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"Thank You" Notary Family!!
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"Thank You" Notary Family!!
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Posted by Karla/OR on 8/17/13 12:59pm
Msg #480809

"Thank You" Notary Family!!

On a Sunday in June I accepted a GNW appointment from an attorney that called me from a distant city. He was preparing six pleadings for his client (who lived near me) and would e-mail them to her when completed. I would then be notified to drive to his clients location and notarize them. Although it turned out to be a late night (after midnight) by the time it all was finished, I did the job willingly.

I 'dogged' him for payment (invoiced twice and called twice). I got promises of payment at first but never received them. Then he stopped answering my calls.

Finally, from the advice (and wording) of several notaries here on NOT/ROT, I sent him a collection letter a week ago. The letter stated details of the signing and my unsuccessful attempts to collect the fee. I used verbiage from previous posts by PegiT of MN and LKT/CA: "You hired me to perform a notary task for you and you have failed to pay me for services rendered. This is a breach of contract and financial responsibility. If payment is not received in fully by _______ I will send a copy of this letter to the Oregon Bar Association as well as the County Attorney/Prosecutor's office." I added my own: "In addition I will author this information on all major notary sites."

I was already contemplating my next step of Small Claims Court and the possibility of never seeing the money when his payment arrive in yesterdays mail!!!!!!!! Needless to say I have been giddy ever since!!

Just saying, this worked for me and I hope it does for you as well.

Have a nice weekend!

Reply by jba/fl on 8/17/13 1:25pm
Msg #480811

This is always good news to hear. Am happy for your results! n/m

Reply by Karla/OR on 8/17/13 6:38pm
Msg #480829

Thanks Julianne! n/m

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 8/17/13 1:55pm
Msg #480813

Geez, Karla

What a lousy situation. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this, but it just shows what scummy people we deal with. Why couldn't he just pay you? But, no; I guess he thought you'd just go away if he kept ignoring you. Thieving SSs are bad enough, but GNW, too? Guess so.

I'm so happy you got your $$. Just shows what great resources we have on NR, and the best part is that you knew how to make use of it and followed through!

BTW: For others reading this: think about collecting money up front. Who knew this scumbag wouldn't pay, but since we do now, you (we) could have demanded a check by fedex before even starting out to his client's house. And if he refused, oh, well. Saved yourself a lot of grief.
Reminds me of an experience I had: Realtor calls me to go out to Mr. Richy Rich's house for a doc and said he'd pay me. He looked down his pompous nose at me the entire time and when I asked for my money he scoffed and said he wasn't paying me and who did I think I was and that the Realtor would be responsible for all his costs, blah blah retch.

Knowing what I do now and as fed up as I am by nonpayers, I would have called the Realtor there and told her he wouldn't pay me when she said he would; or better yet, I would have demanded $$ up front and if he didn't come through, I would have left. Another lesson here is that the Realtor "hired" me; I shouldn't have left the house until she paid me and then if she wanted reimbursement she could have rattled his cage.

All good lessons here. Thanks for sharing, Karla!

Reply by JanetK_CA on 8/17/13 6:45pm
Msg #480830

Re: Geez, Karla

I've never run into that exact same situation, but I've learned enough to know how easy it is for those types of "misunderstandings" to happen. Wink Whenever I'm hired by one person and told I'll be paid by another, I make a point of confirming that fact in advance with the person who is expected to pay, so I'm sure they're all on the same page. Most of the time it's a non-issue, but I hate to be chasing after my fee - and that approach has saved me some aggravation more than once. Naturally, it needs to be handled with some tact, but it's well worth the effort, IMO.

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 8/18/13 12:24am
Msg #480859

Exactly, JanetK! n/m

Reply by Karla/OR on 8/17/13 6:47pm
Msg #480831

Re: Geez, Karla

Thank you. I should have known to get payment in advance (lesson learned) - i had worked for two different attorneys in the past years that would not pay me after having been laid off. I had to get BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industry) involved and finally got my money. Sadly the bad ones create a bad name for the good ones. And yes there are good ones - the last office i worked at had three attorney's that were great! I quit in order to do NSA work so I could set my own work schedule and fees.

I will never begin to understand the inappropriate behavior of people like your Mr. Richy Rich, when you are doing a service for them. Could he not have been a bit civil and called the realtor to clear the matter and make sure you were paid for coming out there?!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!

Reply by Priscilla Witman on 8/17/13 4:20pm
Msg #480821

I was to meet with a client for a GNW appointment. Time, fees, and acceptable payment methods were all disclosed up front. Fine fine. See you then.
I get to the arranged meeting location and waited. This lady comes in ten minutes late with four family members in tow. Slaps down her document, and turns to make raucous small talk with the others. I said, politely, I'll need your ID. She smirked at me and turned away. I said, EXCUSE ME, I need your ID. So she scoffed, rummaged in her purse, and slapped it down on the table, mumbling, I don't know why you have to SEE it.

So I logged my journal entry, told her where to sign, and kept my hand on my homemade privacy guard like I usually do so it doesn't slip. She kept trying to move it, flicking at my fingers. Once she scribbled her signature, I got out my receipt book and wrote up the order. She stared at me blankly for a moment before reaching into her purse to produce a $100 bill. Umm, I can't break that bill for this amount. So, her entourage started scrambling in their pockets and they finally produced $12. I said, this is not the right amount. If you'd like to pay with credit for the remaining amount, I have my Square. The lady laughed out loud and said no, this is all I have, take it or leave it. Fine by me. Here's your unstamped doc back. Started packing up my briefcase, fishing out my car keys. They're all looking at me crazy, until they realize I was really going to leave. She said, you were hired to meet me here for this! I said, exactly. Hired. And you agreed to my fee in advance and my payment methods. Now you can either get change (there was a BK right up the road), use credit, or I'm gone. I do not carry a lot of cash with me, and again, this fee was discussed in advance.

Needless to say, she got change. I learned a long time ago to ask for the payment before the stamp touches the paper, because somebody actually collected their document on an appointment and tried to just leave without paying. This is a service we provide, not a charity. Try that at the hairdresser's or with the pizza delivery guy. It's too bad, really, that people try to steal a service from you in the first place. I am sure they had a good old laugh on me when I left, mean old notary that I am, but who cares. I was not very assertive before I became a notary, but it didn't take long to realize this isn't the kind of thing where one can be weak or timid, in more ways than one.

I am glad you got paid. Way to stand up for yourself! That lawyer should be ashamed it got to that point. You can bet he doesn't patiently wait 2 months for HIS fees.

Reply by Karla/OR on 8/17/13 6:37pm
Msg #480828

Thanks for the kind words Priscilla. I love your SPUNK!!! You had that appointment under control from the get-go! Good for you for standing up to those (excuse me) idiots that thought they could dupe you. They are disgusting trash. Reading these kids of stories on NOT/ROT is so helpful because we could run into the same issues sometime. Heaven forbid I ever have people like you had to deal with!!!

I, too, was not very assertive when starting this business a few years ago. I am firm with people now where before I just went with whatever they preferred, even if it was to my determent! What a wonderful feeling to turn that around, right?

Reply by Priscilla Witman on 8/17/13 6:50pm
Msg #480832

Most of the people I meet are truly decent. n/m

Reply by Tudi/CA on 8/17/13 7:00pm
Msg #480835

Priscilla, great post!! You GO GIRL!!

Reply by JanetK_CA on 8/17/13 7:09pm
Msg #480838

Reminds me of another jerk I had to deal with one time, where he was too busy chatting with his companion to pay attention. I couldn't get a word in edgewise. That kind of behavior is body language for you are beneath me and I can't be bothered. Doesn't fly with me!

I already had his ID - which he had tossed at me - and had filled in my journal, but I needed to administer an oath and he needed to sign. So when he continued ignoring me, I finally physically put his entire document and his ID into my journal, closed it up, relaxed back in my chair, folded my hands in my lap and sat there staring at him, with a small smile on my face. He paused in his conversation and looked at me when he noticed that I wasn't doing anything, so I very quietly said "I'm ready to proceed whenever I can have your full attention." And I just kept smiling at him without making a move, waiting. You should have seen his face! Wouldn't you know that whatever was so important suddenly could wait. Their conversation stopped, he sat down, I administered the oath, quickly took care of what was needed and was out of there in minutes.

Man, did that feel good!! Wink BTW, that wasn't the only time I've used that phrase...

Reply by Christine/OK on 8/18/13 5:07am
Msg #480869

Janet: 'Like!' :D Great method 4 handling this situation. n/m

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 8/17/13 7:51pm
Msg #480841

You rock, Priscilla! n/m

Reply by Priscilla Witman on 8/17/13 8:42pm
Msg #480844

Just trying to run a business w/both fairness and sense. :)

I bend over backwards to help each and every person who calls. Regardless of that compassion, I will do my job correctly, and I will not allow any company or client to stand in the way of my proper performance because they choose to be disrespectful or threatening. I do not allow people to be disrespectful and abusive to me. Well, I should say, I don't stick around for it. People are going to be any old way they wish. Nowhere does it say a notary public has to withstand abuse and ask for more. I hope. Wink

Reply by ikando on 8/18/13 9:54am
Msg #480890

Priscilla, this reminds me of a call I got for GNW. He asked the usual question about cost. When I told him, he said, "but this is a service for the public. It should be free." I asked how he found me, and reminded him he called an advertised business. He did not hire me.

Reply by Priscilla Witman on 8/18/13 1:32pm
Msg #480904

I get those calls occasionally.

Top 5 Phone Conversations I Have Actually Had With Customers

1. I'm a small business owner, I can't afford your travel. (This particular business owner had a multi-million dollar inventory and 10 employees, and wanted me to visit two different locations AND go to Fedex for him for just the cost of 3 signatures. My travel fees are VERY reasonable.)
2. I'm only paying per stamp! That's how it works! $10 per signature, yeah right! You're only stamping once! (She had 4 people she needed to have signatures notarized on the same doc.)
3. If I'm coming to you, you're going to give me a discount! (Well, all right. I'll give you a 100% discount on the travel fee.)
4. Never mind, we will just send it back not notarized and see what they say. (I'm sure the Recorder will record that grant deed un-notarized, you're right. Just ignore that pesky acknowledgement wording.)
5. My mom doesn't speak English, and her doc said she doesn't have full-blown dementia yet, but she told me to tell you that yes, she wants this POA signed so that I can sell her house. It's already signed. I'll just bring it by for you to stamp. No need to bring mom. Where are you located?

It takes all kinds, I guess. I can usually just laugh these types of calls off because its obvious that some people don't really understand what it is that we do, and that although its a public service, we can and do still charge for it.

Reply by MW/VA on 8/17/13 6:58pm
Msg #480834

Good job--congrats. I think the threat to report him to the

Bar clinched it. No attorney can afford to have that happen.

Reply by LKT/CA on 8/17/13 8:40pm
Msg #480843


So glad to hear that this P.I.T.A. attorney paid you what you're owed. Even though he's a Yo-Yo, his clients may not be and he may have many connections (referrals). In the off chance that he (or his admin assistant) would call you again, if I were you, I'd have them provide the client's contact info and I'd let them know that I'd be making arrangements with and get paid directly from the client. Their law office can reimburse the client for notarial expenses but I will be collecting my fee on the spot, at the time of notarizing.

Who knows - you may gain GNW clients who call you apart from any business that uses the attorney. And they can connect you with their family/friends. If the law office doesn't agree to the client paying you directly and their office reimbursing the client, then'd I'd tell them to find someone else. Again, glad to hear you were paid.

Reply by PJM/MI on 8/18/13 6:03am
Msg #480873

Hope the check doesn't bounce! n/m

Reply by 101livescan on 8/18/13 9:15am
Msg #480885

Experience: What you get when you don't get paid!

But you did get paid, and now you have the experience of what to do in order to get paid.

Unfortunately this is the 1% we need to deal with from time to time to keep us in check.

I'll keep this in mind for the next time some dirt ball decides not to pay me, but it has not happened in years, knock on wood.

This is such a small world, the guy is a jerk for thinking he can get away with this behavior. Too bad you can't rate him in his own town, but of course, you've been paid, so why bother.

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