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Re: At least Biden admits
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 1/20/22 6:08pm Msg #80240
"We are talking about Biden, HE is the president, not Trump!"

That's right, Trump is not the president - and I thank God for giving us that sweet gift every day...

I'm comparing Biden to Trump because the behavior you seem to find problematic with Biden is the same behavior that Trump (who is also old) exhibited - yet you had no issue with that then. NOW it's an issue that our leader is old?

People are complaining that Biden can't complete a sentence, yet virtually every answer Trump ever gave to a question over his 4 years in office was either a lie or an incomprehensible word salad. But you were OK with that.

Biden just did a 2-hour press conference, something Trump would never even consider because of his short attention span. Did he misspeak occasionally? Yes, but all politicians do. The point is - if he's the mental basket-case that you and other haters think he is, how did he pull off a 2-hour press conference where he answered questions from the floor? Not scripted, not prepared in advance. How does a person with dementia - as you seem to believe he has - do something like that?

You're saying that Biden is cognitively impaired, with absolutely zero evidence other than your own opinion and maybe some videos you saw from other Biden-haters on YouTube. Where is your proof?

We need receipts. Show us the proof that Biden is as impaired as you think he is. If you can't do that, then please stop saying it, because you're just spreading right-wing disinformation.
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Messages in this Thread
 At least Biden admits -  Mike Goodey on 1/12/22 10:41am
 Re: At least Biden admits - MikeC/TX on 1/12/22 6:14pm
 Re: At least Biden admits -  Mike Goodey on 1/13/22 12:37am
 Re: At least Biden admits - Calnotary on 1/13/22 12:50pm
 Re: Trump’s wall around Colorado - Carolyn Bodley on 1/13/22 10:21pm
 Re: At least Biden admits - MikeC/TX on 1/13/22 5:24pm
 Re: At least Biden admits -  Mike Goodey on 1/13/22 6:08pm
 Re: At least Biden admits - MikeC/TX on 1/13/22 10:14pm
 Re: At least Biden admits -  Mike Goodey on 1/20/22 12:33pm
 Re: At least Biden admits - MikeC/TX on 1/20/22 6:08pm
 Re: At least Biden admits -  Mike Goodey on 1/20/22 8:47pm

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