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I have bats!
Posted by Luckydog of FL on 6/22/21 11:54am Msg #33117
So I love bats, don't get me wrong, just not roosting in my walls. Last night I thought I heard something on the roof like a squirrel or even a raccoon. It turns out I have a colony of what I believe to be evening bats. I have a small opening under the eave, maybe 1" x2" and they are going in and out of it. I do not have an attic, just about an 8" airspace between the ceiling in my bedroom and the roof. I heard them almost all night coming in and out and 7:00 AM was party central! The momma's coming in nursing their pups, all probably finding the best place to sleep it off for the day. Little clicks, squeaks, wings fluttering, scratching sounds loud and clear.
Well, upon learning all I can about the little critters, they are all protected in FL anyway and cannot be removed until mid-Sept. Right now, they all have their pups and nursing and they cannot fly out yet. When I can, they do make something called a one-way exclusion. It's a clear pipe of sorts mounted to the entry which allows them to fly out and a flap prevents them from going back in. It's illegal now because they are raising their young, so I guess I will just have to have a long summer listening to them until I can get it done.
The bigger problem is the guano. It's very toxic to people and you need to get it removed, however with no attic, and them pooping between the outside brick and my old plastered 1958 walls, it seems it will be impossible to remove any of that. Hopefully it doesn't present any issues down the road. IDK
Good thing is that bats only have 1-2 pups a season, do not chew or cause harm to anything unlike rats or mice, it's just their guano. I wouldn't even mind mounting a bat house on the property or on the house controlled to remedy the situation, but for now, they won anyway.
Anyone else ever have to deal with a bat colony?

In Delray Beach FL I had a swarm of killer bees in the condo I rented. They estimated in the millions. They were so mean you pound on the walls and could hear them bumping trying to get you, come in through the electrical outlets, the light fixtures...that was horrible. The beekeepers said every year or two they go back to the same place, as they leave their pheromones. The sheeting they removed was about 8 feet by 10" and dripping with aggressive angry bees and honey. They were the South American killer bees that kill reg. bees and just about everything else they can sting.
I'd take the bats anyday!
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Messages in this Thread
 I have bats! - Luckydog on 6/22/21 11:54am
 They'll get rid of mosquitoes & other pests for you. -  Yoli/CA on 6/23/21 12:47pm
 Re: They - Luckydog on 6/23/21 8:32pm
 We get swallows - Bear900/CA on 6/23/21 12:53pm
 Re: We get swallows - Luckydog on 6/23/21 8:36pm
 Bat update - Luckydog on 6/25/21 9:15pm
 Please be careful of a health hazard...from what I've - Linda_H/FL on 6/26/21 11:32am
 Re: Please be careful of a health hazard...from what I - Luckydog on 6/26/21 1:34pm
 Re: Please be careful of a health hazard...from what I - MikeC/TX on 6/26/21 5:46pm
 Re: Please be careful of a health hazard...from what I - Luckydog on 6/26/21 6:39pm
 I think my bats may have left - Luckydog on 6/29/21 9:29am
 Re: I think my bats may have left -  Yoli/CA on 6/29/21 10:46am
 Re: I think my bats may have left - Luckydog on 6/29/21 1:55pm
 Re: I think my bats may have left - NVLSlady/VA on 7/2/21 2:35pm
 Re: I think my bats may have left - Luckydog on 7/9/21 10:07am
 Friend shared a funny bat story she recalled - NVLSlady/VA on 7/9/21 2:38pm

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