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UPL appearance?
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UPL appearance?
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Posted by emilysigns on 1/9/13 8:13am
Msg #449564

UPL appearance?

So, I have *really* bad vision. Even with expensive frames and digital lenses, I look like I am a Lillie Thomlin character when I wear my glasses. The few times I have worn them to an appointment, we have spent far more time than I would like discussing my eyesight. The convo is always started by the borrower and initiated by a comment such as "WHOA!"

BECAUSE I have the option to wear contacts, thereby having a more polished appearance that has never sparked conversation, I was wondering if wearing my glasses is tantamount to showing up in my jammy pants?

What do we think? Is it all in my head? Smile

Reply by HisHughness on 1/9/13 9:07am
Msg #449573

We do what we need to do to get through, Emily

Eyeglasses are not an unusual or strange device to address physical shortcomings, no different from hearing aids or orthopedic shoes. The don't approach the threshold of being intrusive. Wear whatever you need to use those cool and limpid green (blue? brown? hazel?) eyes.

Some time in the foreseeable future, my respiratory issues may require that I begin using oxygen. To continue to do closings, I would have to get an over-the-shoulder oxygen unit. That, I think, would be pushing the limits. Eyeglasses don't even come close.

Reply by emilysigns on 1/9/13 3:37pm
Msg #449666

Re: Hugh-

I'm sorry Hugh. My glasses really are a trivial little thing. There really are bigger problems. You know, from the little I know of you, you seem like the kinda guy that can pull off just about anything with style.

I do admire the fact that you look ahead with a solution in mind which will keep you doing what you do, rather than getting mired down by the challenge.

That's pretty bada$$, Hugh.

Reply by Shan/CA on 1/9/13 7:46pm
Msg #449691

Re: Hugh-

Hugh is a TEXAN! Smile

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 1/9/13 9:18am
Msg #449574

"I was wondering if wearing my glasses is tantamount to showing up in my jammy pants?"


I agree with Hugh - you do what you have to do. And anyone callous enough to comment "WHOA" to start a conversation - well, we won't go there.

Is it all in your head? I don't want to put it that way because that just sounds cruel to me. I think you're self-conscious about it so, in that sense, yes, it is. But consider that at least you have a tool to help correct your vision, improving your quality of life. You are you, and the knowledge you bring to the table is invaluable - people don't like that you wear glasses? Tough. No one is perfect.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Reply by SharonMN on 1/9/13 10:12am
Msg #449584

What is UPL supposed to mean in the post title? Usually means unauthorized practice of law.

Dressing inappropriately and wearing eyeglasses you need to help you see are too entirely different things, assuming your glasses are professional in nature and not adorned with glitter flames and rhinestones.

Any borrower commenting on your eyesight should be treated the same as someone who comments on crutches, a wheelchair, etc. I'd say something like, "Yes, well fortunately the glasses allow me to see the documents and do my job." and move on.

Reply by emilysigns on 1/9/13 2:39pm
Msg #449646

Incorrect usuage for UPL!

Sharon, was early. I was abbreviating unprofessional. LOL!

Reply by MW/VA on 1/9/13 11:09am
Msg #449605

IMO it's pretty stupid for anyone to be making a remark

about your eyeglasses, especially in today's world. When I was growing up people made very ignorant remarks about things like that. I wouldn't put up with it. You're there to do a job, and you're not interviewing to be a model. ;-)

Reply by Shoshana/AZ on 1/9/13 11:16am
Msg #449608

It's definitely all in your head. I am very overweight. Do we all have to be blonde hair, blue eyes, no wrinkles, size 0? Of course not! I have a friend who is very overweight and walks with a cane! We are all different and that's what makes up the world. I would never continue such a conversation. The only time I bring up something about myself is when when my left (artificial) knee gets caught on some scar tissue. i have to explain about it because the borrowers look concerned.

Reply by bfnotary on 1/9/13 12:28pm
Msg #449621

I as well have bad vision. I wear contacts most of the time, and glasses sometime. If it is an early morning or late night appt, they generally see me in my glasses. My glasses however cost me quite a bit due to the prescription of them. (I paid the ton extra to get the thinner lenses). But my husband tells me that i look more professional when I wear them. I wear them when needed. And sometimes they are needed. Glasses do not impact your professional appearance at all. They are a part of life.

Reply by emilysigns on 1/9/13 2:45pm
Msg #449647

You know, It was cold and dry this morning and my eyes were tired and I just kept having this conversation with myself.

I guess I am equating comfort with not presenting the best version of myself, if that makes sense. I suppose I feel this way because the two times I was brave enough to wear my glasses, I received negative attention from the borrowers.

I love other people's glasses, I am envious of the chic little frames and thin lenses so many people wear.

But, you've convinced me. I am wearing glasses to my afternoon appointment. The contacts won out this morning, but I have been miserable all day.

Reply by Shan/CA on 1/9/13 8:03pm
Msg #449695

Love the skin you're in! As someone said earlier, years ago people made negative comments about glasses, and that is why my vision is so poor today. I refused to wear glasses in school so I didn't have to hear the remarks. I would squint! Now w/o glasses or contacts I can't see my hand in front of my face. I too paid a pretty penny for feather weight lenses and line free bi-focals, oh lawd my contacts are touric because I have astigmatism in both eyes! Heaven forbid I tell y'all I am near-sighted in one eye and yep, far-sighted in the other!!!

Reply by Shan/CA on 1/9/13 7:54pm
Msg #449694

I have a similiar issue. I had surgery in 99 for an autoimmume disease and I have a very visible scar from the collar bone to navel. When wearing v-necks the first thing people ask is "did you have open heart surgery?" I used to lie and say yes because it was easier, until I got caught (couldn't answer questions to heart patient!) Now for those who want to pick at this, I would just say yes I had heart surgery because most would leave it at that, if I said no, then you had those who would ask "well, what did you have?" Most people have never heard of Myasthenia Gravis, it is a kissing cousin to Multiple Sclerosis. I go through the exact same things as a person with MS, with the except as a MG patient my spine is not affected.

Reply by emilysigns on 1/10/13 1:13pm
Msg #449792

My story and I am sticking to it....

Everyone loves a story, don't they?

When I have been asked, I tell them it was a freak industrial accident.

I usually receive a response like "Really?!"

I say, yeah-it damaged my vision, but left me with super human powers, but I don't like to brag.


Reply by Shan/CA on 1/10/13 6:32pm
Msg #449852

Re: My story and I am sticking to it....

Good one!

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