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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Re: Morning walks
Posted by SC/CA of CA on 2/16/24 12:28pm Msg #36852
How wonderful. Sounds incredibly beautiful! I can just picture it in my mind. Still no accomplices. LOL :-) You’ve done it again Bear, you’ve inspired me to get out more between the raindrops!:-) Thank you! I made shrimp pizza (yum!) for V-day, with a side of heart-shaped beets. Such fun. And now... yes, I need to walk it off. Especially since we have leftovers. :-)

I’m totally feeling the change in the air too. Everything is growing like mad with all of this rain. It’s such a gorgeous time of year to enjoy, with the cherry trees blooming and daffodils popping, and the longer days are inviting us to do so. I’ve noticed the change in the birds too. The mornings are filled with new and beautiful bird sounds. We have an osprey nest that sits high atop a snag that we can see from our deck. Every February, at the first sign of Spring, the osprey migrate from Mexico to nest in the same tree with each successive generation. We watch them through our telescope and have seen them as they mate and raise their offspring. It's so cool ! We’ve seen a matting dance around the nest, flying lessons with the not-so-small chicks, and numerous feeding times with salmon – which isn’t always an easy task – they lost one once to the valley floor just before landing on the nest – it was too big and they were tired. My husband joked that he’d wheel the bbq underneath the nest :-)

Happy Spring to you! Enjoy your walks! We’ll be walking too! :-)
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Messages in this Thread
 Morning walks - Bear900/CA on 2/15/24 10:11am
 Re: Morning walks - SC/CA on 2/15/24 3:48pm
 Re: Morning walks - Bear900/CA on 2/16/24 9:55am
 Re: Morning walks - Bear900/CA on 2/16/24 10:32am
 Re: Morning walks - Bear900/CA on 2/16/24 10:36am
 You just brought back a beautiful memory, Bear -  Yoli/CA on 2/16/24 10:44am
 Re: You just brought back a beautiful memory, Bear - Bear900/CA on 2/16/24 12:33pm
 Re: You just brought back a beautiful memory, Bear - SC/CA on 2/16/24 12:50pm
 Re: Morning walks - SC/CA on 2/16/24 12:28pm

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