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What an October this has been! For those who have
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What an October this has been! For those who have
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Posted by MW/VA on 10/28/12 3:10pm
Msg #440916

What an October this has been! For those who have

been wishing for the "good old days", I think they're back. I had a record month! I hope everyone else is seeing the surge in biz! Lower rates & more people qualifying should be good news for this last quarter of the year. I do hear borrowers lamenting their frustrations for the amt. of time & no. of hoops they have to go through. Nonetheless, they're happy to be saving so much money each month. It's making for pleasant signings! :-)

Reply by 101livescan on 10/28/12 3:27pm
Msg #440919

Indeed, girlfriend. I'm looking at year to year October, and this has been the absolute best since 2003. Counting my blessings. God is watching over me.

Reply by CopperheadVA on 10/28/12 3:33pm
Msg #440920

Still 3 more business days in October! n/m

Reply by Linda Juenger on 10/28/12 3:42pm
Msg #440922

Re: Still 3 more business days in October!

My Aug and Sept were record months for me in 7 years. Oct fell short, but may make it with 3 days left but I already turned 2 down for Halloween night. I feel bad, but I have 4 little grand goblins I want to see and be with. Some things are just more important. I offered day time hours but no takers.

Reply by grapebed on 10/28/12 7:06pm
Msg #440947

September was a record month. October, unless I get some last minute calls, was disappointing..just average.

I really need to double-up my marketing for a strong year-end. Congratulations to those who had a record October. I am jealous.

Reply by Claudine Osborne on 10/28/12 9:52pm
Msg #440967

The last few months have been record breaking for me too..I have never done as well as this year..Wow..A few of my TCs tell me there are a lot of loans in the pipeline..they are backlogged..Yeah..I have quite a few on the schedule for the next few days too..but with the weather approaching who knows how that will be affected..I am truly blessed!

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