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Notary Rotary

Notary Profile
Maureen E. Robinson   -   Winchester, NH
I have been commissioned as a Justice of the Peace for over 20 years and have been an NSA for 15 of those years. I am a charter member of the Signing Registry and am also a member of the ASN. My commission is valid in the entire state and I will travel, but am mainly active in the Southwest corner of the state. While most of the transactions I handle are refi's, I have done Reverse mortgages, purchases,firsts, seconds, helocs and construction loans. I have done e-loans but would have to use the borrowers or another partys equipment as I don't have the volume yet to justify the expense. It has come to the point where I find it uncomfortable to drive in the dark in unfamiliar areas so will not do late signings. I welcome loan packages that are prepared and printed out by the lender. I am scaling down my NSA activities and am doing mostly very close or private notarization. I do try to make an effort to do shut in, hospital or nursing home notarizations I will accommodate VT borrowers who can travel to a mutually convenient place in NH. With enough advance notice I can officiate at weddings in MA.
  View Original  This profile was last updated on 5/19/2020.

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E-mail:Please try back during normal business hours

11 Tamarack Cir
Winchester, NH 03470

Notary Details
Has Laser Printer:Yes

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