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Is there a NotRot forum for veteran NSA's only?
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Is there a NotRot forum for veteran NSA's only?
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Posted by rolomia on 8/1/13 4:15pm
Msg #478908

Is there a NotRot forum for veteran NSA's only?

I'm tired of viewing posts from newbies who ask questions that have already been addressed in our forum. Even free members can find what they need via the limited search function. What about the JP forum that I've heard about? Is that only for Jurist Practitioners? Just curious. Thanks! JMHO

Reply by Stephanie Santiago on 8/1/13 4:19pm
Msg #478911

Pretty sure this is it..... n/m

Reply by Buddy Young on 8/1/13 10:20pm
Msg #478990

Re: Pretty sure this is it.....

Yes this is it!! I don't chose to read or reply to every post or thread and you have the choice to read or not.

I'm a newbie too compared to some experts on this forum.

This is still the best source of information available anywhere and we have had some very interesting discussions in the past; priceless information that you cannot learn in a class or a book.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 11:27pm
Msg #479007

Agreed! Thanks! n/m

Reply by Sylvia_FL on 8/1/13 4:40pm
Msg #478918

No, this is it. The JP forum is for political discussions (JP = Just Politics)

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 4:49pm
Msg #478921

Okay. Thanks, anyway. It figures : ( n/m

Reply by MW/VA on 8/1/13 8:37pm
Msg #478976

Also, many of us have our profiles out in the open, and

stand behind what we say. It's so easy to make these remarks while remaining "anonymous" by not linking your name to your profile.

Reply by Mindy/ on 8/1/13 11:42pm
Msg #479008

Re: Also, many of us have our profiles out in the open, and

I was thinking the exact thing! It's always the anonymous ones that love to give everyone, especially newbies, a bad time! Why is that?

Reply by bfrank14 on 8/1/13 11:53pm
Msg #479010

Re: Also, many of us have our profiles out in the open, and

We were all newbies at one time. Asking questions is how i have been in this business for ten years. We should help and share our expertise not get upset when the same question is asked multiple times.

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 8/1/13 4:49pm
Msg #478922

What, Sean? And rob the rest of us of the refinements and social graces of the veterans in the signing industry???!!

(Sorry; I couldn't resist) Smile

OR . . .

If your Post is Flagged, please check here for possible reasons:
1. Your topic has been discussed
2. You live under a bridge
3. You work for low-ball companies (and openly advocate that others do the same)
4. Your post is politically charged
5. Your membership has temporarily lapsed
6. Your post has more grammatical and typographical errors than a too-headed turdle

Reply by Paul2_FL on 8/1/13 4:53pm
Msg #478925

"I'm tired of viewing posts from newbies who ask questions that have already been addressed in our forum".

I've been a NSA for a 8+ years now and still consider myself a "newbie" because each time a "newbie" posts something it just maybe something I didn't know or forgot. (Senior moments do happen)! We all learn from one another so trying to find a "veteran" forum defeats the whole purpose.
Yes "newbies" do ask questions that have been addressed previously but so what - no harm done. I only wish that I had the ability of some on this forum that don't berate the person asking the question and answer the question intelligently.

Reply by JanetK_CA on 8/1/13 5:20pm
Msg #478938

"I only wish that I had the ability of some on this forum that don't berate the person asking the question and answer the question intelligently"

IMO, it has nothing to do with ability. It's simply a decision that anyone can make at any moment. All you have to do is take a deep breath, review your post before you hit send - and do so trying to read it from the perspective of other readers. It's not that hard, but it does take just a little bit of time and effort. [Just try to channel PAW, the 1st Paul from FL, and you won't go wrong!]

BTW, I think you made a valid point in your first paragraph. I still learn new things on a regular basis after 10+ years. BUT sometimes, there is a lot of the same 'ole, same 'ole, and it does get old... Wink

Reply by Karla/OR on 8/1/13 7:20pm
Msg #478964

Thank you for your post Janet. My first thought was how rude and insensitive the initial poster was! My belief is that if you think you know it all, you don't! As you stated, we really do need newbie questions on here to refresh ourselves occasionally of things that were once new to us too.

Maybe the poster ought to think that we are tired if posts like theirs!!! Maybe they should star their own "I am tired of newbies - I know it all" site!!!

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 5:25pm
Msg #478939

I only agree somewhat. However, my time is worth money, so..

If the bulk of what newbies post was new to this forum, I might tolerate the rest of it. I've only been a notary since July, 1999. But, I began prepping for the NSA field in April, 2004. In May, 2005, I received my first order. B/c I had conducted so much research, beforehand, I was able to complete said order w/out one phone call to TC/SS. It's a good thing, too, b/c my cell phone didn't have coverage in that area. Unfortunately, the lender got the BO's rate, wrong.

The husband was cussing b/c of it. I reminded them that there is a 3-day rescission period, since the loan was a refi. btw: the husband wanted to show me his private gun collection, as he was a Private **** (2nd word is slang for "Investigator." It didn't help that his "barn door" was open when he said that.

All the while, his hands were shaking, b/c he was upset, though, I suspect that he probably had Parkinson's disease. The package was 200+ pages long b/c it was from a lender, TC & SS who, between them, were the trio of incompetence. Found many other errors in the package.

With BO's copies, total 400+ pages. The appt. took nearly 6 hrs. to complete b/c both BO's were voracious readers. Some pages they even read twice. Husband was in late 60's, wife was in early 50's. I started at 4:30PM, left at 10:15PM. After dropping docs., got a phone call 2 days later from lender who said that BO's claim that they didn't sign anything. Really? Then, who did?

A simple handwriting analysis would reveal that they lied. Needless to say, the lender cancelled the loan contract and the BO's got nothing. Of course, I didn't get paid, either. But, this experience was the worst of them all. So, I stuck with it, hoping things would improve. And, they have (somewhat). But, the avg. pay has definitely been on a downward trend, thanks, in part, to the sudden and major increase in our numbers, nationwide.

It's bad enough that Arkansas still holds the record for having the highest numbers of notaries per capita in the U.S.A. But, b/c most of said notaries found out about the NSA field, veteran NSA's suffer lower pay, too. It's not right. But, this problem will only get much worse before it gets better, if it ever does. JMHO

Reply by John Tennant on 8/1/13 5:02pm
Msg #478928

If you are tired of viewing posts from newbies, go elsewhere. You were a newbie once yourself and now sound as if you have grown to be "better" than the rest of us. JMHO

Reply by bagger on 8/1/13 5:19pm
Msg #478936

If your are such a "seasoned" veteran, you would know more about JP

Reply by JanetK_CA on 8/1/13 6:11pm
Msg #478952

Bagger, I think you might be conflating two different things... unless you were just kidding? In case you weren't, JP isn't an integral part of the notary business (thank goodness!), so I think it's extremely possible to be a seasoned notary and not be up to speed about JP. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are lots of very experienced, very busy notaries out there who don't bother with online forums and may not even know about Notary Rotary. Some of them are just too busy. Their loss - but possibly ours, as well.

Reply by Karla/OR on 8/1/13 7:21pm
Msg #478965

LOL!!! n/m

Reply by 101livescan on 8/1/13 5:26pm
Msg #478941

We were all newbies once, remember? There is a place for everyone who joins this board as a new member.

I guess you could start your own veteran NSA board and see how many join you!

Reply by CH2inCA on 8/1/13 5:49pm
Msg #478947

"I'm tired of viewing posts from newbies who ask questions that have already been addressed in our forum. "

Not too tired, you keep coming back to read them.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 5:58pm
Msg #478949

There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope! n/m

Reply by John Tennant on 8/1/13 6:03pm
Msg #478951

Re: There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope!

Tell us all, what is it like to "know it all". I have never had that experience.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 6:12pm
Msg #478954

Re: There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope!

I never once implied that I know it all. I merely asked if there was a notary forum for veteran NSA's. I certainly never said that I was better than anybody else. But, I do have more experience than newbies. That's why they're called newbies. I've been through many training and certification programs, have completed hundreds of error-free signings, and continually study the profession, everyday. By some NSA's standards, I may still be considered a newbie of sorts. But, I feel that I have earned the right to also rank among veteran NSA's, too. Others may disagree and that is their prerogative. But, I didn't bash any one person on here. But, the replies suggest that NotRot members are taking my posts, personally. Sad. JMHO

Reply by Ali/IL on 8/1/13 6:44pm
Msg #478959

Re: There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope!

We were all newbies at one time.

At first I asked questions that would have seemed repetitive. When I first joined this site I didn't really know where to look. There were people on here that really helped me a lot and, I want to thank you.

If you don't like those newbie questions then just don't read them. I am sure that once they see noone answers they will take closer looks.

Rolomia, there may come a time when even though you think you know it all that you may have a question too.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 6:50pm
Msg #478962

Re: There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope!

Again, I NEVER once said that I know it all. I'm not downgrading newbies for being newbies. Ijust asked that they use the search function before posting inquiries that have already been addressed. But, thanks for the unwarranted attack. I appreciate it. JMHO

Reply by Karla/OR on 8/1/13 7:26pm
Msg #478966

Re: There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope!

I think it was the way you stated, "I am tired of viewing posts from newbies." A very negative connotation from the get-go. You need to think about how your verbiage is going to be interpreted. Perhaps you could have thought of a different way to phrase your thoughts.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 11:03pm
Msg #479002

You're right. I will pay closer attention to my words.

I apologize to anybody who I may have inadvertently offended. That wasn't my attention at all. Sorry. Thanks for clarifying. What I should have said is that I would like to see posts on this forum sorted by topic so that those of us who wish it can view all posts in a linear fashion by thread topic, according to an established Table of Contents. It is somewhat that way now, with the search function. But, what I am talking about would require automated software that I don't believe is currently running on this forum's server. It's probably very expensive software. Oh, well. I guess it's a dream, for now. Thanks! God bless : ) JMHO

Reply by Mindy/ on 8/1/13 11:45pm
Msg #479009

Re: You're right. I will pay closer attention to my words.

That should be taken up with Notary Rotary, not the forum.

Reply by JanetK_CA on 8/2/13 12:49am
Msg #479012

Re: There's a difference between fatigue and vain hope!

"A very negative connotation from the get-go."

Perhaps. Or merely a statement of fact - or an expression of fatigue? It didn't really register with me as being negative (but I think I've developed a thick skin in this business). While I agree that it would be helpful for posters to think about how their language is interpreted (and I have posted to that effect in this very thread), they're under no obligation to do so. Everyone has a different writing and speaking style. I'd like to think there's a middle ground where people can whip off a quick post about something and, while using a little care to not be rude and abusive (which I think this original post didn't even come close to), not have to worry about what can sometimes be overly delicate sensibilities...

Most of this stuff isn't *meant* personally (including this very post!) and I think readers here would be wise to try not to take so personally what is said here. 'Ain't none of us perfect'... Wink

Reply by Notarysigner on 8/1/13 6:51pm
Msg #478963

Re: Not vain hope Rolomia!

Rolomia.....Carrie Rivera and I created a site three years ago for "season notaries" who were tired of being bashed, disrespect for their views and attacked, just cause. In three years, nobody has attacked anyone and only one person has been banned, I am the administrator.

Our site is very boring because we only address pertinent issues, work to resolve issues presented on the forum and require no anonymous posting.

If you have an issue, you must name the person and the details and we all charm in to solve. We are very successful but again, very boring because when you put yourself on stage, you better have you stuff together.

It is a closed site, and again..I approve the membership. We want people to feel secure and get the information they want. There are a lot on members on this site, that are members of our site.

Out of respect for Harry and this site, we have NEVER directed people toward our site, but trust me, it exist!

Reply by Eve/VA on 8/7/13 11:44am
Msg #479523

Please define "newbie"

How do you decide someone is a newbie? By the questions they ask I suppose. How else ... you don't know what experience they bring to the job. The only thing you have to go on is a question or a topic you aren't interested in or you consider to be dumb.

I bring years of related experience to the NSA business yet I usually learn something new every time I come onto this board. There are a quite a few people (veterans I guess you would call them by the fact they are regulars here) who are always helpful and professional. MW/VA comes to mind.

I come on randomly to catch up on any useful posts. Other than that, I admit I stay away because I of the level of negativity and meanness. Sometimes it's actually laughable it's so far out there.

Reply by Mindy/ on 8/1/13 7:45pm
Msg #478968

You were all "Newbies" at one time.

Reply by Frank/NC on 8/1/13 8:16pm
Msg #478970

All the "veteran" NSA's on this site realize that you aren't. In fact, my thought is that you aren't far from a newbie youself just pretending to be one of the "big guys".

Reply by Claudine Osborne on 8/1/13 8:52pm
Msg #478980

I never knew there were any other sites..I thought this was the best site ever..I learn something new everyday..

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 11:05pm
Msg #479004

This IS the best site ever. NotRot rules! n/m

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 9:58pm
Msg #478988

Wow! A degrading comment. How unlike this forum.

Though I haven't closed as many loans as you, I have owned over 27 businesses and have over 33 years of business ownership experience. I've been working my whole, entire life, serving the public. When I was 4 yrs. old, my Dad allowed me to help him with his lawn care business, which he ran on the side when he wasn't at his regular, full-time job. Every day, after school, for 2 hrs. and on weekends + all summer long, I worked part-time and still had time to play, watch TV, etc.

All while earning an avg. 3.5 to 4.0 GPA at school. I also helped my Dad with his plumbing repair business. From age 8 to 16, I worked our family's 6-acre avocado ranch, part-time, while I attended school and worked my first regular job off-ranch at age 16. And, from age 16 to 20, I
helped manage that ranch, in addition to college (which I was allowed to begin attending early), all while keeping my grades up and working a p/t job. At age 20, I entered the US Air Force. So, yes. You're right.

I may be a newbie in your eyes, but, I've always been a hard worker. I'm also a licensed, ordained minister, community volunteer, storm-chaser, commercial property inspector, judgment enforcement specialist, mystery shopper, merchandiser, auditor, website developer and legal research expert. I stay busy 10 - 12 hrs. each day, Monday to Saturday.

And, though I haven't closed as many loans as you, I'm constantly learning, studying, etc. I'm also pursuing my real estate license. Thus, I'm too busy to worry about unfounded, verbal attacks from people who don't know me. I guess some people just have to insult others to feel better about themselves. How sad and pitiful. Color me surprised (sarcasm). But, if insulting, hateful posts are what this forum aspires to, then, it's days are probably numbered.

Reply by NVLSlady/VA on 8/1/13 10:23pm
Msg #478992

Re: Wow! A degrading comment. How unlike this forum.

As an ordained minister, I am confident that these words will mean something to you:

Don't pay attention to everything people say—you may hear your servant insulting you, and you know yourself that you have insulted other people many times. [Eccl. 7:21-22, Good News Translation)

Or if preferred . . . [New International Version (NIV)]

Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 10:42pm
Msg #478998

Amen, Sister! Thank you : ) n/m

Reply by Buddy Young on 8/1/13 10:32pm
Msg #478995

Re: Wow! A degrading comment. How unlike this forum.

How in the world do you find time to post?

I could question running 27 business but you would take it as an attack on your ability.

Reply by rolomia on 8/1/13 10:54pm
Msg #479000

No, Sir. I would not take it as an attack on my abilities.

You are very welcome to make any inquiry you wish. I ran 27 businesses by starting them one by one. Then, finding other people to manage them for me, in exchange for 50% of the profits. I've since sold some of them to those managers and to others. It has been a relatively-rewarding experience for me. And, I didn't manage those businesses, myself. I merely oversaw the operations. The day to day operations are handled by my personally-chosen managers. It is a process taught to me by my Dad, who, by the way, is currently dealing with a number of health issues. Please pray for him. God bless : )

Reply by Scriba/NM on 8/2/13 1:45am
Msg #479015

Musn't Poke The Bee Hive - See What Happens? n/m

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