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Msg #36990

2 replies
OJ passes at 76
By  Cheryl Elliott on 4/11/24 10:10am

What a sad life. He once lifted himself out of poverty with his football career, but then fell all the way to the bottom in such darkness. He would never recover from the fateful events he set in motion.

Msg #36982

4 replies
My first (& last) eclipse. 20 years to next time.
By Lee/AR on 4/8/24 2:49pm

It is quite an experience. What surprised me is how quick it got dark and you could see stars...only during totality...and how little sunshine it takes to cast shadows. Weather was perfect; not a cloud in the sky. Temps did drop gradually and, while there was less light from start to finish, it was more like a cloudy day and less like twilight arriving every night that I thought it would be.

Msg #36978

1 replies
Shake Shake Shake Senora!
By Bear900/CA on 4/8/24 12:55am

Somebody help me!

Msg #36972

0 replies
Dedicated to the CA DMV
By Bear900/CA on 4/5/24 11:43pm

Msg #36962

2 replies
Rain and hail
By Bear900/CA on 4/5/24 11:46am

Somehow the tomatoes have survived, so far. Lettuce is loving the cold weather.

Needed a fun song today. My wife just played this at work.

Msg #36961

15 replies
Fun time with the CA DMV
By Bear900/CA on 4/5/24 11:06am


Good thing I have a sense of humor with these characters although I did write them a scathing letter and copied the Office of the Director of Motor Vehicles and the CA State Attorney General. I got a response yesterday. In short it threatened, and I will explain in a minute the scenario, that they intend to do all sorts of mean and nasty things to me including:

- Revocation of my truck registration and subject to citation if driving the vehicle (phhtt!)
- Attachment of any income tax refunds
- Seizure and sale of the vehicle
- Civil action to obtain a judgement

They'll probably put up a Wanted Poster at the post office. What really bad thing did I do???

I always pay my DMV registrations online but this time I sent a check about a month in advance. I received no renewal. I kept checking with my bank and my check never cleared. I would be penalized if my payment wasn't on time. I called the DMV and was put on circle hold for over an hour and finally talked to a manager who said the amount was still due. The DMV has an online site I also checked, and it showed due.

I checked again on the last day before penalties would be assessed and no payment had been made to my account. So, I went online and paid a SECOND time by credit card. Knowing they are screw-ups and would someday find my check and try cashing it, I put a stop-payment on the check. They did find it and did try cashing it, and now I'm a criminal for writing a dishonest check. So, I'm in losing battle with their Dishonored Check Unit. It gets better.

They sent me a refund for the full amount. You can see where this was going. So, I waited for them to catch up with themselves. A month later I received a threatening letter and said I must now pay the amount, with penalties in the form of a cashier's check.

So, I paid them a THIRD time and sent the letters out. I also sent all my documents and asked for a refund of my penalties. I mailed by certified letter and have my receipt from the post office that they received it a month ago.

I got a follow-up letter yesterday with all the threats listed above and demanding a FOURTH payment. At this point I actually started searching the internet for DMV scams, but this is legitimate. Sadly.

This morning, I will go to my bank to see if the money order has been cashed. My guess is that it hasn't, much like the very first time.

I will need to send them a letter with all my documentation and tell them to FIND THE CHECK!

I may need to contact Mr. Hanky to post bond to get me out of jail soon. Frown

Rehearing the Jail House Rock....

Msg #36950

11 replies
People are starting to talk more about the eclipse on 4/8.
By SC/CA on 4/2/24 12:58pm

Here’s a link to see what percentage of totality you’ll see in your area.

Enter your zip code into the chart and it pulls up the data. Remember, never look directly into the sun. Even during a partial eclipse, where the sun’s not fully covered by the moon, eclipse glasses are quite necessary, as retina damage can still occur. Beware of bogus glasses too.

We’ve seen a partial and a total, and they were completely different experiences. I highly recommend both. The partial was cool. But the total was a different animal altogether and was mind-blowing. Unfortunately, we’re unable to travel to see the totality and will only get a slight partial in our area. I wish everyone excellent viewing! Keep looking up! :-)

Msg #36947

5 replies
Once Upon a Time in the West
By Bear900/CA on 4/1/24 12:38am

Movie came out 55 years ago starring Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Jason Robards, and Claudette Cardinale. If you just watch it as a western you may get bored trying to patchwork some of it's 2 hrs and 45 minutes together.

It's actually a sphegetti western and the Italian director focused on subtle visuals and sounds with very little talking at the beginning. But there's something extraordinary about it. It's music is written by a famous Italian composer responsible for music in some of Clint Eastwoods westerns.

Next time, listen to it. It's almost an operatic musical. Charles Bronson, Jason Robards and Claudette Cardinale have independent musical scores that follow them throughout the movie. When you're aware of that it changes the whole experience.

Here's each theme for the actors in the order listed. Haunting, fun, and beautiful.

Msg #36946

0 replies
RIP Lou Gossett Jr.
By  Cheryl Elliott on 3/31/24 12:19am

Thank you for all your art, contributions to the arts and humanity. You have been a great advocate for fellow artists. You have left an indelible mark on society. At a time when we need people with your passion, you have gone to rest. You will never be forgotten for all you have done.

Thank you, Lou Gossett, Jr. Blessings and peace be with you.

Msg #36945

0 replies
#9 Dream
By Bear900/CA on 3/30/24 10:15pm

John Lennon -

"This was one of John’s favorite songs, because it literally came to him in a dream. He woke up and wrote down those words along with the melody. He had no idea what it meant, but he thought it sounded beautiful. John arranged the strings in such a way that the song really does sound like a dream. It was the last song written for the album and went thru a couple of title changes: ‘So Long Ago’, and ‘Walls & Bridges’.

The album Walls And Bridges was recorded in July and August 1974. By that time Lennon had settled on the title ‘#9 Dream’, and had a chorus refrain – “Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé” – which he claimed had come to him in a dream.

The words had no meaning but summed up the ethereal atmosphere Lennon conjured up in the lyrics and production. Coincidentally, the phrase had nine syllables."

Msg #36943

1 replies
Some birds aren't meant to be caged
By Bear900/CA on 3/30/24 4:47am

Morgan Freeman as 'Red' -

"I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free."

Patricia Janeckova was just 15 years old when she sang this 10 years ago.

She passed 6 months ago...

Msg #36929

2 replies
You'll never see anything like this
By Bear900/CA on 3/27/24 10:23am


Msg #36928

3 replies
Me walking early in the morning
By Bear900/CA on 3/27/24 9:36am

Msg #36914

10 replies
Garden news
By Bear900/CA on 3/24/24 3:15pm

I know Cheryl has hers going. Hopefully others will get inspired.

Last few years I didn't plant until early or mid-April but this year we have an early Spring so great time to get some plants in the ground.

We spent half a day two weeks ago and topped off the five beds with new compost then planted seeds and seedlings. That's pretty early and was a bit of a gamble but timed it just right and it's now taking off. Lettuce is off to a fast start, and we should be able to start harvesting in a week or two. we planted several rows and varieties.

For seedlings we planted lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, eggplant, green onions, a variety of tomatoes, a variety of peppers and broccoli.

For seeds we planted cilantro, green onions, chives, radishes, butternut squash, Thai basil and arugula. May have planted more but can't remember. Radish and arugula are up and running.

We always mix herbs to repel some pests and attract predator bugs to kill the bad bugs. Herb seedlings we added are Thai basil, a lot of Italian basil and thyme, I have left-over parsley and oregano.

I put a dozen tomato plants in, mostly big reds and small golden delicious. Trying a couple of Aussi big reds that are supposed to grow to as much as two pounds. Will need to add a lot of phosphorus around the tomatoes and peppers to get bigger fruit.

I'll plant carrots mid-summer to harvest in fall and winter. Right now, they'd be in the way of early spring plants.

We're have shower/sun activity this weekend so took a sun break yesterday and planted a bunch of wildflower seeds along the fence and at the end of the garden beds. I did a bit of research on companion flowers and herbs for vegetables so upped my game this year by adding more basil along the tomatoes, chives along the kale and broccoli, and sweet alyssum which draws in predator bugs to eat things like aphids.

Two weeks ago, the garden looked scraggly and now it's starting to mature nicely. We've narrowed down to just planting what we eat.

Hope all are enjoying the early Spring. Great time to be outdoors! Reminds me, I need to plan a camping trip.

Msg #36912

4 replies
By  Mike Goodey on 3/24/24 1:49pm

Unconfirmed reports state that a large group of Russian troops has amassed in Syria near the Israeli border. This information is coming out of Israel via Israeli television reports. If this is true then it could be the invasion from surrounding countries in an attempt to annihilate Israel. Turkey, Libya and Iran would need to get involved, which would not be a surprise.
We all need to stay tuned as this will definitely affect us all.

Msg #36907

1 replies
Credit Card Skimmers ... just a reminder
By  Yoli/CA on 3/23/24 10:54am

Recently, my daughter had her debit card hacked. She didn't realize it until her credit union called her to ask if she's been using her card in San Francisco, Sacramento and Florida, various designer retailers and Amazon. Nope to all of them! It took a couple of weeks for the whole thing to be cleared up and her funds returned. Meanwhile ....... ;(

Msg #36905

10 replies
Happy old dogs and small new tricks.
By SC/CA on 3/22/24 2:06pm

I’ve been slowly altering my lifestyle, and it’s paying off. I’m inspired by the responsiveness from my doctors, things I’ve researched and incorporated, and tips and inspiration on this forum. It wasn’t one big thing, nothing dramatic, just a lot of little things.

I’ve gained muscle mass, lost 4 inches in my waistline and went down 2 sizes, in about 3-4 years. And more importantly, I have more endurance, less pain, and better health. I weigh exactly the same, just more fit. I listened to Janet when she said she ate more fruits and vegetables to increase health. I realized that I wasn’t eating enough fresh fruit, and increased intake. I listened to Bear when he talked about plant-based diets, increased legumes and tofu, and got mega inspired by healthful recipes. I watched the Live to 100 show that Bear suggested and increased my physical activity through yard work. I was especially inspired by the amazing ax-wielding 105 yr old woman on the show and asked my husband to teach me how to chop wood. Now I help him chop and haul wood, and model/lumberjack Elizabeth Hurley is my secret role-model. I listened to Cheryl and Bear when they talked about their love of garden- fresh foods, and Yoli and Carolyn when they talked about medical advocacy and health, and Donna with awesome Eugene cuisine and good attitudes. It all helps!

Strongly advocating for specific types of medical care has yielded surprising results. My doc recommended spinal injections and pills for pain management for chronic thoracic pain. I asked for acupuncture, chiropractic, and P/T, which I got. I’ve been going to a pain management center that I didn’t even know existed and would not have known about had I not asked. No injections for chronic pain. Acupuncture and chiropractic have been fantastic. I listened to P/T when he showed me some of my old dog exercises - and how they could be done differently – much to my benefit, and increasing my yoga/isometrics and cardio, over time.

I like the idea of listening and being open to changing things for the better in a safe, gradual, and consistent way. Maybe a bit boring... but it’s been great! My mantra has been: “Keep up the good work, you’re on the right track”. Simple but good :-) Thanks for the inspiration!

Msg #36904

2 replies
Color printer info - anyone have?
By jba/fl on 3/21/24 5:32pm

Looking for color printer that is easy, fast, inkjet. Anyone have a favorite? Why? TIA

Msg #36902

1 replies
Paradise Found!
By  Yoli/CA on 3/21/24 8:53am

I had a HELOC signing yesterday in the little town of Paradise. This is the same town that was devastatingly flattened 5-1/2 years ago by the Camp Fire.

More than 5 years later, Paradise is still rebuilding. What used to be a forest is now only a few trees left standing.
Construction going on everywhere. Heavy equipment on the road up to town. The blessed survival spirit of the residents is palpable.

This was my first time to ever visit Paradise. Glad I was given the opportunity. Smile

Msg #36896

5 replies
Amniotic Membrane Treatment
By  Cheryl Elliott on 3/17/24 12:07am

I had this procedure two weeks ago and just had the followup today. It helped me to see better in my right eye. The second one will be done in two months. Any one else had this eye treatment?

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