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Re: Well, here we go again.
Posted by Moneyman/TX of TX on 2/17/24 12:33pm Msg #83170
I think there is more truth in your last sentence than most people may realize, or would like to admit.

I had not even considered that possibility. Given the huge, some might even say overblown, issue that Democrats made over including legal, as well as illegal, aliens in the population count in the last census - the population numbers controls the makeup of the U.S. House of Representatives, it begins to seem a lot more plausible that just such a long-term hidden agenda could be a major factor in the open borders policies of the Democrats.

In all honesty, of the two major political parties, the Democratic Party is much better at playing the long game than the Republican Party when it comes to laying the groundwork for long-term future political agendas. The Republican Party is not as self controlled and are willing to pass laws without any regards to the possible unintended consequences down the road.

I thought the reason Biden is not only allowing, but encouraging, this literal invasion of illegal aliens might be tied to future voters. Recently, in several different areas of the U.S., there have been several Democratic politicians pushing for non-citizens to have the right to vote, at least in local elections (I'm can only imagine this is just their, Dems, ideal starting position on expanding voting rights for non-citizens). I'm not saying that they could not be working both agendas at the same time, they very well might be.

It's only a conspiracy theory if it is not true. Considering that the last two Democratic presidents (Obama & Biden) BOTH acknowledged that the President does not have the Constitutionally legal authority to take certain actions (e.g. DACA & Student loan forgiveness are just 2 examples), only to abuse the President's Executive Orders authority to order our government to do exactly what they pointed out that they, as President, were not legally allowed to do under the Constitution. So promoting an invasion in order to get the political party's long-term agenda enacted doesn't seem to be out of character.
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Messages in this Thread
 Well, here we go again. - bagger on 2/5/24 10:48am
 Re: Well, here we go again. -  Mike Goodey on 2/5/24 4:58pm
 Moneyman directly below: -  Yoli/CA on 2/6/24 8:24am
 Thank you for the info, I did not realize that - Moneyman/TX on 2/17/24 11:33am
 Re: Well, here we go again. -  Mike Goodey on 2/6/24 1:06pm
 Re: Well, here we go again. - Moneyman/TX on 2/17/24 12:33pm
 BINGO! Here is the proof, Mike - Moneyman/TX on 2/22/24 3:43am
 U.S. Marines only had a budget of ~ $53.2B - Moneyman/TX on 2/5/24 6:39pm

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