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Notary Rotary

Notary Profile
Dennis Lobach   -   Hixson, TN
I am a licensed, bonded and Insured, Insurance Agent of 30 years and have also been a paid notary for over 19 years, notarizing trusts, Mortgages, refis, and time shares all on time and with not one error in processing. When you contact me with the parameters of the assignment: type of docs, address, pages zip code, day and time and total # of pages to be printed I will reply with my availability and fee which is based on the parameters of the assignment. For instance if you want me to go to a signing at 9pm over the mountain in another county and time zone, on any day including weekends. I'm the person to call. My fee will be much higher than a day time appointment in my own zip code ...fair enough? Mileage, travel time, # of pages to print and time with the client all effect the fee. Please do not insult the importance of the service you expect me to complete by sending me an assignment expecting me to do it for $40. My standard fees are $100-$125+++, in town and $150+++ for out of town.
  View Original  This profile was last updated on 3/24/2018.

Phone NumbersInternet Addresses
Preferred Phone:423.991.4221
E-mail:Please try back during normal business hours

4615 Delashmitt Rd
Hixson, TN 37343
4615 Delashmitt Rd
Hixson, TN 37343

Notary Details
24 Hr Service:Yes
Has Laser Printer:Yes

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