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Re: It
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 5/29/21 6:17pm Msg #78790
Another one who can't call politicians he doesn't like by their actual name - the bagger school of insult, just dehumanize your opponents.

I regret (not so much, actually) to inform you that your State is not in deficit:

Who have you been listening to? And before you call it "fake news", please provide a source that proves otherwise.

Second - there is nothing wrong with incentivizing people to get vaccinated if that's what it takes. The more people vaccinated, the closer we get to herd immunity and the less threat we have from the virus. What do you find objectionable about that?

Should they do it without an incentive? Absolutely, but a lot of people don't work that way and instead take a "what's in it for me?" mentality. Well, if protecting your family and your neighbors doesn't move your needle, maybe bribery will.

The other option is to wait for the "Deux ex Machina" we were promised - that moment when everything is suddenly alright. If you recall, Trump told us that it would all go away, like magic. That worked in Greek tragedies, but in real life - not so much. You actually have to do something to make it all go away, and if that means bribing people to take the vaccine, I'm all for it.
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Messages in this Thread
 It's only money !!! -  Mike Goodey on 5/27/21 9:37pm
 Re: It - Luckydog on 5/28/21 8:33am
 Re: It - SC/CA on 5/28/21 3:56pm
 Re: It -  JanetK_CA on 5/28/21 4:21pm
 Re: It - MikeC/TX on 5/29/21 6:54pm
 Re: It - MikeC/TX on 5/29/21 6:17pm
 Re: It - Luckydog on 6/11/21 4:40pm

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