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Begs the ?, Was the leak really an accident, or a test run?
Posted by Moneyman/TX of TX on 1/25/24 1:47pm Msg #83141
After reading the linked news reports and watching the video (below), I don't believe the question in the headline can be simply written off as some "conspiracy theory" by the average person, regardless of their political leanings.
Agree/Disagree? Let's have a discussion.

Based on how, and the specific demographics of the population in general, the original strain of China's COVID-19 affected and infected (i.e. largely, the older and/or individuals with compromised health issues) personally, I have always wondered if it was not being created as some form of 'population control' for China to possibly use on it's own citizens (with population growth and shrinking natural resources, could the CCP's "one child" policy not actually be as effective enough for the CCP), or for to be used against a perceived CCP enemy State.

For the most part, the original strain didn't infect young children or young people. The younger adult population that were infected, basically had similar outcomes as a bad case of the flu and an extremely low mortality rate as a result. Although the overall mortality rate in the U.S. was (as the government now admits) was less than the average flu season mortality rates, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems were the ones with the more sever symptoms and a much higher mortality rate than others in the general population.

After what the lab in China inflicted on the entire world, it is now being reported that a Chinese Lab has created an even deadlier (100% death rate) strain of COVID. WTH!!??

IMO, these labs need to be stopped and the entire world needs to ensure that China sees a regime change with the CCP (to borrow a phrase from JFK) needs to be shattered into a thousand pieces. The Chinese people, nor the world population, deserve to see just how many more deadly viruses China labs can create; especially those labs with a bad track record regarding safety protocols to protect against Lab Leaks of said created deadly viruses.


Lab Lunacy: China Creates (a 100% mortality rate) Mutant COVID Strain
By Corey Olson
Jan 24, 2024
* I have added TinyURL links (to save space) within the copied story -- don't trust TinyURLs? -- use the above link and click on links within the article there *

Lab Lunacy: China Creates Mutant COVID Strain
By Corey Olson
Jan 24, 2024

The Chinese are at it again. Four years after the coronavirus emanated from Wuhan, China leading to a global pandemic, Chinese scientists are conducting gain-of-function research on that same coronavirus. A new report ( ) says scientists affiliated with the Chinese military recently engineered a mutant strain of coronavirus that was lethal in 100% of lab mice. The mice themselves were also genetically mutated, leading to questions about the safety and efficacy of these experiments.

"I think until we really have a better debate about whether there is any value in this gain-of-function research, we ought to have a moratorium on it," says Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC director in an interview with Fox News ( ) "Clearly, we don't have the biocontainment up to par to do this kind of research. I think it is very dangerous."

The research is especially dangerous, considering the growing evidence that the original COVID-19 pandemic stemmed from a leak during gain-of-function research at the Wuhan laboratory. At the same time, new evidence shows China withheld vital info ( ) about COVID-19 from the world in the early days of the pandemic. Both Dr. Anthony Fauci and his former boss at the National Institutes for Health (NIH), Dr. Francis Collins, now admit ( ) the lab leak theory is credible, after they discredited it as a "distraction" or "conspiracy theory" throughout the pandemic.

Redfield says U.S. leaders should have been more forthcoming and open-minded about the virus from the start, rather than pushing one narrative. "They did this, I think, largely because they thought they were protecting science, and the science they were protecting is this gain-of-function research that they want to do," Redfield tells Fox. "But in fact, they did the opposite. I think we've lost a lot of credibility in both the NIH and the CDC, unfortunately, because of their lack of transparency."

"Here’s What Dr. Fauci Has Said About Covid’s Origins And The Lab Leak Theory"

And let's not forget about Fauci's discovered emails instructing others not to mention any possible lab leak as the source (thus promoting the fake idea that any Lab Leak discussions were simply "right-wing conspiracy theories", while he knew the truth all along).

Chinese scientists experiment with 100% fatal mutant COVID strain | NewsNation Now

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Messages in this Thread
 Begs the ?, Was the leak really an accident, or a test run? - Moneyman/TX on 1/25/24 1:47pm
 But what about the Pangolin from the jungle meat market - Lee/AR on 1/25/24 3:43pm
 Re: But what about the Pangolin from the jungle meat market - Moneyman/TX on 2/4/24 11:10pm

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