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Every minute 113 smartphones are stolen
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Every minute 113 smartphones are stolen
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Posted by 101livescan on 9/1/13 7:09pm
Msg #482881

Every minute 113 smartphones are stolen

Today, a woman in Isla Vista, near UCSB lost her cellphone at knifepoint.

Philadelphia is the top ranking US city for high volume, it's rampant across the US. This is a great article. We take our safety and security for granted too often.

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 9/1/13 7:21pm
Msg #482882

You REALLY don't know where the leisure forum is,

do you Cheryl?

And please don't insult my intelligence by telling me that it's aimed at personal safety because of the work we do. I didn't respond to your "panhandling" rant...but seriously - read the rules and follow them - no one is exempt - and you've been getting away with this "misposting", unchallenged, for a long long time.


Reply by 101livescan on 9/1/13 7:34pm
Msg #482883

WOW! My cell is 99% my work phone! Oh, my.

Absolutely for the NSA's safety and security while we are working. So many of us are so distracted by getting places on time, leaving our phone behind when we're departing.

Reply by JanetK_CA on 9/1/13 7:53pm
Msg #482885

There's also the concern re: security of edocs in email n/m

Reply by 101livescan on 9/1/13 7:57pm
Msg #482886


Smart phones are great technology, but scary to think we could be "losing" lots of personal information by leaving our phones in public or getting held up for them!

Reply by MW/VA on 9/1/13 7:40pm
Msg #482884

So, the panhandlers are having their cell phones stolen?

I wish everyone would remember that this isn't FB! Just because business has slowed, I don't think it's necessary to supply us with random news that MIGHT impact our profession.
You're a skilled writer, Cheryl, and I think those skills could be put to better use.

Reply by MW/VA on 9/1/13 8:15pm
Msg #482888

This isn't kindergarten, either. Don't you think everyone

knows there's a risk of having their phone lost or stolen? This is getting ridiculous!

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 9/1/13 9:43pm
Msg #482894

What's "getting ridiculous" ....

... is your guys' snarky attitudes toward interesting, occasionally useful everyday information that Cheryl posts. I didn't notice anyone going all whacko over the post the other day on what to take the hospital. That was farther from a Discuss Work subject than anything I've EVER read 101 posting - even the bed bug post, which by the way attracted other posts that I found useful - like what are we "picking up" at the borrower's house that we don't neessrily want to transport home on/in our notary bags. Got me thinking, at least. Oh wait, that's kindergarten stuff! Sorry, my little mind can't keep up with your more advanced brain power.

Reply by Jana Miller on 9/1/13 9:58pm
Msg #482896

Re: What's "getting ridiculous" ....

Agree. I am new on this forum. I come to get info on everything, answers to questions and see people being very rude. Kind of sad. We are all adults and this is how some treat others. I felt really sorry for Cheryl 101. The phone thing was extremely useful. I will be thinking more about it now. Thanks for the heads up 101 Cheryl.

Reply by Sandra G Holland on 9/1/13 10:02pm
Msg #482898

Re: What's "getting ridiculous" ....

I understand that in the olden days, stealing someone's horse was a felony. I don't think that stealing someone's cell phone (not at gunpoint) is a felony. It should be.

Reply by Linda Juenger on 9/1/13 10:27pm
Msg #482902

My smartphone is password protected. n/m

Reply by jba/fl on 9/2/13 4:19am
Msg #482914

As it should be!

Emergency personnel know how to bypass this to determine ownership, even a 10 year old probably does. But, the real info is safe.

Yes, the CA contingent is very good at bending these rules, then all banding together in a tight little knot attacking anyone who dares to differ. All niceness, if there is any for some, is surrendered at the door and out come the "OMG - this is pertinent because...." justifications.

Strictly speaking - there is a lot here that qualifies for the other forums. Self-censorship is a wonderful means an adult is in charge.

Reply by 101livescan on 9/1/13 10:38pm
Msg #482905

Seneca: "It's better to have useless information than to

have no information at all."

Of course, the Rise of Smart Phone Theft is EXTREMELY useful information. It's such an epidemic that the manufacturers are on top of it, working to make it undesirable and USELESS to steal Smart Phones. Brandishing a knife? Pretty desperate, wouldn't you say? Imagine this young girl's trauma.

Now, call me the information highway, I like being ahead of the curve, especially since I live in the middle of nowhere. I don't have television, I don't play my Bose unless I'm rocking out with housework (seldom happens), and I don't get the newspapers because they are primarily local news, and I like national/international news. I get the NY Times and WSJ online. I LIKE BEING INFORMED, I think MOST intelligent people do, especially trends that affect our livelihoods.

There will always be the negative soothsayers who want to jump my xxx. Sorry, I could care less what you think or how negative you desire to post, especially when honestly people just need to try to be nice, or Winn Clabaugh's book, it will do a world of good and make you feel GREAT!

Really, some people on this forum need to learn to play nicer, or not play at all. Whatever happened to common courtesy, decency and respect for others! Staying positive is a great technique for personal growth, development and happiness. Try it! You'll love it!

Reply by John/CT on 9/2/13 11:19am
Msg #482938

Good for you, Cheryl! Couldn't agree more .... n/m

Reply by Robert522TX on 9/1/13 11:34pm
Msg #482911

Re: What's "getting ridiculous" ....

Yep, who wants to particiapte in a forum when you have to worry about what you are saying will cause a backlash full of accusations and kindergarten style name calling?
Some people seem to use this forum as a way to let out their pent up aggressions on someone who is either trying to share something informative, or something interesting. Just because you already know everything doesn't mean it doesn't help someone else,or that someone else won't find it interesting.

Reply by jba/fl on 9/2/13 4:23am
Msg #482915

What's "getting ridiculous" is people forgetting that there

are two other platforms to express opinions or deliver news to others: Just Politics and Leisure. One should be thinking about content and where it is most applicable. Too much junk on Discuss Work will dilute and pollute.

Self-censor...willingly. Graciously.

Reply by John/CT on 9/2/13 11:35am
Msg #482941

I never, as a rule, go to those forums (fora??) ...

and would have never learned about the warning Cheryl gave us to take care of one of our most important business assets. In worse case if both of my printers ever down, I can always go to Staples in an emergency, where they can print my dox @ 11 cents per page. Horribly expensive, but considerably less than the lost revenue potential from a missed call because of no phone. Frown

Reply by jba/fl on 9/2/13 12:29pm
Msg #482954

Re: I never, as a rule, go to those forums (fora??) ...

You need to be told to take care of your phone so that it isn't lost or stolen? You didn't know this already? I have a hard time buying that from you, John. Did I give you more credit than I should have?

Reply by John/CT on 9/2/13 4:18pm
Msg #482973

Re: I never, as a rule, go to those forums (fora??) ...

Thank you for the credit, Julianne. Yes, I am cautious to take care of my phone, and it goes with me everywhere ... even to signings, when my car is also locked. I keep it in my briefcase with ringer off ... 1 beep, then vibrate. I never pick up, and nobody has ever mentioned my incoming call.

The purpose of my post was simply to pick up on Cheryl's posts, not my own life story.

Reply by jba/fl on 9/2/13 1:01pm
Msg #482958

Re: What's "getting ridiculous" ....

Because Msg #482491 was not about going to the hospital, it was about how when a notary is called to the hospital setting, sometimes there is no ID available and the necessity of there being a valid id to notarize. Major tie-in to work.

Reply by HisHughness on 9/2/13 1:23pm
Msg #482961

I'm taking a collection to finance reading comprehension...

...classes for Golden Girl, who says:
"I didn't notice anyone going all whacko over the post the other day on what to take the hospital. That was farther from a Discuss Work subject than anything I've EVER read 101 posting..."

Direct quotes from that post:
"So many times I have seen badly needed notarizations stymied because the signer did not have the requisite ID with them in the hospital."

"Government-issued identification with picture and signature, preferably driver’s license or passport."

"Credit card or cash sufficient to pay notary if necessary."

Reply by BrendaTx on 9/3/13 11:21am
Msg #483032

Re: What's "getting ridiculous" .... I tend to agree, GG

There are a handful of long time posters who cannot make a single statement without getting throttled.

It makes me feel uncomfortable because I feel like I should speak up, but I don't have time to get into the fray any more.

So, I don't spend as much time here as I did in the past.

Reply by JanetK_CA on 9/3/13 3:02pm
Msg #483047

Re: What's "getting ridiculous" .... I tend to agree, GG

"So, I don't spend as much time here as I did in the past."

And that's our loss... Smile

I agree with your comments. This is the equivalent of the office water cooler/break room for many of us, and as you alluded to, some of us have been coming to this water cooler for many, many years.

I do agree that we should respect the distinctions between the different forums (and have called people on that myself), and make every effort to conform to those separations when posting. However, I'm personally less concerned about keeping off this page things that may have fuzzy lines between Just Work and Leisure (especially when times are slowing, as they are now), than I am about Just Politics, as the latter seems to always get reduced to the lowest common denominator of decency.

Just my personal opinion, but I like this forum much, much better since Just Politics was separated out, as I can choose to avoid it completely. Sadly, though, from the few times I've ventured over there, it seems that separating those topics has somehow been taken as a license to ignore any sense of respect and decorum among forum members. Very sad... BUT, like I said, I can choose to not even open that page! Smile

Reply by Belinda/CA on 9/1/13 10:27pm
Msg #482903

I guard my cell like crazy. It is in my purse locked to a n/m

Reply by Belinda/CA on 9/1/13 10:33pm
Msg #482904

I guard my cell like crazy. It is in my purse locked to a

basket securely closed, in my blouse or in my waistband under my blouse. I know I could download all the info into a new phone but for a day or so I would be shut down. Can't have that! We all have our business tied up in our phones. I basically don't even let many people see the kind of phone I have.

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 9/2/13 4:00am
Msg #482913

Going to eat my dose of humble pie here..

I want to apologize to everyone for my nasty, snarky attitude. I make no excuses for it - just offer my sincere apologies to everyone for it. I'll also concede that you're all right that this may be related to work - that is still questionable to me but I can see your points.

Again, my sincere apologies for my attitude.

Reply by rolomia on 9/2/13 5:18am
Msg #482916

Re: jbl/FL"As it should be!" What?! An adult is in charge???

Since when? That's hilarious! I guess it must be true if YOU believe it. ROTFLMAO!!!

Reply by SueW/Tn on 9/2/13 9:24am
Msg #482929

Re: Going to eat my dose of humble pie here..

IMHO no apology necessary although it was gracious.

You were spot on, both times.

Reply by rolomia on 9/2/13 5:45am
Msg #482919

& every 113 minutes, a notary's brain is stolen ROFLMAO n/m

Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 9/2/13 5:50pm
Msg #482977

I'm sure the hospital admission post .....

.... was very informative ... and perhaps it did challenge my "reading comprehension skills," but all I know is that by the time I got to "clean underwear," which was preceded by "toothbrush" and "current list of meds," I read no further, thinking that it did not apply to me because I don't plan on going to the hospital anytime soon - either as a patient or a notary.

Additionally, if the post was supposed to be a list for potential patients to follow in case they need a notary while hospitalized, I really didn't see how their "clean underwear" or "toothbrush" would be any of my business or affect any notarization I might do. Or, if it was supposed to be a list that the notary should follow before notarizing a patient, trust me on this, I do change my underwear and brush by teeth before leaving the house. But that's probably more than any of you want to know.

Nonetheless, I did not read the entire post nor any of the responses for all the above reasons, and for that I apologize for not giving the post its fair due.

HOWEVER, I also did not jump in and castigate the OP and responders for inappropriate use of Discuss Work, which was my original thought that someone might do. Because, quite frankly, as far as I'm concerned, anything goes in Discuss Work, except maybe YouTube videos of cute 2-year old drummers, how to dehydrate mushrooms and German-made desks with 200 secret drawers - but even some of that might be OK.

I did use the hospital post for comparative purposes to the lashing 101 has been getting for her posts, and again, if it was not a fair comparison, I apologize.

Reply by MW/VA on 9/2/13 8:30pm
Msg #482991

The hospital post was a bit of Hugh's dry humor. The

point of that post was about people who don't have their ID's or money to pay the notary when they call someone to the hospital for that service.
Hugh & many of the "old guard" aren't posting much on this forum anymore. That's our loss. Some of the best info came from a few that we rarely see these days.
The forum is self-governing. Harry doesn't interfere unless we ask for it--that's why the report button has been created. There are times when people try to get away with blatant advertising or posts have gotten horribly abusive.
We still have a right to voice our opinions--agree or disagree.
I don't like some of the recent situations where everyone thinks we all need to jump on the bandwagon to support everyone's blogs. Some are very quick to call it snarky when we're just trying to say that we think the posts are out of line.

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