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Posted by pat/WA on 1/15/13 6:10pm
Msg #450590


People keep forgetting to take a photo copy of their ID.
How do you take a decent picture with your smart phone. Mine just turns out fuzzy

Reply by jba/fl on 1/15/13 6:13pm
Msg #450591

My phone photos are awful so I take my scanner with me along with my laptop, or a camera, depending on my mood. Sometimes I just tell them they have 3 days to get that to the TC, prior to funding. Or, we go to a copy place and I follow....if I know there is one nearby.

It's a crap shoot.

Reply by walthtz on 1/15/13 9:51pm
Msg #450630

When I got my I Phone, I purchased an APp called "Scanner Pro"
Well worth the money.
I can scan any document including ID's & then either forward them to my PC to print or Print directly from the IPHone.

Reply by Julie/MI on 1/15/13 10:06pm
Msg #450635


I prop the license against the edge of the loan docs. The reflection from the overhead light usually causes a reflection. I use a pen in front of the license if they have a slippery table.

I have an iphone and never had issues with fuzzy photos.

Reply by sueharke on 1/15/13 6:17pm
Msg #450592

I have both a cell phone and portable scanner to take copies of DL, if needed.

Reply by Jack/AL on 1/15/13 6:22pm
Msg #450593

I borrow my wife's IPad for easily taking good photos. n/m

Reply by pat/WA on 1/15/13 6:23pm
Msg #450594


I have an Iphone and it takes good pictures. Except of drivers licenses. Those are blurry

Reply by Jessica Ward on 1/15/13 6:58pm
Msg #450601

You have too much light on it, or you're not focusing

Yes, the scansnap app would be helpful (scan as PDF with your phone).

Alternately, if you tap your photo button once, it will focus, and tap again (fast) it will take your photo. If there's too much light directly it will cause glare, which messes up the iphone's ability to focus. Try turning OFF the flash on your phone, and taking the photo in bright, indirect light.

Reply by La Trese Breaux on 1/15/13 6:27pm
Msg #450595

get the scan App

Reply by sigtogo/OR on 1/15/13 6:27pm
Msg #450596

try Genius Scan app. works great! n/m

Reply by Joan Bergstrom on 1/15/13 6:30pm
Msg #450597

I use Turboscan app for my iphone

I paid the $1.99 for this app and it takes great pictures. 3 steps and I email it to myself.
The free version might work as well. This app solved my picture taking problems.

Reply by Marian_in_CA on 1/15/13 6:46pm
Msg #450600

I don't.... I photocopy them.

I have portable photocopier I keep in my trunk for this very occasion. Works great. I had the same model for years and was dying, but then bought the one I have now for Claudine O. here at NotRot.

I refuse to take a photo of people's ID.... It's just a security issue for me. I wouldn't allow people to take a photo of mine like that, either.

Reply by MW/VA on 1/15/13 7:11pm
Msg #450602

Ditto. n/m

Reply by Barb25 on 1/15/13 7:50pm
Msg #450608

Doesn't anyone just ask the borrower to just have a photcopy there for them when they get there for them to take with them?

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 1/15/13 7:54pm
Msg #450609

Yep..I do Barb...and I mention it again just before I

end my confirmation call.

If they don't have it at the table then they have 3 days to get it to title.

I do have a portable HP copier but it's not working properly - need to get it fixed and I do miss having it - it was really handy. But for now I ask them to have a copy for me.

Reply by Barb25 on 1/16/13 3:07pm
Msg #450701

Re: Yep..I do Barb...and I mention it again just before I

I'm a little late getting back here. But I think this is not my responsibility.... Sometimes there is someone disabled. Or they tried and their printer giving them a hard time but they made an effort and I am feeling generous but why is this my responsibility. Next I will be made responsible for the loan payments. Come on folks. Just sayin.... Anyhow because you all asked (LOL) that is how I feel.. Smile

Reply by LKT/CA on 1/15/13 8:01pm
Msg #450610

Yes, but they still don't...sometimes

All kinds of excuses....too busy, forgot, no home office, etc. I think the OP alluded to the fact that she does ask...and borrowers "keep forgetting".......

Reply by BrendaTx on 1/15/13 8:40pm
Msg #450616

I long for the good old days when people didn't forget...

the important stuff and figure someone would take of we do with our fancy gear, arriving with smiles on our faces, ready to cover their asphalts.

I can't believe I just said, "good old days..." CRXP...that means I'm old.

Reply by Frank/NC on 1/15/13 8:50pm
Msg #450620

About 6-7 years ago I bought a digital camera for about $100 that uses 2 AA batteries. I use it when the borrower can't make copies for whatever reason. It saves time and aggravation. When I get back home I print the ID's and put them in the package with the docs.

Reply by parkerc/ME on 1/15/13 8:58pm
Msg #450621

I always take my digital camera with me just in takes pretty good close pictures. I always remind the BO to have a copy at the table, but yeah they often forget and don't have a copier at home. What I hate about it, is that means I can't drop docs right after the signing...I have to go home and print. Thought about getting a portable printer, but it doesn't happen often enough to justify the purchase. I'm extremely careful about security also. The photo goes to the SD card, I delete it once printed. And to ward off any remarks about other security issues, the SD card is special for just DL pictures and removed from the camera and locked away when not needed just in case something still resides on it...and I destroy the card when it's reached it's life's end.

Reply by Shelly_FL on 1/15/13 10:01pm
Msg #450632

If you want to drop the package perhaps you could fax the pic-ID once you get home. I often have BO fax a copy to me so it will go back with the docs. But if time does not permit it, they get the fax number to send it themselves.

Reply by jojo_MN on 1/15/13 11:13pm
Msg #450640

You have to hold the phone over the license until it is in focus. Then take the picture. My HTC Evo takes 8 mp. Very clear. I find that if you take off the flash, it works better. Also, you might have to position yourself so you don't have the glare from light or shadows. I have never had any problems with the quality of the pictures.

Reply by sigtogo/OR on 1/16/13 12:02am
Msg #450643

good point-I turn off flash for scanning also n/m

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