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Notary Profile
Julien Rickard   -   Los Angeles, CA

General Notary Work & Real Estate Notary Closings 5 Stars Reviews on Google For Los Angeles National Notary Association Member Certified Loan Signing System Certified Notary Learning Center Loan Signing Certified Daily Task Completed Deeds, Wills, Power of Attorneys, Contracts, Affidavits, etc Notarization of Trustee Certification Of Investment Powers Notarization of 1003 Notarization of 4506 Notarization of DOT Notarization of PCOR Complete Notice of Right to Cancel correctly Hiring me for your signing will ensure that your borrower has a great signing experience. I meticulously go over each and every document to ensure that signatures, dates, and initials are complete and properly filled out. I also triple check key documents such as the PCOR ,Notice of Right to Cancel and 1003 to ensure they are filled out properly. Documents will be returned promptly and on time as soon as the signing is complete (I know all my local FedEx drop off times) and I will keep you informed throughout the whole process. You can be confident that you have a quality signing with me and I’m looking forward to working with you. Licensed -- Bonded -- Insured Common Notarizations = Billing affidavits, Subordination Agreements, Purchase Agreements, Insurance Forms, Travel Consent Forms, Trust & Wills ,Marriage Licenses, Bill of Sale, Power Of Attorney, Titles, Affidavits, Acknowledgements, Jurats , Inspection Services & more



Serving Areas

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  View Original  This profile was last updated on 8/2/2024.

Phone NumbersInternet Addresses
Preferred Phone:714.833.2037
E-mail:Please try back during normal business hours

732 S Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90014
732 S Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90014

Notary Details
24 Hr Service:Yes
Does Fingerprinting:Yes
Has Laser Printer:Yes

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