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Msg #83251

6 replies
Guilty x 34 n/m
By Clem/CA on 5/30/24 4:09pm

Msg #83241

8 replies
Which way did they go George??
By Mike Goodey on 5/21/24 12:41pm

During an NAACP speech our president of the United States made this comment about when he was "the vice president during the pandemic" and he was talking to Barak....

Oh no say it Ian't so Joe.Senility, dementia!!

Msg #83236

1 replies
Yes indeed
By Mike Goodey on 4/29/24 1:53pm

Saw this on a shirt while at the do's office.
" Can you trust the government? Ask an Indian."

Msg #83235

0 replies
Interesting article about misinformation interview.
By SC/CA on 4/28/24 1:01pm

Some excerpts. Interview questions:

"It’s not your job to change people’s minds, but I wonder, after reporting this documentary, what you think can be done to get people to agree to the same set of facts? "

"Your demeanor when you conduct these interviews with people saying incorrect things is friendly. It’s respectful. I was disarmed by that because, while you do point out inaccurate things people say during these interviews, you also ended up talking to people instead of disagreeing with them. How do you go about conducting these interviews? "
"It’s opening people’s eyes in that way a bit. But I think more importantly, it’s being willing to have the conversation in the first place. Being actually willing to sit down and talk with folks in the first place. "

I give the documentarian a lot of credit for his tempered approach. I would think it would take a willingness to be patient and practice the skill of empathy. We all have such varied viewpoints. I don't think I could be that tempered but am inspired by those who do make that effort. I often ask myself, "how do we engage in discussing misinformation and potentially conflicting viewpoints in a way that is respectful."

Msg #83233

3 replies
Grandpa, nap time!
By Mike Goodey on 4/24/24 4:51pm

I haven't burned Biden in a while but I just couldn't let this go. Biden was doing a comedy stint about Trump and as he is reading the teleprompter he sees the word "pause." Well, being the astute president of the United States of America, instead of following the message and pausing, he actually says 'Pause" like he thought he was supposed to!!
Can you imagine the heads of all other countries laughing at us because of this yutz we have as our leader?
It's embarrassing to admit Joe Biden is the leader of our country....and he's running again with the laughing hyena as his vp????

Msg #83231

1 replies
FISA, good, bad, indifferent?
By sigtogo/OR on 4/17/24 7:25pm
hopefully this Link works. seems to be a thorough description of FISA and its ramifications.
IMO privacy is absolutely to be upheld ... until it crosses into the territory of harming others.

Msg #83226

0 replies
Oh no Joe, not again.
By Mike Goodey on 4/9/24 4:43pm

Joe Biden is at it again. Realizing that to younger voters he "stinks" Joe comes up with his ever popular "Debt forgiveness plan" for college students.
First of all, how is this debt forgiven? Oh, it isn't !! It's placed on John And Jane Q. Public!!
So Joe is moving debt around, the old shell game only anyone with half a brain realizes that each and everyone one of us will be paying that debt for years and years to come.

How's that for buying votes? Shouldn't Joe be buying votes with his own money?
Then there's AOC who thinks it's a grand idea. With the debt forgiven they can go abroad! What about the rest of us who weren't able to go to college, let alone a university? Speaking of which, this "forgiveness" allows schools to keep raising fees with no end. But Joe says he won't stop trying to get the younger votes.

Don't get me started on what these schools are teaching!!!!!

Msg #83218

2 replies
TX Politician ran on elimating the very position he won ...
By Moneyman/TX on 3/30/24 10:44am

and he is following through on it. He campaigned on it, won election, not taking the $117K/yr salary he is entitled to, and doing exactly what he said he would do: definitely not your typical politician that's for sure.

"Newly elected Galveston Co. treasurer working to eliminate his own position: 'Not a needed position' "
Friday, January 6, 2023

GALVESTON COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Running for an elected office you would like to see eliminated does not happen often, but that's exactly what is going on in Galveston County.

Hank Dugie, the newly elected Galveston County treasurer, ran on the promise that he would reduce the size of government, starting with his position.

"My campaign centered around the idea that the office is a waste, taxpayers could save money if we abolished it. It's really not a needed position anymore. It doesn't provide any extra level of protection for taxpayers, all it does is cost them dollars," Dugie said.

The office of the county treasurer is typically in charge of duties such as reconciliation of accounts, disbursement of checks, and payroll. So if there's no county treasurer, who will take over those responsibilities?

"We won't have to hire more people. We are actually downsizing, saving taxpayers money, and at the same time, we are streamlining, making our processes safer so that the county taxpayers' dollar will be better kept," Dugie explained.

He says the four employees currently working for his office will eventually be moved to other county offices but will continue carrying out their current responsibilities.

For the position to be eliminated, a constitutional amendment will have to be filed, it will have to pass in the Texas House of Representatives and Senate and then will be on the ballot for Galveston County voters in November of this year.

So how much money is this move expected to save?

"As we consolidate duties and we find more efficiencies, I think we will save about half a million dollars a year," Dugie said.

That's money he believes can be spent better elsewhere, or saved.

"In the long term, $500,000 a year buys new roads, digs ditches, and can be put back to taxpayers in the form of savings, so there's a lot of important things that can be done with the money," Dugie said.

Nine counties in Texas, including Tarrant, Bee, Bexar, Colin, Andrews, El Paso, Gregg, Fayette, and Nueces, did away with the treasurer position years ago. The last time this happened was in 1987.

"Galveston County in the past has had some issues with some of its finances. It's a lot easier for voters to hold commissioners court and the county judge accountable for an appointed auditor than it is to hold an independently elected county treasurer responsible who most people don't know who they are nor what their responsibilities are," explained Mark Jones, professor of political science at Rice University.

On Jan. 3, Dugie filed an affidavit filed with the Galveston County District Clerk's Office, which is necessary to start the process of getting the position eliminated. The affidavit also states he decided to forego his treasurer's salary, which is $117,260.

"I think giving up the salary shows people that this isn't a get-rich scheme. This is an actual policy position that I hold very dearly," Dugie said.

Msg #83216

0 replies
20 years saw a huge swing in "beliefs", not for the better
By Moneyman/TX on 3/30/24 9:38am

"Remember when Democrats talked like Republicans?"
Bill Clinton in 1995 --

<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="">Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code</a></div>

Bill Clinton was referring to this when he mentioned Barbara Jordan --

<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="">Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code</a></div>

Before anyone attempts to use the myth that "Republicans were for illegal aliens entering the country because they wanted cheap labor" myth (i.e. Lie), here is a sample of what Republicans in 1995 were actually saying about illegal aliens entering the country illegally, as well legal aliens legally entering the country (in a time when even the common citizen understood the difference between legal and illegal aliens in the U.S., unlike today).

Are there any Democrats willing to argue FOR the party's current position on illegal aliens illegally entering the county (i.e. their open borders policy) and how (and why) the party's position has so drastically changed since 1995?

Msg #83215

1 replies
Talk about covering all your political bases ...
By Moneyman/TX on 3/30/24 8:52am

"Biden Decries Criminalization of Cannabis Consumers Even As He Insists They Have No Second Amendment Rights"

We all know that just about all politicians double talk, but just how often are they this blatant with it?

Msg #83214

2 replies
sigtogo/OR - correct forum. You just trolling or joining...
By Moneyman/TX on 3/30/24 8:47am

the discussion? I still stand by my observations in this post about Justice Jackson, what say you?

"My biggest concern," said Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson on Monday, "is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways."

She is a Supreme Court Justice and she doesn't even seem to understand what the 1st Amendment IS for; to hamstring the government!

Msg #83210

7 replies
#9 example
By sigtogo/OR on 3/27/24 11:29pm

Today, on his social media network, Trump attacked individuals related to his upcoming election interference case. He lashed out at one of the prosecutors on Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s staff who previously worked for the Justice Department; Judge Juan Merchan, the judge in his upcoming criminal case for election interference; and the judge’s daughter. Of the judge and his daughter, Trump told his angry followers: “These COUNTRY DESTROYING SCOUNDRELS & THUGS HAVE NO CASE AGAINST ME. WITCH HUNT!”

Letters from an American, HCR

Msg #83209

3 replies
Trump, world's biggest hypocrite, selling Bibles!!!
By sigtogo/OR on 3/27/24 11:24pm

this would be laughable if it wasn't the most cynical thing he could be doing in effort to make money. today that it. No doubt he will come up with something even more outlandish tomorrow.

let's see what are the Ten Commandments?
You shall have no other gods before Me. DJT has done this
You shall make no idols. DJT has done this
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Boy, he has certainly done this!
Keep the Sabbath day holy. nope-he has not done this.
Honor your father and your mother. he has spoken ill of his father many times
You shall not murder. debatable given the insurrection.
You shall not commit adultery. we cal certainly all agree on this, right?
You shall not steal. ask all his unpaid subs and Trump U students
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. goes without saying
You shall not covet hahaha of course he hasn't!

he should probably buy one of the Bibles and try reading it!

Msg #83204

3 replies
Kate Middleton
By  Mike Goodey on 3/22/24 5:26pm

Princess Kate Middleton has just announced that she has cancer and is about to receive chemotherapy treatment soon. Her father-in-law, King Charles, just months ago declared his cancer diagnosis.
Princess Kate went in for abdominal surgery in January this year. The doctors found out about the cancer after the surgery.
My question is why did she have surgery? Did they have some reason to think it might be cancerous? Just like it is here in America no one wants to be honest and up front. But as far as the royal family, they have never come out and told it like it is. History reveals that fact. At least not until King Charles let the world know he had cancer.

Msg #83202

4 replies
I imagine a Supreme ct Justice knows more than moneyman lol n/m
By sigtogo/OR on 3/21/24 10:32am

Msg #83198

1 replies
rich pay "fair share"
By Art_MD on 3/18/24 7:52am

I've yet to find what politicians consider the "fair share" that the rich should pay.

The top 1% (over $650,000) already pay 45.8 % of the income taxes collected.
The top 10% (over $165,000) pay 75%
The top 25% (over $94,000) pay 89%

Msg #83196

3 replies
Schumer rant
By  Mike Goodey on 3/17/24 2:52pm

The Biden campaign has used their whipping boy, Schumer, to satisfy the muslim populations in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. They have let the Biden people know that they will not vote for Biden unless restrictions are put on Israel. So Chuck Schumer proclaimed to the Israeli people that they needed a new election ad to get rid of Netanyahu.
Thought interfering with another country's election was an international crime. Has our country stooped that low? Biden is ok with what Schumer had to say. Anything to get the muslim vote I guess.

Msg #83192

3 replies
By jnew on 3/8/24 9:20am

Our president wishes to eliminate title insurance on federally insured refinances. How does that affect us? They will still need signing agents but they may not be hired by title companies. Prospects look discouraging. If you like unlimited federal spending. open borders, urban crime you have the right leader for yourself.

Msg #83188

1 replies
It's about time
By  Mike Goodey on 2/28/24 2:26pm

Mitch McConnell has declared that in November he will be leaving the senate. It's been a long road and America appreciates the work he has done. His health is not what it used to be so I'm happy he has decided to rest and enjoy life while he can, although the benefits of a senate job are pretty cushy.

There needs to be term limits but neither the house nor senate will ever pass such a measure.

Msg #83184

1 replies
Biden's replacement for president in 2024
By  Mike Goodey on 2/25/24 1:19pm

The Democratic Party will remove Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the ticket and insert Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom to run for president and Vice President. Sound far fetched? Just wait, Joe will suddenly come down with an illness and will have to drop out of the race, taking Kamala with him.

This looks like the only ticket the dems have to win in November.

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