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A first for me. You have to love a honest borrower. n/m
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A first for me. You have to love a honest borrower. n/m
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Posted by Vicky58 on 4/17/13 6:35pm
Msg #466123

A first for me. You have to love a honest borrower. n/m

Reply by Vicky58 on 4/17/13 6:41pm
Msg #466126

Re: A first for me. You have to love a honest borrower.

Sorry I hit the wrong button. Anyway, I get a call to do a closing tomorrow evening, I call the borrower to confirm and she states, My house is dirty, it is full of stuff, there is no place for you to sit, I am what some people refer to as a hoarder, would you mind meeting with me at the local Dennys? My answer, why no that would perfect for me, I want you to be as comfortable as possible during our signing. The Gods must have been smiling down on me to get such an honest borrower.

Reply by CopperheadVA on 4/17/13 6:58pm
Msg #466130

Re: A first for me. You have to love a honest borrower.

That is very considerate of the borrower - wish they were all like that!

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 4/17/13 8:51pm
Msg #466150

Last hoarder I had:

I knock on door. She finally answers after much rustling and banging noises. She can barely open door cos of all the junk blocking it. I can see there's not one square inch of available space past the entrance. Heck, there's not even one square inch of available air.

Somehow she oozes herself out the door using a combination of contortions and threading one extremity at a time through the opening, eventually squeezing herself out. (Reminded me of chldbirth.) I'm standing there with my notary bag, trying not to laugh.

Once out, she looks at me like nothing's out of the ordinary and basically says let's get it on. On the (tiny) front porch? No, she says. In your car. NO WAY, Chiquita!!! I then (regretfully) tell her she's got to put herself in reverse cos she needs to get her ID. Back in she goes. Meanwhile, I scout around for a signing location and decide it will be on the trunk of her vintage car .... some late 1950s Plymouth the width of her driveway. So that's where we signed.

Wassa matta with these people?? When they know that nobody can physically get in their house, why don't they just say so up front, like Vicky58's borrower?

That's why during the confirmation call I always ask borrowers if they want me to come to their home or meet somewhere else ... giving them the opportunity to suggest Starbucks or wherever in case their bonehead LO has somehow conveyed to them they must sign at home.... as bonehead LOs often do. Occasionally, someone happily takes me up on it (not even knowing that was an option).

I always thought that if I were the borrower, I'd arrange to meet the notary somewhere else so I would have to clean my house if I didn't want to! However, now, I'd never have a notary come to my house anyway.... cos I'd never use a mobile notary to sign my loan ... not after the recent posts about SSs run by convicted identity theives and SSs demanding notaries send them borrower personal info (copies of DLs, etc.) "for their files." Yikes! (But I digress).

Reply by Jodith/WA on 4/17/13 10:40pm
Msg #466155

Re: Last hoarder I had:

I've started on my confirmation calls telling folks that we will require a table to sit and do the signing. If they say they don't have a good location, I suggest meeting elsewhere. I've signed one too many times sitting on the sofa, and having to lay documents on the floor to get a good impression with my stamp.

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 4/17/13 11:42pm
Msg #466164

Re: Last hoarder I had:

Good grief. I wouldn't even think of stamping under those circumstances no matter what. We can only do what we can do... legislators and SOS bureaucrats have no idea what we go through at our signing locations when they come up with "must be notarized in signer's presence" or whatever. They think we're all sitting at nice tables in nice offices like theirs. LOL. At one of my last signings, there were two dead flies on the table. Yuk! Should have included them in the return pkg. Why not? The mustard and sticky syrup stains went back.

Reply by 101livescan on 4/18/13 10:18am
Msg #466196

Re: Last hoarder I had:

This is pretty funny for me. I got a letter from the DOJ announcing they are coming to my live scan digs on May 3 to inspect my operation and set up and make sure I'm not allowing any one else but me capture fingerprints and to see how I store information. All about preventing ID fraud. I'm looking around at my office and thinking, crap, I need to do some housekeeping. Just finished my taxes and place looks like a cyclone hit it. Well, I'm legal, just a little messy. One month end completely causes immediate chaos when you're running around like a chicken trying to meet FEDEX/UPS and ONTRAC deadlines. I just hit a wall some evenings.

Well, I got a couple of weeks. Little each day and I should have it licked.

I've signed in the back of my SUV, once I signed a Narc officer who was on stake out. He assured me everything was pretty quiet at the time, we signed in his battered "stake out vehicle".

I don't know about these folks, do they just sit around and drink coffee all day, watch soaps, open up soup cans, etc.

Reply by Robert522TX on 4/17/13 7:34pm
Msg #466134

Re: A first for me. >>>Gag free works for me!! :) n/m

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