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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Are our freeways safe?
Posted by  Mike Goodey of CA on 5/25/21 12:37pm Msg #33009
Speaking about this 6 year old who was shot and killed in Reseda while is mom was taking him to school. Apparently, she flipped this motorist off, (don't know what he had done) and a man and woman followed this parent and shot into the trunk, the bullet went into the back seat killing the boy.
She didn't know what had happened until they arrived at school. Can you imagine the horror she faced and the horror she will face for the rest of her life? Knowing that her gesture caused her sons' death?
A single motorist, I can see, but a man and woman?
When will this abrasive behavior stop?
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Messages in this Thread
 Are our freeways safe? -  Mike Goodey on 5/25/21 12:37pm
 That child's death was on the news. So sad! Who does that -  MW/VA on 5/25/21 6:55pm
 Re: Are our freeways safe? - Luckydog on 5/26/21 11:33am
 Re: Are our freeways safe? - MikeC/TX on 5/27/21 5:38pm
 Re: Are our freeways safe? - NVLSlady/VA on 5/28/21 7:02pm

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