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I agree 100%
Posted by CJ of CA on 9/1/07 9:28am Msg #173
Here is Southern California, AMERICANS are minorities. I signed a guy in a very nice upscale neighborhood. I would guess the houses were at least $750,000. He said that an extended family of Hispanincs bought a house on the street, and now they are always in the front yard being loud, there are a LOT of extra cars coming and going and parking near their house, (and bumping their Ranchero music), there is trash on the street, including dirty diapers, and Hispanics are going door to door selling pirated videos. He said he is not prejudiced, but now their nice, quiet, clean, friendly neighborhood has got this miserable barrio element in it. All of that is standard in the poorer parts of my signing territory. It is like living in Mexico. If you want to take a vacation to Mexico, save your money and just come to Southern California.

America was built buy immigrants, but the immigrants who built America didn't come here looking for handouts. They also said, "We are Americans now", and learned the language and culture. The Hispanics come here and they say, "We are entitled", and they are tearing America down. I see it with my own eyes every day. I go into their homes, and they have their Spanish TV on, they are all Speaking Spainish, illigitmate kids running around like so many puppies, and they tell me that California REALLY belongs to Mexico and they are going to repopulate it. I was raised to not be prejudiced, but what I see every day here boils my blood. They want us to be tolerant, while they flaunt their prejudice and distain.
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Messages in this Thread
 in my mailbox to share: -  jba/fl on 8/31/07 1:35am
 I agree 100% - CJ on 9/1/07 9:28am
 Re: I agree 100% -  TRG_wy on 9/3/07 4:09pm

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