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Google Adwords
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Google Adwords
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Posted by AngelTX on 9/13/13 9:46pm
Msg #484634

Google Adwords

Is anyone using this service and if so how is it working out for you? Thanking you in advance.

Reply by Jana Miller on 9/14/13 4:48pm
Msg #484699

Yes I use it and it has been AWESOME for me. I have a separate one for my notary business and another one for my Apostille business. I get so many calls for GNW and do quite well each week, even without the loans I'm still bringing in more than I did as a paralegal when I started out years ago. But the apostille business has been busy lately. My ad is hooked up so when they click on it has the phone picture that they can click and it dials directly for me.
I pay to have my name in the first 2-3 spots. On the keywords that people would use I bid higher. I'll go on and see what I average. I'm in San Diego so competition is high so if you want the biz you have to make it worth it. It definitely is my number one source of calls.
Make sure when you sign up you can call and ask about different locations...when I started I did it on my own not knowing my ads were showing up on east coast and places it wasn't necessary. I ended up getting and paying for 20 clicks a day. First month I think I paid 600.00 on it until I called and asked them about it. Now its the normal amount of around 5-10 clicks per day and average 4-5 signings a day. 5 day work week if averaged out like that.

I recommend it. Good Luck!!!

Reply by Jana Miller on 9/14/13 5:02pm
Msg #484701

Ok, I just checked and I've spent 500.00 since Aug. 1st. But I made 530.00 on 2 Apostilles last week so it is definitely worth it. Couple people that found me on google that needed their docs apostilled. Smile

Reply by Linda_H/FL on 9/15/13 5:39pm
Msg #484727

So you netted $30 - before costs...

Why does that not sound like a profit to me? And are you sure those 2 apostilles found you as a result of Adwords?

I just looked into it - for my area and my business, it seems very pricey - no way would I pay $500/month for advertising.

God Bless you people in CA. Smile

Reply by Jana Miller on 9/15/13 6:24pm
Msg #484731


No. The clients who have called regarding apostille or notary I ask "where did you find me" "I found you on google under apostille". So that is how I know. Same for basic notary jobs too.

I don't know what you mean by $30 net. Apostille charges are 120.00 for first doc and 75.00 for docs thereafter. I charge 175.00 for me to drive to Los Angeles (2hour drive) So the few I did last week were added the 175 since they wanted it within 48 hours.. They each had 5 documents. Total was 555.00 each. SOS is 20.00 each. So Secretary of State fees were 100.00. 6.00 one time fee at the SOS for walking it in. Gas I used was 40.00. Total 140.00. Out of 555.00 the NET was to me 400.00 which is worth it. Time is money in my opinion. I charge less than most of them in San Diego.

RE: GOOGLE ADWORDS...The money I spent AT FIRST BEFORE I KNEW was the 500-600 UNTIL I called and figured out how to advertise just in my area. NOW the amount I pay now is about 25.00 a week NOW. Sometimes more sometimes less. And you have to understand I do an average of 3-4 GN a day each week. Average fees I get paid is 60.00 PER appointment. The apostille is cake money.
At the end of the week my average with just GNW and NO loans is around $500-600. Add a nice $300 profit after doing the apostilles I did, I would say that is pretty good. Google adwords have definitely made me money on GNW so I have no complaints at all. Smile Now I have a pretty good client base so its worth it to me.

Yes California's seem to not have a problem paying the money I charge. Which is great.
Did I make any sense or not? Thanks Smile

Reply by AngelTX on 9/15/13 7:29pm
Msg #484734

Re: Explanation

i think i have not been charging enough for apositlles. so it is 175 per document and that is you walking it in to the Sos? and then the 75 per document after that? I am really thinking about the adwords for my photobooth to get work but i think i am going to do it for my general notary work as well, thank you for your help. any other advise on the apostilles?

Reply by ananotary on 9/15/13 11:54pm
Msg #484755

Re: Explanation

Hi Jana,

Thank you so much for sharing this information on the forum regarding google Adwords. Would you mind if I asked a few questions? I am located in Orange County and am trying to boost my general notary work also. Do you need to have a website? I'm working on this now. I wish I would have done it sooner. What kind of key words do you use on google Adwords? Any information you would share is greatly appreciated!! Did I understand correctly, you pay about 25.00 per week for this service?

Thanks for your help!!

Charlene Ortiz

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