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The "Southern Whitehouse" is totally unsecured
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 3/28/17 7:13pm Msg #69961
We don't know who is around Trump when he is at Mar-a-Lago, because they have inadequate security for POTUS, and the Secret Service doesn't appear to be taking the lead to fix this:

The more interesting part of the article, especially the second graf:

"Although Trump himself has called Mar-a-Lago the “Southern White House,” the resort has none of the security apparatus present at the president’s Washington, D.C., residence. Politico reported the resort doesn’t require guests to submit details like a middle initial, birthdate or Social Security number — standard features for visitor logs.

The Secret Service also doesn’t conduct weapon screenings or use bomb-sniffing dogs to check vehicles at the resort, even when the president is present, Politico reported.

The lax security presented concerns for not only the physical safety of the president and his family but also the nation. In February, Trump was having dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Mar-a-Lago dining room when news reached the leaders that North Korea had conducted a ballistic missile test. Instead of retreating to a secure area, the dining room became an impromptu situation room, in full view of dozens of diners."


This will not end well. He either has to stop going there or the Secret Service really needs to step up its game. How do you NOT check for weapons or bombs around POTUS??? How do you not have a secure area in case of an emergency?
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Messages in this Thread
 The "Southern Whitehouse" is totally unsecured - MikeC/TX on 3/28/17 7:13pm
 Re: The "Southern Whitehouse" is totally unsecured - bagger on 3/29/17 3:14pm
 Nothe Korea. Japanese PM etc at Mar a lago in the open - Bob_Chicago on 3/29/17 4:27pm
 Re: Nothe Korea. Japanese PM etc at Mar a lago in the open - MikeC/TX on 3/29/17 5:57pm
 Re: Nothe Korea. Japanese PM etc at Mar a lago in the open - bagger on 3/30/17 5:20am

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