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Re: The Left finally believe in voter fraud. Whoda thunk?
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 12/28/16 8:48pm Msg #69074
Chris - there's nothing about the Russian hacks that point to voter fraud, and I haven't seen any evidence yet from any RELIABLE source that the Russians actually got into our voting system. What we do know is that they were trying to cause confusion, but I have not seen a single credible source that says they were responsible for voter fraud.

As far as the Clinton campaign refusing to "authenticate"- they had no reason or responsibility to do so. These were emails stolen from a private account. In what universe is the victim required to state that what was stolen from him is true and factual? It was a criminal action; had it happened to the GOP, they would have been in the same position.
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Messages in this Thread
 The Left finally believe in voter fraud. Whoda thunk? -  Moneyman/TX on 12/28/16 7:14pm
 Re: The Left finally believe in voter fraud. Whoda thunk? - MikeC/TX on 12/28/16 8:48pm
 Re: The Left finally believe in voter fraud. Whoda thunk? -  Moneyman/TX on 12/28/16 9:21pm

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