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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Re: Great idea!
Posted by  MelissaCT of CT on 8/30/07 12:31pm Msg #211
I like the interview idea...that's a good one. I do scrapbooking & it would make for a really great page!

What's funny also about your post is something I learned from my son and I use it in my Sunday School class (3-year-olds). That is: Even though it seems that they are not listening, they do hear EVERYTHING you say and they WATCH what you do. Actions are louder than words, but words do eventually sink in.

I think he was about 2 years old when he was out in the yard & started heading for the road. He stopped just short & said "not in the road" -- the mantra we'd been repeating ad nauseum for the past 18 months.

My dad & 3 uncles were in the military (navy & one was a MP) during Vietnam and my cousin's boyfriend just got deployed to Kuwait -- your family & son are in my prayers.

You are right about influencing them while they're small. I had a signing last night & the little boy (probably about 3 years old) had the BEST manners I've seen in a very long time. I had to comment to his parents about his exceptional manners. Things like that are directly related to parenting skills. Children learn from watching how their parents interact with others as well as by verbal direction & reminders. As time goes by, the reminders become less frequent as the behavior becomes second nature.

The same approach doesn't work for every child -- there are some who just have to learn the hard way & through personal experience. We see them on here all the time! LOL
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Messages in this Thread
 First day of First Grade for my son today -  MelissaCT on 8/30/07 10:19am
 Words of wisdom - CJ on 8/30/07 10:32am
 Re: Great idea! -  MelissaCT on 8/30/07 12:31pm
 Re: My baby will start kindergarten this year. - Mindy_WA on 8/30/07 1:15pm
 Re: My baby will start kindergarten this year. - Sylvia_FL on 8/30/07 1:32pm
 Re: LOL your expense - Mindy_WA on 8/30/07 1:55pm
 Re: LOL your expense - Sylvia_FL on 8/30/07 2:13pm
 Re: Happy BIRTHDAY!!! - Mindy_WA on 8/30/07 2:47pm
 Re: Happy BIRTHDAY!!! - Sylvia_FL on 8/30/07 2:55pm
 LOVE it! n/m - Mindy_WA on 8/30/07 3:03pm
 Re: Happy BIRTHDAY!!! Sylvia.... -  Charm_AL on 8/31/07 7:16am
 Re: Aww Sylvia!!..the HAPPIEST of birthdays to you!! n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 8/30/07 8:49pm
 Sylvia - Happy BELATED Birthday... n/m -  MelissaCT on 8/31/07 2:08pm

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