at a location that would have required a high clearance vehicle. The borrowers were volunteers on a 30-day assignment at old mining camp that's being restored. They couldn't leave, since for some reason they so needed somebody to go to them. I told the TC I'd do it if they would reimburse me for renting a 4x4. They wouldn't do it. Not sure if they managed to find anyone... they'd tried to get me to do it for 5 days and were going to pay me a lot for it...they just wouldn't spring for the extra. I think they realized the liability of the travel up there might have been a bit much.

Seriously...these are some of the crazy ones I get. I love them.

Reply by PegiT_MN on 10/10/12 10:14pm
Msg #438021

You Are So Awesome Marian!

I totally love it when you share your experiences. I can't believe we are doing the same kind of job....we may even sign for some of the same companies. My driving a few blocks down the street seems so boring compared to your fabulous signings in the wilderness.

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 10/10/12 10:21pm
Msg #438024

Re: You Are So Awesome Marian!

Yeah... well.... I'm also paying nearly $5 a gallon for gas right now and it's KILLING me. Frown Not so awesome.

Some of the companies back east don't quite get that the wild, wild west still exists. Smile

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 10/10/12 10:31pm
Msg #438025

Re: You Are So Awesome Marian!

Plus... it's October, which means we're entering the cooler months... which, believe it or not, means tourism... which means all of the off-roaders and winter hermits start showing up.

It's when I start getting phone calls and emails for service that aren't addresses but sometimes, GPS coordinates or landmarks and meet people in their RVs. People will spend weeks out on lots of land that they own out here in their RVs and bring their off-road toys with them.

We finally have hotel in town, though... just opened this year. A Best Western. So, I might be able to class it up a bit. LOL

Reply by sueharke on 10/11/12 12:25am
Msg #438035

Re: You Are So Awesome Marian!

I'm surprised you don't have a tent and sleeping bag too Smile Sounds like a great life and great place to travel, like the places I use to go camping at.

Reply by snowflake/PA on 10/11/12 10:45am
Msg #438062

Re: You Are So Awesome Marian!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm rural here. Don't get cell service in some areas when on the road or even if we have to call from Borrower's home to speak with an EO or LO. It just kills the title companies when I request a paltry increase for travel. "BUT, we show you are ONLY 9 miles from . . . . . . " "Are you kidding me, I'm an hour from the Borrowers!"

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 10/11/12 12:27pm
Msg #438075

Re: You Are So Awesome Marian!

I know! They take those zip code searches as gospel. And yet, zip codes can cover hundreds of miles in rural areas.

In my case I have a military base that often gets in the way, too....three of them, actually...and lots of state and federal land. Plus, mapping programs that think there are roads where roads don't really exist.... or used to exist 40+ years ago.

The best part is that you'd be amazed at how you have to travel the crappiest of roads to these desert and mountain ranches with some pretty nice homes on them. Certain people live way the heck out here for some very good reasons. Some of them famous....yes, maybe not Hollywood famous, but more industry and exploration, although there are some Hollywood types out here, as well.

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